20 September 2000

Wayne continues to keep in touch with his family and friends as regularly as he is able. He has now been in the mission field for 13 months. His enthusiasm is undiminished, and he just loves the work he is called to do.

This month, after sending another missionary home (that's 4!) in Cleveleys, just north of Blackpool, he was transferred to Rhyl in North Wales. He is now, for the first time, a senior companion, and is looking after a fairly new missionary, Elder Knight, who has been out only 4 months. Wayne is looking forward to the challenge of deciding where to go and what to do to improve the area's missionary work.

Wayne was sad to leave his last area. 2 families there wanted to adopt him, and really looked after him! We are grateful to all those who have looked after Wayne on his mission, and helped him with transport, advice and food. A mission marches on it's stomach (I think that's how the saying goes!).

Before leaving Cleveleys, Wayne sent a message to all you good folks out there! This message is printed below. Thanks again for all your love and support.

Phil & Angie Herridge


Dear friends and neighbours, this is Elder Herridge. It's been a while since I personally wrote anything for this site, and I am happy to have a little time to do so. I am amazed at how quickly time has gone since the 18th August last year when I left for the MTC in Preston. Since my entry into the MTC my learning and my understanding have increased greatly. I have discovered so much more about the purpose of this life and the reason for missionary work. I have never been able to fully express my feelings for the work that I am a part of. In the words of my Mission President, President Wightman "In this work you're the best God has".
It occurred to me that missionaries sometimes just don't grasp what their calling is. It's one of the greatest callings of a young man or young woman's life. A returned missionary up here said that "if you don't know why you're on a mission you'll know when you get home why you were supposed to go."
Having an understanding of why we're on a mission helps me come to understand my life and what it is that I have to improve. I am no way near perfect, but if we could just catch a small portion of the magnitude of this work and why we're here on earth, we could understand why things happen and give us all the motivation to do better in our lives. It's a wonderful feeling. I've had a lot of faith-promoting experiences since my mission began. They've all had different results, but have each made me stronger too.
I often wonder where our motivation comes from. Have you ever wondered where? I've had long hard thinks about that and I came up with the root. The root of motivation, I found to be, is dedication and confidence. I learnt a great lesson from my dad once while I was at college. I asked him where I got the motivation to do the coursework I had been assigned to do. He told me that the motivation comes from doing it. If we have confidence and are dedicated to what we do we produce our own motivation. It might be hard to grasp, but it's simple and true.
President Ezra Taft Benson said that the greatest secret of missionary work is work. If we can just learn this one principle. How much more we could learn from each other. We could work miracles. I know that many people come to this site to see how I am doing, some members and some non-members. To those who aren't of this faith, I'd like to address this to you: I just wanted you to know that I know that we are all children of a loving Father in Heaven, and that his plan for us is to bring us back to his presence. He loves each of us and knows our situations. He will help us if we but ask him. I am grateful for this sacred opportunity to share the true restored gospel with my brothers and sisters. I know it's a lot to take in but it's true. I hope it made sense to you. Thank you for all of your support and  your love. You are all great! Thanks. Bye.
Elder Wayne Herridge

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