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Coral Clark's Material Setters And BooksFree Bears! Oh Baby!Welcome to Ruth's Mini-Class
Ruth will guide us as we make a wonderful Vest using the screening substance. Here's our instructor:
The screen is super easy to sew on, I couldn't believe it! I think it is 56
cents a yard at Home Base. Some places it comes in grey I've heard. Just
look in the screen section and you will feel how soft it is. They have
some pre-packaged, but I figured by the yard was less. I used the lining
portion of Butterick 5289 and cut the vest out with no side seams.
At first I was very careful to hoop solvy and then the screen and then a
piece of solvy, but soon got brave and just hooped the screen with a piece
of solvy under it. The screen doesn't keep the hoop indents if you take it
out right away. I tried to use a ball point needle so the screen wouldn't
be pierced, but soon started just grabbing old needles. Nothing seems to
phase it, it sews up really fine. The metallics didn't even break!
I thought a small binding would be good, so just used the narrow folded bias
and a regular foot and it went on like a dream. (I usually have trouble with
bias tape.)
The pockets have the tent scene and the table scene from George's site. I
just folded the top down on those and didn't use binding. Wish I had done
the grass better, but it wasn't until after I had the ants on that I decided
they needed grass and started experimenting. Actually, the best way
eventually was freehand, but by then I had too much on it and don't think
you can pick out any stitches on the screen!
Yes, I got the idea from all the talk about the vest on other lists.