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Welcome To Our Pfriends Cyber-Classroom

This week's Instructor is:


cj will teach us the little she knows about Autotrace.

download pray.bmp

click here to download .bmp file

Unzip buster file and send to PcdWin. With pc designer open, Look up top and select design. When the menu drops down, select load bmp and hit ok, or just click twice on buster.bmp and it will open. Look up top again, and select Tools. When the Menu drops down, select autotrace. Ignore all the options for now and just click OK. Wait a second while the software does its thing and you should see this:

Look across the top on the tool bar and find a symbol that looks like this:The screen will change to this:

Type in the new number 2.5 then click ENTER on the keyboard (not the X) The design should look like this:

Select this symbolfrom the tool bar. Zoom in to get a closer look at the left ear.

Point your cursor on about the second or third stitch that is not touching the ear. Highlight it, Now select the other Magnifier (right next to the one you just got) to zoom back out. With the stitch highlighted, go down and zoom in on the left bottom corner.Hold down the shift key and highlight that last stitch in the corner. The stitches running from the left ear to that corner will now be highlighted and sort of dashed lines. Press ctrl and H, and those stitches will be deleted.You have just deleted stitches that you don't need. You've left behind one or two jump stitches that can be clipped as the design sews out. You need to zoom in and get rid of some of those annoying stitches running across the book and his face. You cannot make a mistake because if you delete something you need, You have 16 back moves (undo) to put it back like it was by selecting thissymbol. Now that you have eliminated annoying stitches that you would have had to remove later and that would interfere with your fill stitch function...we can move on to some pfun. Select the fill stitch functionsymbol from the tool bar. The screen will look like this:Check everything I checked. The stitch angle is really up to you. How would you color this buster fellow? Would you color him in an up and down motion? Side Ways? You are the artist pfriend. For now select 45 as the angle. Click OK. That little bucket is your fill bucket. Click on his left select the color blue from the color bar. Continue to do the other leg...face, shoes..etc...selecting the appropriate colors...When you are satisfied...send him to the machine and sew him out.Have pfun changing the angles. Sometimes this may happen.Now we don't want his face and shirt the same color...Hit edit and undo...or select the back symbol I showed you earlier...zoom in and take a look. You probably need to add a stitch or two to close up the line that seperates his heard and arm. Highlight one of the stitches between his arm and head...and select set stitch symbol. You will get something like thisFigure out how to close that line up that seperates the head and shirt....And when you figure it out, ggg please share that info with me, ggg I am learning with you at this point...But I hope you now know more than you did.....cj

Archived Cyber-Classes:

  • Tote bag
  • Lingerie Bag
  • Totally Fabric Greetings Card
  • Footstool from juice Cans


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