"Take heart! I have overcome the world."

This website is devoted to those who are in an alternate lifestyle, and know they are in trouble.

If you are feeling trapped, or if you feel like you are spinning out of control, please take a minute and email me. I don't have all the answers, but I will be happy to share what I have learned.


the author of this website abhors violence of every kind, perpetrated against anyone, no matter who or what they might be. Jesus commanded us to love one another, and it is for this reason I speak out.


I have come out of lesbianism, so that's what I know about most. However, I think alternate lifestyles all have a lot in common: we feel as though God might have made a mistake. We feel like we really don't belong anywhere. No matter where we are, we don't fit in.

I don't think I was born a lesbian, but I DO think I was influenced by things over which I had no control. I know that everyone who was responsible for my well-being as a child did the best they could with the best intentions at heart. It would be wrong for me to be unforgiving toward someone, when God has forgiven me for all of the times when I have missed the mark.

When I first felt attraction for other women, I was too young to even KNOW what I was feeling. I remember having strong feelings for a teacher I had who took the time to talk with me and praise me when I did well on an assignment. I was also attracted to a missionary who was so in love with Jesus, that she kind of exuded love on everyone around. I didn't act on those attractions-I just had no idea what I was feeling. As I got older, I felt attracted to my close friends. By then I knew this was not considered acceptable, and I was careful to keep it to myself.

Then a new girl moved into town. She was pretty and outgoing, and I was delighted that she picked me for a friend. We would spend whole nights talking and laughing, and soon we were spending whole nights hugging and kissing. When that girl moved away, my whole world ended!

I was still dating boys, and not facing the fact that I was a lesbian. I wanted with all my heart to be like everyone else. I wanted to fall in love with a man and get married and have babies-all the romantic stuff girls think about! After having my heart broken twice by boys who were not ready to make a commitment, I married the first one who was.

After only a few short months, I moved back home with my family, three months pregnant. When my beautiful son was born, and I grew tired of being with my parents, we moved to an apartment and I went to beauty school. I dated during that time, but met no one looking for more than just sex. I graduated from the school and moved to another town to begin working in a good salon. I had a good following, and soon started my own shop. While all this was going on I was having an affair with a married man who finally went back to his wife. I was heart-broken again. I had reached my lowest low, and I cried out to God for help. God, of course, was there waiting to forgive me, and to help me back to my feet. This was the first time that I really understood what Jesus did on the cross, and how much God loved me! It changed my life forever!

For a long time everything went great-I studied my Bible and spent time in prayer. I joined an on-fire church, and worked very hard helping to spread the Good News. Then I met a young woman who was a dynamic Christian. We became good friends. We started out sharing Jesus, and ended up sharing a bed.

Soon I met a nice Christian man, and he wanted to marry me. It was an offer I couldn't refuse, but not because I was in love with him. I was just tired of the struggle of being a single mom. Looking back now, I can't believe I would do such a thing! I remember wondering why the power of God had gone out of my life! I really was blind at the time.

For a few years we were happy. I had another beautiful baby boy, and we tried to make God the head of our home. God very nearly made a good thing of our marriage, but I had another lesbian affair. The marriage went downhill after that, and eventually I gave up, thinking to myself, "there really isn't anything to that Christian stuff." The Bible explains how one can become blind, and unaware of the desperate need in one's life:

"You say I am rich ; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing. But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." (Revelation 3:17)

It is all clear to me now, but it took MANY years to see the light. I believe that even though I tried to ignore God, God continued to call me back. I had a series of other lesbian relationships. I tried to make each one of them last, but I always felt restless and empty. I would then blame it on my lover and move on to someone else. I think God finally had enough, and allowed something very devastating to happen. I had to cry out for help, or I would not have survived. God was waiting for that, and almost immediately showed me what to do: Share very honestly with my lover that I had re-committed my life to God, and that our relationship had to end. I was afraid to do that at first. What would this do to my lover? How would she get along on her own? How would I? How could a good Christian just LEAVE like this? It took some time, but I finally understood: I could trust God. God was in control.

I broke free from my lesbian lifestyle at that point. God has given me the strength to overcome my temptations, and is showing me new things about myself all the time!

Now my worst struggle is with loneliness. I don't go around telling everyone my story, because many are not open to it. So I am still on the outside, looking in. The only difference is, I know I am just a pilgrim here-only passing through! I have also learned to tap into God's precious strength and feel God's constant presence. When I do that, I am able to get through the rough times!

My search for God has caused many of those I love a lot of pain. I hope that by sharing this, I can spare someone else the pain we have suffered.

God Bless!


"You give but little when you give of your posessions.
It is when you give of yourself
that you truly give."
Kahlil Gibran


Isn't it strange that princes and kings
and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
and common folks like you and me
all are builders for eternity?

To each is given a book of rules,
a block of stone and a bag of tools;
and each must shape 'ere time has flown
a stumbling block or a stepping stone."

author unknown

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