Hebron Lions Club 1998-99
(Year in review)
July 1998
Moon Walk - Lion Bob P. July 4th.
Lion of the Year Lion Fred Ridgeway.
4th of July Parade Lions Jesse & Rich & daughters.
Installation of new officers Broncos in Crown Point.
John Blank road block. Lions Brian & Rich
Banner Night 7/25/98 at LaPorte, In.
August 1998
Entertainment Books Lions Ken S. & Ted
Road Block for the Scout Cabin. Lion Jesse
International dues Paid in full.
New member Lion Dale Miller
September 1998
Ring toss Lions Roger & Brian. Valpo popcorn festival.
Zone meeting 9/17/98 at the Old Heritage Inn, Hebron In.
Kouts Pork Fest Parade 9/19/98 Lion Brian and his wife.
October 1998
Call A Ride, donated 300.00
Fire Dept. donation 100.00 for United States Flags
Membership Month Lion Dick
New members are Lions Dave Buckmaster, Ken Gross Jeff Gideon, Bill Gideon,
Rick Gideon, and John Goheen.
November 1998
Pancake Breakfast Lions Ed & Rich 11/22/98
Zone meeting at Shelby, In. 11/12/98
December 1998
SCROD Donation of 100.00
Decorate Christmas Tree & raise the sign. Lion Brian and Rick G.
Food for Shut INS, Lion Rick S.
Angle Tree, Lion Rick S.
Meat Raffle Lion Dick
New member, Lion Charlie Pogue
January 1999
Mid winter conference - 1/9/99 at Frankfort High School.
Zone meeting 1/25/99 at LaCrosse, In.
Nomination of new officers Dave Buckmaster
Donation to 25A District Projects, 50.00 to each of the seven projects.
Lion Tim Earle from LaCrosse, 100.00 donation to help with expenses.
February 1999
Governors Dinner Meeting Old Heritage Inn on 2/18/99
District 25A convention 2/27/99 at LaPorte, In.
New officers are officially voted into office.
Membership Month Lion Dick
New members are Lions Jeffery Fausnaugh and Walter Alexander.
March 1999
Pancake Breakfast Lions Ken S. & Ted.
Donation to Stephanie Baron, 200.00 (exchange student)
State Convention
April 1999
Visit sister club (Kouts)
Donation to Scout Cabin 100.00
May 1999
Cancer Bowl-A-thon, Lion Dick
John Blank scholarship, Lion Rich
Hebron Lions Memorial scholarship, Lion Rich
Lion of the Year committee, Lions Jerry & Rosie.
June 1999
Hebron Soccer League donation, (Sponsorship) 75.00
Forth of July fireworks donation, 100.00
10K Run donation, (Lions Club Signs)
Purchased American and Lions club flags for pole at Hotel.
District dues
Planning for 4th of July events.