Perfect Attendance Awards for 1998 -1999
To receive a perfect attendance award, a Lion must
attend 12 meetings in one year.
A Lion may also receive credit toward attendance by
working at a service activity.
Out of 44 Lions in the Hebron Lions Club, there are
26 with perfect attendance this year.
30 years – Lion Don Rosenbaum
27 years – Lion Dick Gideon
24 years – Lion Ray Bales
13 years – Lion Jerry Martin
10 years – Lions, Don Brawner, Marv Tanner, Jesse Hoshaw, and Joe Don Lazorik
9 years – Lion Ed Trapp
8 years – Lion Rick Steinhilber
5 years – Lion Richard Daniels
3 years – Lion Neil Hough
2 years – Lions, Brian Bridenstine, Bob Pryde, Fred Ridgeway, Ken Sosby, Ted Ziants, and Ron Zinn
1 year – Lions, Charlie Pogue, Dave Buckmaster, Ken Gross, Bob Oliver, Dale Miller, Jeff Gideon, Bill Gideon, and Rick Gideon
CONGRADULATIONS! Keep up the good work next year.