Do you think you could open your HEART and your HOME to a child that needs a loving,caring family?
In the UK today the are not enough foster carers for children brought into care.
If you think you may be able help these children then contact either your local social services or a fostering agency.
I feel that people prejudge these children,as though they have something wrong with them.Children come into the care system for a number of reasons.
It could be that the sole parent has to go into hospital
and if there is no family support you could be the life line for that family.
There are also children that need long term fostering,
this means that the child could be with you till they leave the care system when they are 16 years old.
Whatever the reason for children being in care they still need love,understanding and care.
You don't need to own your home,have children or not have them,you won't be judged if you don't work to become a foster carer.
Just make a call,find out,you never know you may just be that special person that is needed.
If you feel that you need more information e.mail me
or if I'm online message me,I will help if I can.