As I mentioned in my
previous writing "Simply Basics," "we" tend to stick very
close to the basics in just about everything we do! The less you complicate your life, the
better off you are!
We have been homeschooling for 10
years now, but actually it's been 16 years and 5 months since I count all the
teaching I've done since my first child's birth! Homeschooling is not just the
academics!!! No way!!! We, as parents, are homeschooling our children
from the moment they enter this world! Our definition of
"homeschooling" is simply: teaching your children at "home!"
I'm not speaking of just any "so called" home though! The
Webster's Dictionary definition of "home" is: "a family thought of as
a unit." A "happy home," of course is a dwelling place as
well. So, if a "home" is to be considered a "happy dwelling," then
that is obviously telling me that "homeschool" is a "happy" school.
And what is school? "A period or session of an educational institution"
(Webster's). So, with that, a "homeschool" is: "A period or session
of education in a happy dwelling." Right??? Home: "happy dwelling"
and School: "a period or session of education." You can't call a
"dwelling" that has no love or nurturing in it a "home!" Therefore,
those "dwellings" don't qualify to be a called a "homeschool!"
But, if your "dwelling" has plenty of love, nurturing and happiness, then it is
called a "home!" So, if anyone ever asks you if you
"homeschool," you should say yes! Any loving and
caring parent "homeschools!" We are teaching our kids 24 hours a day!
Around the clock! We are educating our children when we speak to one another, whether in
respect or disrespect. When we cook and clean our "homes," when we potty train
the toddler or teach them to spoon feed themselves, when we pray to God and study God's
Word daily, when we add 2 cups of flour plus 1 cup of flour. When we read them stories and
talk to them about our pasts. Everything, simply everything is education!!!
Good or bad...
So, now that we true
"home" schoolers all understand that we are teachers, we need to decide
what materials we will be using to aid us in educating our children
academically. You can purchase a packaged curriculum, which contains every subject
that you will need. It could be one grade level or divided up into various grades.
These can be nice because everything is right there for you as the teacher.
All you need to do is just do what it says! Some folks like that security, but
for us that doesn't work! We like to use "individual" books of
our choice! The reasons why? Because we don't always like all of
"one" company's literature. We might like their math book but not their grammar!
When you buy a packaged curriculum you buy all "their" literature!
I did that when I first started "formal" academics 10 years ago, but quickly
noticed that "their" history book wasn't what I really wanted and
neither was the math. I did like their spelling though! So I purchased an
expensive packaged curriculum and I didn't end up using half of what came with
it! Don't get me wrong here! I did look it over before I bought it so I knew what
I was buying, but until you actually teach it to your children day in and day out, you're
really not 100% sure it will "take!" I also didn't like the packaged
curriculum because they are usually divided up into grade or age levels. We don't
go by grades or age! We simply do a lesson and if the child does not master it completely,
we do not go on until they have. We also will stay on "one" subject for
an entire day if needed and not do any other subjects that day if the child is having
problems not catching on or even if they just are having fun with that particular subject
and don't want to stop! I also don't like all the dwaddle found in some packaged
curriculums. We don't need all that cute stuff! We want to get to the
point, do our work, and then get outside into the sunshine! So, for those reasons I've
explained, we stick to buying "individual" books and use them to aid
us in educating ourselves and our children. Below, I will explain what I mean by aid
and also tell you the books we are using to teach our children.
When I say aid, I am
meaning just that! The books we purchase, are only aids in
"helping" us teach our kids. For example: I purchased an Alpha Phonics book for
my children to learn reading. We follow along with the book until we get to a
lesson or lessons that my child already knows or has reviewed enough of before in a
previous lesson. Then we just skip those lessons and go on to the next set of lessons we don't
know! The phonics book is a "guide" for us so that I don't accidentally
leave out important information, leaving "gaps" in our education. I can follow
along, until I am confident we can skip something, and then move on to what we haven't
learned yet! You can see why grades or packaged curriculums wouldn't work for us!
We thumb through and learn only what we need in a book and then
move on to the next book. So if someone was to ask me what grade is such and such in, I
would have to say that it depends on what subject they're inquiring about?! They may
have skipped quickly through math and are at high school level. But the same
individual may have really struggled with English and are barely making it through one
book and may only be at the junior high level with that subject. You can't possibly
categorize children by grades and ages!! We all learn at different paces and in
different ways.
Did you know that not
"everyone" in Room 222 math class is catching on to what the teacher is saying?
If you do understand, you graduate from that class and go forward, but if you don't
catch it, you get left behind. Period!!! No one gets left behind in our
"homeschool!" We all move at whatever pace we can and, above all, do our best!
It doesn't matter if it takes us 1 year to finish a book or 3 years. Whatever!
Everyone is unique! Give your child the time he or she needs to learn! They
will catch on when they're ready, not when someone else says they're
Here are some examples of what we
use for various subjects:
1- Math: Saxon Math,
flashcards, and SOME workbooks. (These can be very tedious, so you have to
be careful and be ready to move on if the child is ready). Workbooks can stall
for time and will burn you out!!
2- Reading: The Bible, various library books that the children
are "interested" in, magazines that "interest" them, and Alpha Phonics by
Samuel Blumenfeld.
3- Spelling: I make a list of words up from the book reports
that my children do. If they spell a word wrong in their report, I know they need practice
with that word, and so it goes on the list!
Also, we use the Alpha Phonics book for help with sounding out
words so it makes it easier to learn spelling!
4- Grammar: I use Simply Grammar!
5- Writing/Penmanship: We use our reading lessons for that day,
Alpha Phonics, book reports, or reports we do from stories the children make up!
Lots of practice with writing names, addresses and phone numbers (you know, basics!).
6- History: All sorts of autobiographies we read and also a
history book to only guide us through the important dates and info we need
to learn!
7- Science: A science textbook to only guide us in the
basic facts we need to know! There are also some great autobiographies for
I can go on forever, but I have already
done that! Smiles! So, my prayer is that you will have learned something here
that can help you in your "homeschooling" endeavors. Let me know if you
have any questions about what I've said or if you just need help with something in your
homeschool! I'm always here! May God bless you all!
~Donnetta (DC)~

Please send me your
thoughts and comments!
Background music from Midi Jukebox
Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13! |