"Train up a child in the way he
should go. And when he is old
he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Welcome Friends...
The Bible tells us to train up our children, and,
without a doubt, the absolute best qualified for this position is the parent.
Note: I am only referring to a God fearing, loving, nurturing parent or guardian who is in
complete charge of the child...in all areas!!!
It is the parents' responsibility
to teach their children Godly moral values first, then the Church is there to administer
help and Godly counsel, as well as fellowship when the parents and children need them.
Sex education is absolutely the parents
responsibility! If we as parents shun the subject of sex because we are
embarrassed or think it's wrong to talk about such private matters, our kids will
find out what it's all about from someone else or something else! They will!
Kids aren't stupid! They have sexual desires just like you and I.
Believe it or not, you--as the parents who brought them into this world--are
the best qualified to teach them about this very private fact of life! Not
the health teacher at school, the kids on the bus, or please, not the cable
television! Lay it on the line! It's your responsibility!
We as parents are also the very best
qualified to teach our children everything from A to Z! You know: love, kindness,
meekness, forgiveness, patience, manners, responsibility, cooking, cleaning etc., etc.;
and yes, even their math, spelling, reading and writing! We can do
it all!
Who knows their children more than their caring
parents? We know their strengths and weaknesses. Don't let the so called
"professionals" (I'm not cutting professionals here) tell you what your
child needs! You should know! Do it yourself. They are your responsibility!
These "child authorities" should only be there to aid
the parents, not take their place! If the husband/father is fulfilling his
God given responsibilities as leader of the home (see Ephesians 5:23, Proverbs 4:1) and the wife/mother is also obeying God (see 1 Timothy 3:11, Proverbs 31:10-31) the children
should be well rounded, responsible, intelligent adults. Although, we as parents are
also sinners, we tend to teach our children our "bad habits" and those
things that aren't pleasing to God, as well as the "good things!" We must always
be asking God for His forgiveness, and our childrens' as well! Telling them that
we've been bad examples and that we are going to do whatever it takes to change
and be the parents that the Lord intended for us to be. Doing this one thing,
"saying we're sorry" when we're wrong, will teach our children
"accountability" for their actions, not only to their fellow man, but to God!!
And I'm sure that no one will disagree with me when I say that our society is in great
need of leaders like them!
Parents, if you haven't done so already, take
back your responsibility! Your children, and your children's children will
be our future leaders. Good or bad!!! God bless your teaching endeavors!
In His Love,
~Donnetta (DC)~

Please send me your
thoughts and comments!
Background music from Midi Jukebox
Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13! |