The Rogers Family 13!

Meet Our Children


"...bearing with one another in love."
Ephesians 4:2b


I would like to introduce you to each one of our "blessings!"  Each one of them, are sooo unique and special!  I thank the Lord everyday for giving me the privilege of being a mother to them. It's a great responsibility, and so rewarding!!

Our first child and the "first boy" born to Dave and me is Billy Douglas Rogers.  He was born on August 11, 1982, in Longview, Texas. He is 16 and a half now and knows everything! *SMILES*  Billy enjoys quite a few hobbies: Motorcycles, wrestling with his dad, messing around with anything electronic, blackpowder guns, hunting, fishing, cliff diving, swimming, cooking (he helps me out alot in the kitchen!), and of course driving! If you live in the St.Louis area-- watch out!  Hehe! 

Billy also works full-time for his dad and another exterior siding company that Dave subcontracts for. Bill does breakwork, cutting and some installations now. He enjoys the construction trade and is a very dependable, hard worker. Of course he enjoys the income also and is saving for a "tough" truck!   But, for now, he is settling for mom and dads loooong, blue stretch van! *SMILES*   I will be graduating him from our homeschool sometime this Spring so he's really excited about that. Hurray!!

Billy is an extremely sweet and creative young man. He's always making something! I really needed someone with his talents. He helps his dear old mom out alot repairing things and figuring out this computer stuff!!  God knows our needs.

Our second child and "second son" is Ricky Steven Rogers.  Born October 30, 1983, in Rhronsboro, Texas.  He is almost 15 and a half now and growing quickly!  Ricky enjoys a variety of things such as hunting, his guns, fishing, wrestling with dad, Christian music, drawing (he's very good at it!), cliff diving, swimming, doing back flips off the trampoline (takes after mom), and he's also excited about getting his driving permit in a couple of months. I now know what my parents felt like when they taught us kids how to drive!!  Watch out!   Stop! Your going too fast!  *SMILES*  We will be graduating Ricky this Fall, if all goes well.

He is also working with his dad on a part-time basis now, doing breakwork, cutting, and being trained on installations. He too, is a very hard worker, and that is sooo important for this sort of "physical" trade. Great on the job training!  It works out perfectly in our homeschooling plans!  Ricky has a very funny and sarcastic personality--he has a crazy remark for just about everything we say! He keeps us laughing.  *SMILE*

The next one in line, is Tommy Ray Rogers!  Born June 12, 1985, in Gilmer, Texas. He is 13 and a half now and keeps himself occupied with his guns, hunting, fishing, cliff diving, swimming, wrestling, drawing (also very good at this!), doing flips off the trampoline, and also building clubs. He and his brothers have a really neat club built out of small logs and branches. It has two stories, and a lookout on top! Really cool!! It took alot of work!

Tommy works for his dad on the days that he's needed and when Dave wants to train him. He's certainly anxious to start going more often and we are very happy about that! He works hard in school and enjoys reading alot too. Our Tommy has a quiet, yet mischievous character! A real kidder! Watchout!

Now comes our fourth child and also our "fourth boy," Jessy Scott Rogers.  Born September 2 1986, in Rhronsboro, Texas.  He is almost 12 and a half and, like his brothers, enjoys quite a bit of the same hobbies: Hunting, his shotgun, fishing, cliff diving, swimming, drawing (all the time!), the trampoline, wrestling, and also building clubs! Our house is surrounded with clubs! Jessy does well with school and is trying very hard to keep his mind on his studies, especially when it's a nice day out!

He also works for his dad whenever he's needed for clean-up and moving equipment to and from the trailer.  He spends most of his days playing and being very creative! Jessy is an extremely mild, loving and busy little guy. Always looking for something new to explore!

Our fifth child and "fifth boy" is Sammy Lee Rogers!  Born to us on January 17, 1988, in O'Fallon Missouri.  He just turned 11 and  got his first shotgun for his birthday! Very excited! He loves to go rabbit hunting with his dad and brothers and, of course, fishing, cliff diving, swimming, you guessed it--drawing, playing on the trampoline and more clubs!

I'm very thankful that my children love the outdoors! Oh, the peace and quiet!!  *SMILES* Sammy would rather skip school altogether and play all day but, as I've told him, the quicker you get to it, the quicker you'll be up and out! I know this well. I also struggle with some of that procrastination! My Sammy is sooo sweet and very, very silly! Always smiling and occupies himself regardless of what's going on. Everything's funny!!   *SMILE*

Well, the Lord blessed us with a sixth child and our "first girl!"  After having 5 little boys in a row, it was such a nice surprise to have a precious, petite little girl. Her name is Gracy Rose Rogers and she was born on May 17, 1989, in St. Charles, Missouri. She will be 10 years old this Spring and she's counting the days until her birthday!  Gracy is a very happy and good natured little sweetheart! She really enjoys school and likes me to get her all sorts of new reading materials! It's hard to keep up with her!  *SMILES*

She enjoys pretty dresses, mom's perfume, mom's jewelry, making homemade jewelry, going on walks, cooking with mom, and need I say it again--clubs! We not only have clubs outside, but inside as well! Blankets tied to beds and closets and dressers etc. etc.  Walking in the girls' room at night is very risky! Gracy is a very neat and organized young lady and daily challenged by her   younger siblings in trying to keep her stuff put up and out of their reach.   She and her sister, Abby, have found some really great hiding spots for their treasures but occasionally forget where they were!  Oh the joys of having younger brothers and sisters!  *SMILES *

Abby May Rogers is our seventh child and our "second little girl!" She was brought into this would on July 24, 1990, in Foley, Missouri.  Abby is our 8 and a half year old bundle of joy!  She's very very active and adventurous, and has an exciting imagination!  She's not afraid of trying new things and keeps up with her brothers just fine. She gives those big brothers of hers a hard way to go!  *SMILES*  Abby loves to build clubs, go on walks in the woods, have picnics and more picnics, play on the trampoline, ride her bike, playing memory and war (card games), playing chess with her dad, cooking with mom, drawing and horses! Like I said, she stays very busy!

Abby enjoys school alot and especially reading. Our family really keeps that nearby library hopping! If there's something happenin', Abby's there!  *SMILES*

Now for Emily Ann Rogers! Our eighth child and "third little girl!" This little sweetheart was born on July 17, 1992, in Foley, Missouri.  She is now 6 and a half years old!  Boy, how time does fly!!   Emily is my little giggle box and funny face.  She makes these silly faces and laughs at just about everything that she thinks is funny--and that's quite a bit! Her younger brothers and sister keep her very well entertained!  Emily likes playing games (war and memory), especially with dad!  Walks in the woods, lots of picnics, playing on the trampoline, coloring, and riding her bike down hills.  She also likes to help mom in the kitchen, especially if she's hungry! She likes school, but only when she's in the mood for it!!  *SMILES*

Franky Roy Rogers is our ninth child and the "sixth boy!" This little guy was born on August 25, 1993, in Foley, Missouri. He is almost 5 and a half and the "wildman" of the family! He has sooo much energy, it wears you out watching him play! Franky enjoys anything that involves jumping, running, climbing and, of course, food!  He's always eating!  Franky would not be the one I would call if I needed help in the kitchen!  *SMILES*  Building lots and lots and LOTS of clubs, coloring, and talking on and on are some of Franky's favorite things to do. His imagination is very extreme, and his stories are sooo hilarious! I'm keeping a journal on all these moments and will be sharing some of them with you at another time.   (I can't tell you how important it is to write all of these "special moments" down, as soon as they happen! You will treasure every word, especially when your children are up and grown. It happens all too soon!!)

Buddy Michael Rogers is our tenth child and our "seventh little bouncing boy!" This tiny fellow was born on April 27, 1995, in Foley, Missouri.  He will be 4 years old very soon! Like I've said, time has a way of slipping away quickly. Buddy is sooo cute, and has the sweetest, most easygoing personality. He's perfectly happy being right by mom's side, playing with legos or coloring.  He's also very talkative and extremely funny! No problems with entertaining himself! I have alot written down about this guy too! Their imaginations are sooo BIG! Their daddy tells them some "whopping" stories before bedtime, so I suppose that's where they get that crazy sense of humor!

Our eleventh child and "fourth baby girl" is Ruby Lin Rogers, also known as "Queen!" Hehe.  She was born on October 6, 1996, in Foley, Missouri, and is now 2 years old.  She occupies herself very well.  If there's anything new to be discovered, she will find it!  If you think you've misplaced something, she usually knows where it is. Ruby loves to play with her brother Buddy, but takes over as the "boss" none too soon!  I've been told she's a bit spoiled??!  Of course, I have called her "queen" one too many times and now she expects to have all the privileges that that "title" holds! OOOPS! You'd think I would have learned by now!  *SMILES*

I hope you have enjoyed your visit with us!  I will be sharing more stories about our children later and the many adventures that have occurred along our journey. Stay tuned...


~Donnetta (DC)~


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Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13!






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