The Rogers Family 13!

Living as a Large Family


"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child
will by no means enter it."
Mark 10:15


Thanks for stopping by! I'd like to take this opportunity here, to give you a glimpse of what it's like growing up in a large family. "Our" large family, to be exact! Of course Dave and I have done just as much "growing up" as the kids, and continue to do so!

Let me begin by answering a few questions that we, as a large family, are really asked, just about everywhere we go! There are more, but these are usually the questions we get hit with the most! I'm going to answer with a simple yes and no. You already know the questions!

"The 15 Most Asked Questions
of a Large Family"

1. Yes, "we" (Dave and Donnetta) have had "together", 11 children...

2.  Yes, if the Lord wills, "we" will have more children...

3.  Yes, "I," Donnetta, have been pregnant 99 months or 8 years and 3 months of "our" married life...

4.  Yes, we graduated from high school in 1980, and were married in 1981, at the ages of 19 (Dave) and 20 (Donnetta), we are both 37 "now", we have been married for 17 years, and our oldest child is 16 and our youngest is 2. Woosh!!!

5.  Yes, we are a "one" income family...

6.  Yes, my husband Dave works very looong and hard hours...

7.  Yes, we have high grocery bills...

8.  Yes, I cook huges amounts of food...

9.  Yes, the laundry is unbelievable...

10. Yes, we have always had (2) in diapers...

11.  Yes, we have a large enough vehicle for us all, and yes we have enough seatbelts! (I'm finally legal!)  SMILES

12.  Yes, it's loud and hectic around here most of the time...

and now...

13.  No, we have no sets of twins...

14.  No, "I," Donnetta have never regretted not having a career outside the home...

and finally...

15.  Dave and I would like to let you in on a little secret:  Yes, believe it or not, "we" know how babies are made; and, yes, we both enjoy it, still!!!  SMILES


I have learned sooo much raising my children, and I am still learning, each day, something new! There is no doubt, and I'm sure you will agree, that having a large family does take quite a bit of time, money, organization and patience.  Patience!!! Something that I have to continually keep "in check!"  SMILES

Needless to say, whether you have 1 or 11, we as parents have a great responsibility here! My husband Dave works hard, I work hard, and the children have been taught from the beginning, to be independent, responsible individuals; so they pitch in and also work hard! (Of course we all have our days, and things don't go as we had planned!)

In a large family it is very hectic and noisy a lot of the time, but as long as it is play and laughter that I'm hearing, so be it!  Arguing or rebellion of any sort is "nipped in the bud" as soon as it rears its ugly head! Everyone's opinion is important, and should be respected and listened to. Talking things out is much better than arguing and holding grudges.

Each member of the family is responsible for a certain task or tasks. If someone doesn't pull their weight, we ALL end up suffering! Not because we did something wrong, ourselves, but because we have to live in unfavorable conditions, until the individual finishes their chores. The person who was disobedient knows that there will be consequences for their actions, and also, it's very embarrassing when everyone is waiting to eat because you haven't done the dishes! 

Dave and I do not do the chores for the kids. We are all members in this family, so we are all responsible for the many chores that come with it.

We have found out through the years, that if you teach your little ones, from the beginning, to be independent, responsible, and accountable for their own actions, your problems with rebellion will be fewer and farther between. (I didn't say there wouldn't be some!) We have had some problems with backtalk, but it usually doesn't last long.

Dave and I immediately stop what were doing, and sit down and talk to the kids. We don't let it drag out! While it's fresh on everyones' mind, we talk out whatever the problem is, come to a solution and resolve it. When you're really in touch with your children, you can tell when there is a problem or they're upset about something.  Talk to them!!    That's what they want!  But, make sure you listen too! When you have established a close bound like this from the start, they will come to confide in you, as their parents, because they trust you and especially because they know you care!!  Not always lecturing them, but really listening and respecting what they have to say. That is what I mean when I say your problems with your kids will be fewer and farther  between. They will!

Living in a large family can be lots and lots of fun too! There is always someone to play with and "share the moment" with. For Dave and I, one of our favorite things to do is to just watch the kids play together and talk to one another.  The things that kids do are sooo funny! (I'll share with you some of those things later!)  SMILES

The joy that our children give us is truly immeasurable! We thank the Lord everyday for our quiver full!

I suppose our family sort of stands out in a crowd! You know what I mean: looooong stretch van with little arms flapping out the windows, and usually a piece of clothing of some sort!  Or 3 to 4 full to capacity grocery carts, with bread placed carefully on the bottom racks, only to be squashed by several children hanging off both sides of the cart, and another on the front of the cart, swaying back and forth to that "elevator music" that I can't seem to hear! Making it very difficult for Mom to maneuver her "oversized" load down the aisles, around the corners (this takes skill!), and past those tall displays of macaroni and cheese that are placed soooo conveniently in  the middle of the isles! Don't those people know that some of us have impaired vision!!! I feel like one of those doublewide mobilehomes that you see moving sloooowly down the highway! I need one of their signs that says "Caution: Wide Load--Proceed With Caution!!"   Maybe that will be one of my kid's next craft projects! SMILES!

Yes it takes lots of our time and energy, being parents and raising our 11 little ones, (and now some teenagers too!), but so does bringing up your 1, 2, or 3! If we are being all that we can be as parents, then friends, you can count on a 24-hour job! That's right folks! It's the hardest job you'll ever do, but the rewards are more
precious than I can even express to you here! Moms and Dads, don't complain. Deem it a privilege to have these "special gifts" from God,  given to you to raise up for His honor and glory!!! Make the most out of every day you have with them! They're only with us for a little while.

"Oh may all who come behind us, find us faithful; may the power of our devotion, light their way; may the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe, and the life we lead, inspire them to obey!  Oh may all who come behind us, find us faithful!!"    ~Steve Green~

In HIS love,

~Donnetta (DC)~


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Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13!






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