"...but as for me and my
we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15
Dave and I grew up together in a Bible believing
church, and both accepted Jesus Christ into our lives at a young age. We were by no means,
"childhood sweethearts" though! We didn't take notice of each other until the
ages of 17 (Dave) and 18 (me)! (I robbed the cradle!!) We both found out that we had
alot in common. We liked to talk and go on looong drives in the country.
Marriage, having a big family and an old house in the country were some of our
dreams. I remember a prayer I prayed when I was 13 years old. I asked the Lord to please
let me be married and have children before He would come back to earth to take us
home with Him to Heaven. Well, He certainly gave me the desires of my heart! Dave
and I both graduated from high school in 1980 and were married a year later, on May 29,
1981, on a beautiful Spring day and truly one of the most exciting days of my
life! Smiles~ We have been married now for 17 years with 11 new additions to our
lives!!! The second part of my prayer was answered!)
Dave has worked in the construction trade since
he was 15-1/2 and he started our "exterior siding" business in 1986. Our 2 older
boys, Billy 16-1/2 and Ricky 15-1/2, both work full and part-time for their dad. Of course
they like the money, but it's great "on the job training!" Works
out perfect with our homeschooling plans. The next 3 boys, Tommy 13-1/2, Jessy 12,
and Sammy 11, also work for their dad when he needs their help. When Dave isn't running
the business, he enjoys playing with all the kids! He loves to go rabbit
and deer hunting (actually anything that moves!) with the 5 older boys. They all
have their own rifles and shotguns and compound bows. Definitely a favorite past
time!!! He also enjoys going on walks in the woods and playing on the trampoline, or
crochet with the other 6, Gracy (9), Abby(8), Emily(6), Franky(5), Buddy(3),and Ruby(2).
So, needless to say, Dave stays very, very busy!
I, Donnetta, stay busy at "home!" Most
of my days are spent "homeschooling" our children and then working on my
favorite past-time, writing! I also enjoy oil painting, gardening, and playing games with
the kids. I have always done the bookkeeping for Dave's business, so I seem to stay plenty
busy and have no time to be bored! Smiles~
With all the responsibilities that Dave and I
have, we have always been able to set aside a "special" night for us.
When we just had little ones, we usually spent our evenings at home, having our quiet
time, after the children were put down for the night. We usually played games,
watched a video, or ate a "special" dinner that Dave would bring home for us.
Chinese and Italian were our favorites! Now that we have 3 teenagers, we are able to go out!
The weekends, are usually the time we get together and have our night "out on the
town!" Whenever we miss our "dates" because we're so busy with being a mom
and dad, we both suffer for it. We need our time together to collect our
thoughts, make plans, and just dream! No matter how many children you have, take
out the time to be alone together! I can't express enough how important this
is. It's easy to get side tracked with business and the many demands of your
children, but it will wear a body down if you don't take out the neccessary time
for your spouse and yourself! If you're feeling good, your family will be happy. If you're
not, everyone suffers (and you know what I mean)!
I thank God every day for my husband and
children! He really did answer my prayers!!!
~Donnetta (DC)~

Please send me your
thoughts and comments!
Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13! |