The Rogers Family 13!

Donnetta Carol
Byus-Rogers' Testimony


"You shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart, with all your soul, and
with all your strength."

Deuteronomy 6:5


I would love to share with you a little story about my "spiritual journey," leading to my salvation.  I am what I am today because of that wonderful time, not soooo long ago.

I was reared in a Christian home, by Christian parents who loved the Lord throughout my young life. We attended a First Baptist Church in O'Fallon, Missouri, for a couple of years; and then we visited a Bible church, also in O'Fallon, and made that our "home" away from home! The services were held in a small home that the church purchased, and it was just getting started when we arrived.

There weren't very many people there yet, but it was the warmest, most friendly bunch of folks I ever met! My husband Dave (back then, little did I know that he would be my future husband!) and his family of 13 (mom and dad Rogers and 11 kids--does that sound familiar?) were some of the first folks that started that church.  Needless to say, they made up alot of the members!

Well, the congregation grew by leaps and bounds so they voted on building a new church. The pastor at that time was Bruce Osladil. What I remember most about him was his smile, his love for people, loooong sermons, and his love for "potluck" get togethers!  He was also the man who led me to Christ. My mom invited him over to our home one evening in 1973 and I, then and there, asked Jesus into my heart. Pastor Osladil holds a "special" place in my life.  *SMILES*

My mother, Monetta Rose Smith-Byus, is also someone I need to mention here! She was, and still is, my "spiritual mentor." She was so faithful to God and her family! She took my brothers and sisters and me to church every Sunday and Wednesday, but, more important than that, she was a Godly example to me!  She was always there!  Always there to get us ready and fed in time to catch the school bus. She also prayed with each of us kids at the front door before we would run off to school--I remember that just like it was yesterday! I really struggled through public school, but mom's prayers helped me make it through another day. When I arrived home--you guessed it--she was there! Always had something good to eat and I adored her smile! She was always singing too! She loves to sing, and her voice is beautiful! I too, have a love for music!

She is such an example for her children and a lot of other folks too. She was always talking about the Lord to our neighbors. They often came to her for comfort and advice. The Lord used my mother to bring me to the point of accepting Him. All my brothers and sisters: Bret, Linda, Melanie, Nancy, and Darren, have also accepted Christ as their only Lord and Savior!!! *Many smiles* I thank God everyday for such wonderful parents, who loved me and took the time to share their lives with me! I love them so much!!

Well, I was raised in that Bible church, until I married my husband, Dave Rogers (it took me awhile, but I finally noticed him! Hehe!). We then moved to Texas for a few years and then back to Missouri, where we both were raised up to start up our family business. The Lord has truly blessed my life!  May God bless you, and yours!

Very Sincerely,

~Donnetta (DC)~


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Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13!






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