"But Jesus said, 'Let the little children
come to Me, and do not forbid them;
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.'"
Matthew 19:14 NKJV
Dave and I would
like to share with you some of the most exciting news of our
lives; when our children accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior into their lives!
In 1987, in
Winfield Missouri, my first child, Billy Douglas Rogers, accepted Jesus Christ into his
heart! I remember talking with him in my bedroom about Jesus and his need to ask
forgiveness of his sins and accepting Jesus' blood on the cross as a payment for them, and
then asking Him to come and live in his heart. Tears are coming to my eyes right now
as I write about this wonderful day!
It's so hard to
express with mere words a parent's joy when one of their
children--with such innocence--asks Jesus to come and live in their heart. Thank you
The following year
in 1988, in Foley Missouri, our second child, Ricky Steven Rogers, also asked Jesus into
his life! Just like Billy, Ricky asked me all the questions that little ones ask about
God, Jesus, Heaven and Hell. He was ready and willing
to accept Jesus that day, 11 years ago. Another day we will never forget!
Five years later in
1993, in Foley Missouri, our third child,Tommy Ray Rogers, in his bedroom that evening
asked Jesus in his heart. I was talking to all the boys about Heaven and Tommy was ready
right then to commit his life to Christ. We all slept great
that night! *SMILES*
Well, praise the
Lord, in the next 2 years, in 1995, in Foley, Missouri, our fourth child, Jessy Scott
Rogers, wanted Jesus to live in his heart too! It's so precious to watch these little ones
turn their lives over to Christ--with such innocence too! I think of Matthew 18:4:
"Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the
kingdom of Heaven."
Next is our fifth
child, Sammy Lee Rogers, also in Foley, Missouri, in 1995, asked his daddy questions about
Jesus. That day in his bedroom, Dad led Sam in prayer and he asked Jesus into his life.
That was a very special day for Dad! *SMILES*
Our next two
children in line are Gracy Rose Rogers and Abby May Rogers. I sing alot with the kids
before bed at night and this particular evening in 1996, both Gracy and Abby wanted to
know more about who Jesus was. We were looking out our big bay window there in Foley,
Missouri, and they began asking lots and lots of questions about the stars and moon, trees
and animals--everything! They wanted to know how God created it
all and why He did?? One thing led to another, and they started telling me
that they were sorry for any bad things they had done, that they wanted to be good now and
to change. So they asked Jesus to forgive them and come into their hearts.
They very much wanted to go to Heaven to live with Jesus forever
and ever (girls tend to be very emotional!). *SMILES*
We still have 4 more
little ones who don't quite understand the message of salvation, but they are starting
to ask all those "special" questions! Dave and I pray for their salvation daily!
We love them all soooo much! But, if we as earthly parents can
have this great a love for our children, think about how much more
Christ must love them and how much more He loves us all!!
God's blessings be with you.
Many, many smiles...
~Donnetta (DC)~

Please send me your
thoughts and comments!
Last modified February 20, 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Rogers Family 13! |