Our Programs

Our church has Sunday School at 9:45, fellowship time follows at 10:30, and Worship Service is at 11:00 every Sunday. A Children's Sermon and Children's Church is held during the worship service.

Special services during the year: Advent; Christmas Eve Candlelight Service; Children's Play or Drama are held in December. Holy Week Services include breakfasts prepared and served in the Fellowship Hall, Monday through Thursday. These are enjoyed and well-attended by the church members and the community at large. A short spiritual message and music is included each morning. We also have Maundy Thursday/Communion Services during Easter time and participate in the community Sunrise Services.

The educational program in our church, in addition to Sunday School and Children's Church, includes Young Children's and Youth Fellowship on Sunday night, 5:30 P.M. until 7:30. A women's bible study during the circle meetings held on the second Monday night of each month. Vacation Bible School is held in June for all ages. Special Studies are held throughout the year. Also, a training session is held each January for orientation of new elders and deacons.

The over age 55 group in our church participates in a travel and fellowship program. This group, known as "The 3G's" (The Go-Go-Gang) was organized in 1989 and has enjoyed plays, museums, meals and travel together since then. Non-church members are invited to participate with The 3G's.

The church usually has a church-wide retreat during the year that includes games, singing, fellowship and Sunday worship.

Another yearly high-light is Family Day Sunday when we have a picnic on the church grounds.

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