New Fellowship Hall

Taylorsville Presbyterian Church dedicated its new fellowship hall on October 29, 2006 during Sunday morning services. After Rev. Hill's sermon, the church choir led the procession of the entire congregation from the sanctuary across the street to the new building. The congregation sang The Church's One Foundation as they went. After greeting those in attendance, Rev. Hill dedicated the building, using these remarks: "We have gathered here to dedicate this new building to the honor and glory of almighty God and for the building up of the body of Christ. From this day forward let this be a place for gathering of the people of God, a place for proclaiming the Gospel to all who use it and a place for bringing life and hope to us and to this community."

During the service, the Fellowship Hall Building committee was congratulated for a job well done. The committee consisted of:

Pat Bryant, Chairman
Vicki Holleman
Alvin Woody
Dewey Phillips
Dwight Mitchell
Martha Schronce
Forest Matheson.

At the conclusion of the service, the congregation enjoyed a catered meal.

Here is a collection of photographs of the new fellowship hall:

Here are additional photos of the building (some during construction):

Here are two pictures of our OLD fellowship hall, located in the basement of the sanctuary, where, along with other church activities, we have served the community with breakfasts during Easter week (Monday through Thursday). This tradition of our church has been going on for many years. These pictures were taken on Maundy Thursday, April 14, 2006.

Next year's breakfasts will be served in the NEW fellowship building
(shown under construction here - April 2006).
