
so, welcome to my place in space... as of late, i've been really good at posting pictures and not so much at updating info... however as of May 2002, the info on most pages should be accurate... (if you want to see my current website, you should go here.)

what can you expect to find here? basically my ramblings on this that and everything over time... hopefully my ramblings won't overly scare you... some of the pages were written several years ago and are slightly more random and out there than other parts of the site, but I haven't the heart to delete them so here they stay... i spose that gives you more of a dynamic picture of me anyhow... if you really want to think that hard about it. =P

If for some reason, you really really hate frames, then click here! and all your problems will go away... well, to be precise, you'll go to the original version of this site, which is completely framefree. (the menu and swim to the home page buttons on most pages belong to the non-frames version of the site)

at any rate, sit back, click away, and enjoy!

Click for Memphis, Tennessee Forecast

Click for Valparaiso, Indiana Forecast