ADB Website

A website about A and D and a few other things.

We hope you had a great summer!


On September 4, 2006, this website and its features became available. In the near future, we expect to release the following:



Evac– The thrilling game to catch a runaway vacuum cleaner.

Rho 3– Fill the numbers 1-9 in the boxes to add up to a specific sum with no repeats.

Plus, more Sudoku is coming!

Hyperlinks to other websites, such as M&M’s®  website, ) and the Pepperidge Farm®  Goldfish®  website (


Now available:

Sudoku-  Fill in the numbers 1-9 in every row, column, and 3x3 box with no repeats! Print and solve!  (Excel Spreadsheet)




To contact us:  We prefer you didn’t.