The purpose of this page is to share our Go-See-It experiences, the good and the bad.
Balloon Brigade at the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital
Den 16 Jan 2000
The "Balloon Brigade" is designed to help children, ages three and up, understand more about the diagnosis and treatments for cancer by touring The James. Although the program focuses on understanding what family members with cancer will experience, the "Balloon Brigade" is open to any child who would like to attend to learn more about cancer and cancer prevention.
The program combines hands-on experiences such as viewing cancer cells through a microscope and
dressing and scrubbing to enter an operating room with teaching concepts in cancer prevention. Lifestyle
choices, such as not smoking and eating a healthy diet, are discussed along with the opportunity to see
"behind-the-scenes" areas of The James.
The "Balloon Brigade" is offered on the first Sunday of each month from 1 pm to 4 pm at The James.
Registration is required and space is limited for each program. For more information or to register, call The
James Line at 293-5066.
Go Take A Hike - O'Shaughnessy Dam.
Den 9 Sep 2000
"Go Take A Hike!" That was the order of the day for Tiger Cubs Den 9 as we walked down a steep path to the foot of the O'Shaughnessy Dam. Gail and Rick DeShone put together a super outing that included Rick's reading of a "Magic School Bus" book and Gail's pine cone and peanut butter bird feeder project. We all met at the parking lot just East of the Bogey Inn for the book reading and then continued our "Discover Energy and Nature" Big Idea at the dam. We learned about the hydroelectric generating station at O'Shaughnessy, which creates enough electricity to power 16,000 homes! Many of the limestone rocks in the river bed contain fossils, and we found quite a few. Some of our Cubs searched for fossils, discovered some, and Caleb found a real animal bone! It was a perfect first outing and we're all looking forward to our next "Big Idea" Adventure!