Cubmasters Corner
Why do we do this? Why do we get our sons involved in Scouting?
We all know what type of commitment it takes form the whole family to be involved in Scouting. Yes, it takes some time, but really only about five to six hours per month. Yes, it takes some organization, but there are many leaders and patents in our Pack willing to help. Yes, it takes some work, but no more than any other activity.
So why go through the effort and put our sons in Scouting instead of the many other great alternatives for youth that are available today?
Because Scouting Works
The Mission Statement for the Boy Scouts of America is "To prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law." Scouting is one of the few organizations that will prepare our sons for a lifetime of achievement, install ethical character and offer them fun and adventure.
Our sons benefit from Scouting in many ways. Fun is at the top of the list. The crafts, skits, games, camp outs, outings and community projects are fun for the boys. They enjoy doing and seeing new things. They enjoy dressing up in their uniforms and being involved in ceremonies. They enjoy the pride they see in us when they work hard to earn an award.
Our sons are great kids and winners in every way. I am proud to have all our boys as Cub Scouts in Pack 116 at Bailey Elementary. Scouting is worth the effort. And as we start the new school year, I want to thank all the parents of Pack 116 for their commitment to Scouting.