Welcome to my Guestbook!

Eve - 06/06/00 04:48:52
My Email:ekurash@elp.rr.com
You have a nice site

Shonda Wallace - 04/24/00 05:56:25
My Email:Shondarr @ bellsouth.net
Mom, I did it! I am so proud to sign your guest book.Im not sure how i got here,but here i am. Ilove it. Thankyou for always believing in me. Love Shonda

Shonda Wallace - 04/24/00 05:49:03
My Email:Shondarr @ bellsouth.net
Mom, I did it! I am so proud to sign your guest book.Im not sure how i got here,but here i am. Ilove it. Thankyou for always believing in me. Love Always, Shonda

Shonda Wallace - 04/24/00 05:27:40

Pete - 04/12/00 02:06:28
My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/ficuspete
My Email:ficuspete@yahoo.com
Very beutifull site, still exploring it Marks brother Pete

audrey ford - 03/18/00 19:42:44
My Email:abford1@erols.com
Lovely. lovely webpage!

Lisa Lovell - 03/17/00 16:50:58
My Email:llovell@hemc.net
Great job! Looks very elegant and pretty.

PEANUT0917 - 03/06/00 02:19:31

Sue Yeager - 02/18/00 01:19:25
My Email:sueyea@aol.com
Enjoyed it alot. WE are still looking at all your links. Nice job. Good dealing with you on ebay as well!

Joya - 01/31/00 03:59:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/Angelgurl/index.html
My Email:icyblueyez16@hotmail.com

Melissa - 01/29/00 05:27:37
My Email:MPerich@webtv.net
Your page is just absolutely beautiful!!!

Russ Weiskircher - 12/21/99 21:34:36
My Email:rrwise@linkamerica.net
Like a cool glass of water on a warm day, refreshing and inspiring. You are a light touch! Russ

- 10/30/99 06:15:53
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/harrycarla/harrycarla.html
My Email:hexx@ftc-i.net
mark's site pointed me here....it's very nice.

Rev Deb Reynard - 10/19/99 16:01:47
My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/1568
My Email:revdeb@iname.com
May the Lord keep you in perfect peace. Continue serving Him for He is faithful!
Pastor Deb's Place

joanie - 09/29/99 20:11:58
My Email:gbean@hemc.net
good things happen, to good people. We are very happy for you and David today. From our house to yours..we sent our best wishes. Good job David..and I mean that literally. love ya Linda joanie

robert allberry - 09/22/99 19:52:33
My Email:gbean@hemc.net
your site is very nice. My wife showed this to me. She said it cheers her up. It is well put together. Thanks for putting this on the web. Best Regards, Bob

Jennie - 07/11/99 22:31:17
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/jrandall5
My Email:jreagle888@acelink.net
I just got here, but I think it is wonderful what I have seen. Thank you for such a wonderful site to visit. Please visit me anytime at Eagles Rest.

Davlin - 06/23/99 04:16:11
My Email:superdavi@hotmail.com
hi, I was just visiting your page because of my name, but, you have a very beautiful website. I am 14 years old, and my father has lipo sarcoma cancer. So, we have things in common too. I am glad for your husband.

Rosetta - 06/02/99 14:39:47
My Email:rosetta_p@hotmail.com
I am happy to hear about your husband's good fortune!!! Always remember to thank God & NEVER take each other for granted! Always take the time to tell each other how much you love each other and how much the other means to you! I wish you Good Luck and happiness always!

Dianna - 05/09/99 11:42:59
My Email:dleetc8@ibm.net
What a beautiful site. Your sister E-mailed me with your web-site. What a blessing on Mother's Day. May God bless you and your family. Love in Christ, Dianna

Lane Oliver - 05/04/99 18:55:35
My Email:laneo@ibm.net
This is very nice. Keep it up and I will pass it on. Belone to a computer club and I will be telling them about your site. Lane

ute - 05/04/99 00:13:20
My URL:http://welcome.to/Jesus_lives
My Email:ute@vvm.com
What a great site..I really enjoyed it We need more people working together to win the lost for Christ...The Harvest is plentiful..but the labourers are few.. come help us spread the news..join our Webring "What the World needs is ...Jesus

Todd - 04/28/99 13:37:09
My Email:anderson.todd@menlolog.com
Dad and Linda, Love your sight. Tell the family I love them. Todd

Kate - 04/27/99 14:45:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3747/
My Email:tgallant@cbnet.ns.ca
Love your page!! It is beautiful:) Welcome to BE:) Take care! Kate

Becci McClain - 04/25/99 18:57:17
My URL:http://www.hal-pc.org/~waltmc
My Email:daisy_mcclain@hotmail.com
Linda...wonderful page, just beautiful! See ya on ROD! Hugs, Becci

Alisha - 04/24/99 06:33:29
Baby I am so very very proud of you. I thank God everyday for giving you to me.You have come along way in a very short time, but of course that does not surprise me. You have always been an exceptional child and now an exceptional woman. May God continue to guide and protect you always. Your loving Mother.

Vickie Pratt - 04/18/99 20:15:40
My Email:beefandv@aol.com
Very beautiful - lots of hard work for the rest of us to enjoy. Thank you.

Shonda Christine - 04/18/99 17:57:55
Mama, I cant put into words how proud I am of you. Thank you for being you. I love you Mama, thank you for loving me. You will always be my heart and soul, and my INSPIRATION. Your Daughter, SHONDA

Lady - 04/18/99 17:04:45
This was sent to me by Email....It was so nice, I just had to put it in here. This is a lady from my recipe chat list..Home_Cooking. Hi Linda, I just spent over an hour and a half lookng at your website------FANTASTIC !! !!!! You have really done a great job putting it all together. Again all I can say is "FANTASTIC" !!!!!!!!!

David - 04/18/99 17:00:15
Honey, I am so proud of you... I love you so much!! David

Adella Rucker - 04/18/99 04:24:10
My Email:adella@midusa.net
You have a beautiful page!!! I just love it.. I don't often click on sites only because of time, but I sure am glad I did yours!! Adella!

Carolyn - 04/17/99 05:19:20
My Email:etwest1@juno.com
Beautiful start, haven't looked at the rest yet. I like the background and pictures.

Lynette - 04/16/99 03:28:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/7570
My Email:redneck@thetahoe.net
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SITE!!!! How inspirational! Your hard work certainly shows. I am a former ROD member and a current Home Cookin member (yep, I'm one of the ones that stuck it out!). I really enjoyed my visit . . .if you want a laugh come visit my girls site! :)

Carol - 04/16/99 02:22:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6628
My Email:cbrothers@earthlink.net
Hi Linda, What a beautiful page you have....Thanks for showing me the way here thought the home cooking e-mails :)...Carol

Stacie - 04/16/99 00:26:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/mertandgerts/gerts.html
My Email:mertandgert@angelfire.com
HI!! Thanks for inviting me to your page (from home cookin). You have done a beautiful job!! Very well laid out!!

Dee Clerici - 03/22/99 15:44:20
My Email:dee@ngweb.net
Your home page is great. Thanks for sending it to me.

Nancy - 03/02/99 23:43:46
My Email:nbrownin@admin.usf.edu
Doug told me to check out your web page. He's very proud of all you have accomplished in the amount of time you have been on the computer. I think your page is wonderful. It's beautiful, creative, and showing a lot of caring. Keep up the good work.

Jan - 03/01/99 09:53:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~tassiedevil
My Email:ja2000@hotmail.com

What a truly beautiful start you have made on your pages!!! A pleasure to visit:-))

Please stop by!

Doug Anderson - 02/28/99 18:09:42
My Email:douglas@admin.usf.edu
Linda, you have created a wonderful site. It is amazing what you have been able to do in such a short time. It goes to show that whatever you put your mind to you can achieve. Love, Doug

Teresa Murphy - 02/26/99 02:01:42
My Email:TobiusAngl@aol.com
Your page is now complete. Good job. Love your sister/friend,

Linda - 02/25/99 17:32:16
My Email:davlin777@geocities.com
I want to thank everyone for their concern and their wonderful thoughts about Kati. Signed: PROUD GRANDMA AKA/NANA

Judie (Mark's mom) - 02/24/99 02:12:30
My Email:judie@early.com
Hope you don't mind, Mark told me to check out your page! It really is lovely. Hope Kati is well.

Kathy AKA Cruz - 02/16/99 05:01:14
Linda, Your page is beautiful!!! I'm very proud of you and all that talent you have been gifted with. Hope ya don't mind giving me some pointers sometime K? Love ya lots! Keep working on it. Your buddy Cruz

mark goda - 02/14/99 15:26:12
My Email:purenrg@whitelion.net
Wonderful page... love to see the changes, especially when they include graphics I created or helped to design. Thank You

- 02/11/99 15:31:05

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