RICHARD BEHEATHLAND was b. in England and d. about 1631. I have found nothing else about him.
Children of RICHARD BEHEATHLAND and ?:
1. ROBERT BEHEATHLAND b. before 1587 in England.
NOTE: Captain Robert Beheathland came to VA with John Smith in 1607. He accompanied the latter on his visit to the Emperior Powhatan. He was also mentioned in the list of one hundred Planters ("Gentlemen") in the same work. In 1620 he was in England and was one of the signers who petitioned the Royal Council to appoint a permanent governor for VA and expressed a willingness to return to VA if this was done.
Children of ROBERT BEHEATHLAND and ?:
1. Dorothy Beheathland
2. John Beheathland (NOTE: John's will was not dated, but was proved 22 Oct 1639. "About to go to my mother in Virginia, and having some small means coming to me from my grandfather Mr. Richard Beheathland deceased, do leave all unto Charles Beheathland my kinsman, being my guardian.")