Hello and thank you for
stopping by my little home on the web. I hope to make this a fun place to
hang out. So grab a soda, take a seat and relax. Take your time
looking around and come back often to see what I've added. And don't
forget to sign my guest book. :o)

you are the
friend to visit my pages since
January 1999.

Would you like to join my
web-ring, Country Comforts?
We would love to have you as a
member. Just click the picture below.

I love e-mail so let me hear from you please. :o)
My life's motto: "I'm
not bossy. I just have better ideas!" :o)
SiteRing by Bravenet.com

This is my woobie. His name is Hope. He is here to watch over my web-page when I
can't be here. If you would like one just click on him. Don't worry it won't
hurt It's like a big hug.

sign my guestbook so I know
you where here and so that I can return the favor.
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook

thank you guys for
making wonderful graphics and backgrounds.
You are listening to
"Wonder" by, Natalie Merchant
All rights reserved copyright
@ Kim's Country Comforts 1999, 2000