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**Home of Lady Kathryn Web Designs**
~Please Come on In and Stay Awhile~
~This Site Currently Undergoing some Changes~
~Hope You Enjoy What I have Done so Far~
**Our Shared Purpose**
**This is the Question that You must learn to Ask**
...In connecting with Everything...
"What is the Purpose"
...Whatever it Is...
It will direct Your efforts Automatically
When You make a Decision of Purpose
Then...You have made a Decision
About Your Future Effort
A Decision that will remain in Effect
Unless You change Your Mind
Purpose is of the Mind
And Minds can change as they Desire
...Those who Share a Purpose have a Mind as One...
The Power of our Joint Motivation is beyond Belief
But not beyond Accomplishment
What we can Accomplish Together has no Limits
You will see Your Value
Through Your Brother's Eyes
And each One is Released as He Beholds his "Savior"
In Place of the "Attacker" Whom He thought was There
Through this Releasing is the World Released
This Your Part in Bringing Peace
For You have asked "What is Your Function Here"
And have been Answered
"Seek not to Change It...Nor to Substitute another Goal"
Accept this One and Serve it Willingly
The Goal is Clear
But now You need Specific Methods for Attaining It
The Speed by which it can be Reached
Depends on this One thing Alone
Your Willingness to Practice every Step
Each One will Help a Little
Every time it is Attempted
And Together will these Steps
Lead You from Dreams of Judgment
To Forgiving Dreams...and Out of Pain and Fear
We have a Mission Here
We did not Come to Reinforce the Madness
That We once Believed In
Let Us not forget the Goal that We Accepted
It is more than just our Happiness alone
...We came to Gain...
**Thank You**
For Visiting my Page
Here at Heartland Hollow
Please come back and visit again!
**Our Shared Purpose**
~Taken From...A Gift of Peace~
~Selections From...A Course In Miracles~
~Copyright© 1986~
~By The Foundation For~
~Inner Peace~
~All rights reserved~
**Our Purpose Shared**
~Since July 6 2001~
**Site Renovated May 7th of 2002**
**For Your Enjoyment~Another Selection**
Taken From
"A Gift Of Peace"
"Perception is A Mirror"
**click here**
~Or You May Make Another Selection~
~Using the drop down menu Below~