Jan - 05/06/00 12:11:46
My Email:jan1903@hotmail.com
Nice website..
Have a nice day:)
God Bless You
Eddie Ler - 03/20/00 12:08:05
My URL:none at the moment
My Email:lergroup@pacific.net.sg
How did you locate us?: word of mouth
Greetings Faithfulness,
I'm Weilun from Agape! I must say your web page is indeed very informative and interesting!
Kudos to Zhihao! It's really nice of him to set up the web page!
God bless to all!
Poon Ying Ying - 01/22/00 03:58:41
My URL:http://www.mystarhub.com.sg
My Email:poonyy27@hotmail.com
How did you locate us?: Learning.
Hello,I am happy to join in the faithfulness fellowship.Hope to know more of you in the fellowship.
Jan - 01/16/00 22:05:09
My Email:jan1903@hotmail.com
A nice webpage
vivian - 11/07/99 15:36:37
My Email:mosquitovh@hotmail.com
How did you locate us?: trying orpc to know the activities
Continue to keep this updated
n why only... faithfulness hah??(juz joking)
Suria Paulus Irawan - 11/04/99 12:21:27
My Email:kuang1@hotmail.com
How did you locate us?: word of mouth
Keep walking with God we from Melbourne will keep praying for you there....
Audrey - 10/06/99 15:49:39
How did you locate us?: Hmmm....U sent me the website???
I think that it is Very HAPS!!!!!! Anyway, I'll like to appreciate the time that the web masters put into this.....
chbik - 09/03/99 05:36:10
My URL:http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chbik
My Email:chbik@singnet.com.sg
First, thanks to all the testers of the site. Zhenghao and I appreciate all your comments and opinions.
As Brother Mun has said at the 7th Mile Meeting, we pray that:
1) this site will be updated regularly by the new General Affairs (Logistics) Sub-Comm, and
2) this will be a site that is of use to you all and a blessing to all our visitors.
sorry that this new site took over a year to complete but again, thanks for your patience and kindness. God bless you all.
munny - 07/31/99 14:37:28
My Email:munny@singnet.com.sg
How did you locate us?: i just click on the link?
well done keep up the good work :))
Renjie - 07/30/99 13:10:50
Good job DONE! Praise the Lord.