HEY THERE! I'm Lisa and this is my homepage. Come on in and have a look. Meet some of my friends and family.

I love the ocean. Can you tell...LOL. One of these days I might just get to live a little nearer to one. Right now I have to settle for amber Waves of grain...lol. My husband Jac and I, along with our 3 children live in Indiana.

Jac and I have been married for 16 wonderful years. The children are a little more spread out in ages than we had planned, but oh well...they are 14, 10 and 5. First is Storm, she is 14. Well I say 14, she is 14 going on 30...lol kidding honey. She will be a freshman this year and a very good student. She plays clarinet in the high school marching band. This is a new and different experience for both of us. We will be heading to Philly and New York this fall with the band. They will be performing in The Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade, so ya'll watch for Southport High School in the parade. Next is Zach. He is 10 and in the 5th grade. Mr. Zach is also a very good student and loves any sport. He is playing football for his school this fall and just starting band. Zach plays ..are ya ready ... the tuba. Our house in the evenings is very LOUD. LOL. He could probably teach me a thing or two about computers, if I would let him. Next, but certainly not least, is Rye. She is the baby of the family at 5. She will go to kindergarten this fall...wooohoooo. She is looking forward to learning how to read. Last one in school. She is just too smart for her own good, or mine rather. She loves her Barbie's, and of course the computer. She asks me if I have deleted her game programs, then proceeds to tell me to please get them out of the recycle bin...lol

I have been at this "puter" thing for about a year. Jac is a network engineer and tells me I am a nerd in training..lol. He, being a full fledged NERD. The best place I have found so far is MPlayer. I play Spades, Poker, Backgammon and Bingo there. Mplayer also has the best audio chat progam on the net. I go to Friends & Family Chat, South Carolina room. Best Room in Mplayer...lol or so WE think.

Drop by sometime and see us. We have a great bunch of people there. Slydevil, Bull, Maryann, Tress, Dougie, JuneK (my Mom), Cheese Head, William, Steve, Luvshakers, Trudge, Sandstorm, Russ and Ruth, Angel, Gabe, CIWS, Don UniversalStrider, Pink, RuthieAnn, Raggedy Ann, Duane, Pookie, Wally, Loxley, Aqua, Sweetheart, Tim, Lay_C, Gracy, Robbie, Half, Electro-Tech, DC DC45, Kathie and Cute_Z. If I left anyone out please let me know. Alot of people in there to remember..LOL

This is most of the group from South Carolina. We had a BIG BBQ in Myrtle Beach in October.

My sister and I are taking scuba diving lessons...lol. I know, where can you scuba in INDIANA? We intend to do alot of diving while in Florida and South Carolina. Much to the dismay of our MOM...lol

You 2 need more pool time...lol

Jac and I have been camping together for about 17 years. We have been camping in everything from tents to travel trailers. We thought we would put together a page for anyone who would like to give camping a try. Some tips on what to take, and general information.

Lisa and Jac's Camping Tips

Here are some of my favorite places to go on the net..enjoy.

Sly's lair

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