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One of Their First Pictures!
The toughest part when you are out and people see you for the first time is the remarks that they say.  Do you breastfeed?  Were you on fertility drugs?  Your only children?  Lucky you and not me.  Well as far as I am concerned people are too personal.  What should it matter if you breastfeed or bottle feed.  Why do they need to know if they were natural or if you used fertility drugs?  So what if they weren't your only children, and yes i am lucky that it was me and not them.  People have no idea that what they say can hurt people.  If they do realize that they can hurt people then they just don't care.
I met my husband when I was 15 and we have been together ever since.  When we decided to get married everyone thought it was because of the wrong reasons.  I graduated from H.S. in June of 77 and we were married on July 23 of the same year, 77.  By September of that year I was already pregnant and had no idea what I was in for.  Although it didn't last.  On December 26th of the same year, 77, I had a miscarraige.  They told me it was due to the pregancy being in my tubes.  I really didn't know what they were talking about since I was only 18, I turned 18 in September, and I had no real idea what they were going to be doing.  After my six week checkup the doctor told us to go about our regular business and our regular sex life, whatever that is, and by November of 78 Jason came along.  Fourteen months later Marlena, January 80 and 23 months after that Sherri December 81. It seemed like I was pregnant forever.  But truefully I love being pregnant.  Not many people say that but I do.  My husband always told me that I was nuts to want so many children but I always wanted four.  Four was a nice number.  I came from a family of four and he is from a family of five.  It just seemed like a good number for a family.

After Sherri was born I went back to work.  Most of the time at first it was only part time but by the time she was in school full time I was working full time as well.  Things were going good.  The kids were growing up but I still wanted another baby.  My husband always said that we could not afford another one but my theory was I was working making good money and he was working and making good money too.  We didn't own a home and only had a car payment, beside rent and the utilites but he insisted no.  I let it go but still wanted another.

In 1992 we bought our dream house.  Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, yard with a pool on a dead end street.  Great place for kids, although one was in H.S. and the others were getting close to being out grammer school when we did infact decide to have one more.  We told our families on christmas of 1993 that we were going to try for another baby.  Not everyone was thrilled but said whatever made us happy.  We didn't get pregnant right away, I figured that is was my bodies way of saying,"Sorry you waited too long", but I guess I was just saving it for my Birthday.  When my 35th birthday came is when we did the EPT and the rest is just history.  Except for the building of our three bedroom, 1 1/2 bath and garage addition to our already 3 bedroom home.  We now have 7 children, 4 fish, 1 dog, 6 bedbroom, 2 1/2 bath home and sometimes it seems like its just not big enough yet.  Four boys all 3 1/2 have too many toys and not enough room.  Four beds, four dressers and two toyboxes just seems to fill their bedrooms.  So they got my whole front porch, enclosed, as their playroom.  Their toybox out there is the width of the porch, two feet high and two feet wide, and there still isn't enough room.  All the family loves to give to the boys on their birthdays and at Christmas so 4 times the amount of toys and gifts.  Thank God for family.

I hope you all enjoyed my story now you can read on and find out what the children are like.
Having four at once can be a challange but it also can be a blessing.  I was alway told that god only gives us what he feels we can handle.  Well I guess he figured that we could handle 7.  We do ok most of the time.  Now that the older ones are 20,19 and now 17 times are a little tough.  They know it all and we know nothing.  I guess as we get older we forget everything and they absorb everything that we forget.

Jason, 20, graduated from High School and got a good scholarship to college here in NJ.  He went for the first year, then summer school and did the first semester of his second year and then decided he wanted to take a semester off.  Not what we wanted but he's an adult now.  He feels he can find a job and go back maybe for night classes.  We'll see.  We can only hope he does.  Today Jason started working full time at a local store doing manual labor.  Hopefully this will make him realize that if he stayed in school, or goes back to school, at get the education that he wanted to become a teacher that he won't have to really do physical labor like moving and lifting the boxes in the warehouse like he has to now.  We pray each day that he comes to his senses but we know its all up to HIM now.

Marlena, 19, Graduated from High School also and now works full time.  She never wanted to really go to college so we never pushed it.  She was always told that if she wanted to go we would do all the paper work for it.  She the toughest of the group.  She knows how to really push all the right buttons.  She clashes the most with her father.  They go head to head all the time.  She did however decide to do some early childhood education classes at home.  We'll see how that goes.

Sherri, 17, She's still in High School.  She's a junior this year and just recently passed her drivers test.  Now another driver in the house.  She also works partime at a local clothing store.  She likes to have her spending money and likes the independence that goes along with working.  We still don't know for sure if she is gonna go to college either but we'll see how things go.  She is at the age now that she feels we do not have the right to tell her what she can and can not do.  We have told her numerous times that things are not always easy, we don't have to like the rules but we do have to follow them.  They never think that we do these things for them.  They do not think we know anything.  We always tell them that if we didn't care where they are, who they are with or any of these things then we wouldn't be good parents.  I guess they will only find these things out for themselves when they have their own children.