Elizabeth C. Lanthier

8553 Dellway Lane

Vienna, VA 22180

(703) 560-3999


Ph.D., 1997 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Major: Social Psychology, Minor: Cognitive Psychology

B.A., 1989 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Major: Interdisciplinary Studies

Skills summary

Professional Experience

2000-Present Assistant Professor

Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, Virginia

Teach psychology classes. Develope the syllabi, create and present class lectures, make and grade students’ assignments, design activities, write and grade tests, and assign final grades.

3/99-7/99 At risk/Retention Researcher

South Plains College, Lubbock, Texas

Established a database to collect and analyze student data and identify predictors of retention and attrition at a community college. Wrote final report and presented findings and recommendations to college administrators.

9/98-5/99 Instructor

"Introduction to Educational Psychology"

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Taught graduate students at the university level. Chose the text, developed the syllabus, wrote and presented class lectures, designed class activities, made and graded assignments and tests, and assigned final grades.

9/98-4/99 Instructor

"Strategies for Success"

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Taught undergraduate students returning to Texas Tech after being on academic suspension/probation. Covered units on learning style, time management, goal setting, reading and note taking, stress relief, and test taking. Designed class activities, created and graded assignments, and assigned final grades.

2/98-8/98 Instructor

"General Psychology" and "Human Growth and Development"

South Plains College, Lubbock, Texas

Taught undergraduate students at the community college level. Developed the syllabi, created and presented class lectures, made and graded students’ assignments, designed activities, wrote and graded tests, and assigned final grades.

6/97-10/97 Corporate Trainer

AT&T/ South Plains College, Lubbock, Texas

Trained call specialists on seven custom software programs and the telephone service laws of four states and facilitated transition from training to work. Designed presentations, activities, and assessments. Each class lasted for five weeks.

8/94-12/94 Instructor

"Research Methods in Psychology"

Indiana University, Department of Psychology

Taught undergraduate students at the university level. Created and presented lectures, designed course experiments, taught statistical methods and statistics software, graded students' reports and tests, and assigned final grades.

8/93-5/96 & 8/90-5/91 Teaching Assistant

"Social Psychology"

Indiana University, Department of Psychology

Created and presented class lectures, tutored students, graded tests, and maintained grades databases.

5/91-8/93 & 9/89-8/90 Laboratory Manager and Research Assistant

University of Denver, Department of Psychology

Hired and supervised undergraduate work-study students, recruited parents to participate in experiments with their infants, coded and analyzed data, wrote reports, and organized resources for the eight members of the lab.

Professional Membership

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Professional Papers and Presentations

Lanthier, E.C. (1999, July). Student retention and success at South Plains College-Lubbock. Unpublished report prepared for the Administration of South Plains College, Lubbock, TX.

Lanthier, E.C. (1997). Attitudes and attitudinal ambivalence: The effects of belief accessibility. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.

Lanthier, E.C. & Fazio, R.H. (1995, May). The persuasive efficacy of mystery messages. Poster presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Bihun, J.T., Lanthier, E.C., & Haith, M.M. (1994, April). Time limits on infant working memory in the visual expectation paradigm. Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Conference on Human Development, Pittsburgh, PA.

Lanthier, E.C. (1993, March). Infants' performance in a double- or triple-alternating sequence in the visual expectation paradigm. In M. Haith (chair), Variations on a theme of infant expectations. Poster symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans.

Lanthier, E.C. & Arehart, D.M. (1993, March). Infants' performance with a nonsymmetric timing sequence in the visual expectation paradigm. In M. Haith (chair), Variations on a theme of infant expectations. Poster symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans.

Benson, J.B., Haith, M.M., Bihun, J.T., Lanthier, E.C., & Thomas, M. (1992, May). A questionnaire to assess the development of future-oriented processes in infants and toddlers. Poster presented at the International Conference of Infant Studies, Miami.