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Roberta - 12/14/00 18:21:50
My Email:rhood@du.edu
Your favorite part of my site: not sure yet

Hey Beth--- Congratulations to you and Rich!!!!!!! It's so cool that I can see how you guys are doing!!! Tell Rich I said hi!! I hope you all are doing well.

jeanyu - 11/01/00 18:36:49
My Email:thecrossings@home.com
Your favorite part of my site: latest pictures

Beth, great well put together site! Thanks for sharing.

Joan - 09/30/00 18:51:39
My Email:bihunj@njc.org
Your favorite part of my site: everything!

Wow Beth! What a great way to keep everyone posted on all areas on your life. I really enjoyed seeing the family pictures and I also took advantage of your great class ideas from your syllabus. I, too, am busy with teaching activities this wkd--preppin a new course for Regis; Behavior and Stress Management, ironic, huh? Glad I have a way to keep in touch with you! me

elektra - 08/07/00 01:33:58

Thanks for your psych web links--now if you could only give me some good ones for American Lit. I would be set!

Rachel - 07/24/00 00:09:11
My Email:racgomez@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: You pictured as temp of the millenium!

Hey, why were you the designated driver?

E and Lita - 07/20/00 04:19:17
My Email:lita888@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: the beanie babies!!!

Time to move on to real ones........

Peggy Berg - 07/17/00 01:33:50


Teresa - 07/15/00 16:27:47
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/wh/astrophysics

Hey Beth! Love your summer photos, esp. the wildlife ones at Assateague!! :-) Will reply to your other msg a little later. Still recovering from being sick this past week. Love, T.

Barb, Ben, Paul & Lisa - 07/10/00 18:55:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/goontach
My Email:b_lanthier_1974@yahoo.ca
Your favorite part of my site: Don't know yet!


Di - 04/26/00 17:29:08
Your favorite part of my site: the pics

Hi Beth! Just had a few minutes to check out the latest pics - they're great! It's so nice to "see" you again - it's been WAY TOO LONG! Hope you're having a good week! Love, Di

mom - 04/04/00 16:19:18
My Email:bettycunningham@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: you and Rich

Loved the pictures!!! They made me smile and your comments made me laugh. Sorry we missed the party. Maybe next year. Love, Mom

Rachel - 03/31/00 23:00:20
Your favorite part of my site: The National Christmas tree coming out of Zac's head

I have read several of the books you mentioned as good ones. Thanks for the recommendations!

Harriet Kenny - 03/23/00 13:09:03
My Email:hkenny@indiana.edu

Happy Birthday to you - Happy birthday to you - Happy Birthday dear BETH, Happy birthday to you

Camille - 03/09/00 00:00:37
My Email:c.debell@ttu.edu
Your favorite part of my site: the cats, of course

Hi, Beth! I always enjoy visiting your web site, to see any updates. you are so clever! Love from your pal, Camille

Teresa Robeson - 01/03/00 11:11:23
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/wh/astrophysics
My Email:trobeson@wildmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: everything! :-)

Beth! I finally got to see your photos of Lynn and Darren's wedding...oh wow!! They are such a darling couple. I didn't get to see their virtual album because it takes too long to load and I only have a short amt of time at the 'puter. Hey, I'm so impressed you are doing animated gifs!! And, the fact that they don't take very long to load is even better. I'm afraid to try them because I don't want it to load even slower than it is now (those paperclips gifs seem to take a while). I had fun reading your Christmas journal and looking at the photos...that is so great! I felt like I was right there. Your kid(s) will have some really fabulous Xmases! You guys already have lots of fun traditions in place. Love, Teresa

- 01/02/00 06:34:23

Um, where can I get that Pikachu costume?

cool - 12/29/99 05:16:02

Finally got JAM in the thumbprints...

P.W. - 12/24/99 01:23:14
My Email:mmstevenson@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: All of it!!

Hi Beth, A very Merry Christmas to you and Rich,

betty cunningham - 12/18/99 19:12:00
My Email:bettycunningham@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: everything

Hi-----Just read your Christmas doings-----sounds like so much fun. Glad you are enjoying your first Christmas in Virginia. Kind of wish we were still on Yates Ford Road so we could be more a part of these fun times. We'll just have to move back!!! HaHa-- -only kidding-----can't do another move!! Waiting for pictures of these events!!!Love, Mom

Aunt Lynne - 12/15/99 01:44:16
My Email:jimhoy@aol.com


Teresa Robeson - 12/14/99 21:26:10
My URL:http://here.at/artplace

Beth! I love your site, your Xmas updates, and your snail-mail Xmas letter!! :-) The kids just woke up, so I'll have to come back and see Lynn and Darren's wedding/reception pages. Thanks for putting my biz link at your site - I REALLY appreciate it!! Love, Teresa

mom - 11/09/99 20:14:22
My Email:bettycunningham@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: all the new stuff!!

It was so wonderful to see Lynn and Darren and of course all the old friends----Elektra and Rebecca. What a wonderful wedding reunion in beautiful Santa Barbara. I felt like I was there----I even cried!!!! I'm getting sentimental in my old age!!! Just see s like yesterday that you were all first year at UVA. Can it possibly be ten years??? Your WEB site is just great Beth. Loved reading everyone's comments!!!! Keep up the good work.

Elektra again - 10/28/99 02:33:37
Your favorite part of my site: Fleurette's dancing frog

Wow--I loved your music--I burned my brownies I was so engrossed by your lovely web pages--

Elektra - 10/28/99 02:17:41
Your favorite part of my site: everything

Yippee--Beth lives in cyberspace!

ann & joey smeltzer - 10/23/99 15:49:31
My Email:hjs21@aol.com

Joey & I enjoyed the pictures from the wedding weekend. joey liked the music best....he started dancing on my lap. what a neat idea...you are a very clever person...have a nice weekend

Teresa Robeson - 10/06/99 21:16:16
My URL:http://www.1800partyconsultant.com/4441
My Email:writer64@yahoo.com
Your favorite part of my site: everything!!

Hi Beth! I adored the photos you put up! My fav one was of you knitting and the comment about Rachel was hilarious! :-D Hope you're well...haven't heard from you in a while. What's up with Rich's applying for citizenship? Well, gotta run now. Love, Teresa

Chris - 10/02/99 14:58:24
My Email:cl-callaghan@home.com
Your favorite part of my site: pix of you guys and the "Afternoon Delight" themesong!

Hi Beth! What a cute home page :^) You've done a good job. Hope to visit you guys sometime soon, since DC is so much closer than Texas! Bye for now, Chris

Aunt Rosalie - 10/02/99 10:26:14
My Email:rosaliecunningham@prodigy.com
Your favorite part of my site: everything

Loved reading about Rich's family and seeing pictures of your visit with your mom & dad, Rachel & Zac. Loved the music & moving cow heads! You must really miss Texas!

Rachel - 10/01/99 22:38:34
My Email:Racgomez@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: The swaying cows, and the new groovy mooosic!

Hey, thanks for putting my picture on the internet. I hope I don't get some stalker now! Everything looks really good!

Claire Durivage - 09/29/99 12:48:49
My URL:http://www.jagmar.qc.ca
My Email:claire@jagmar.qc.ca
Your favorite part of my site: Tante Fleurette

It was great to see all my cousins "online" !! Thank you for the visit. I also enjoyed the rest of your website - Take care, Claire

Diana Nikkari - 09/17/99 15:01:45
My Email:dnikkari@rof.net
Your favorite part of my site: all of it!

HI JOYCE! I finally made it here! Hope all is well... love, Di

Aunt Rose - 08/26/99 00:59:58
Your favorite part of my site: the armadillo & Rich

Beth, these new photos are great & I loved reading about your trip east. You should publish the whole web page. Love, Aunt Rose

Rich - 08/12/99 04:02:36
My Email:lanthier@gwu.edu
Your favorite part of my site: finagling free ice

'nuf said!

Katherine - 08/05/99 18:00:44

Cool web page - I liked your book list - glad to see some of the book club books made it to the list. I was bummed though when I tried to connect to the Martha Stewart page - it was too busy, ha. It's funny since being home more your two favorite shows ha e become mine as well. (coicidence? I don't think so)

Rich - 07/23/99 05:19:17
My Email:lanthier@gwu.edu
Your favorite part of my site: Cats as always!

Hey! Great addition to the moving page :)!!

Coolio - 06/30/99 02:22:58
Your favorite part of my site: The cat's man!

Wow, what an awesome yuppie palace your cool husband got ya!

Linda Fager - 06/24/99 22:56:41
My Email:lindafager@aol.com
Your favorite part of my site: Nike and Zac

Your website was the first I have ever seen. You are SO SMART!!! It looks so neat! Today I bought AOL for Dummies, so I will hopefully have a web site too. I love all the color, the photos, everything about it. I never knew there was a cat named ZAC !!

joan - 06/15/99 17:58:14
My Email:bihunj@njc.org
Your favorite part of my site: your amusing stories!


Harriet - 06/15/99 12:49:28
Your favorite part of my site: messages from cats

Great going.

Auntie Lynn - 06/15/99 03:45:27
My Email:lmhdpr@aol.com
Your favorite part of my site: The link to Darren Roach

HIP HIP HOORAY -- WHAT GREAT NEWS!!! One less thing to worry about. Now it's back to Northern Virginia -- just think, your kids will have in-state status to UVA! And it's a very cool website. You'll have to help D and I put one together to document th wedding process. Hope all is well. Love, Lynn

Teresa Robeson - 06/12/99 20:26:12
My Email:trobeson@wildmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: the move to VA journal!

Hey Beth! Just thought I'd check in on you and tell you I loved reading the journal again...esp. Zac's comments at the bottom!! LOL!! 'later! Love, T.

Rachel and Zac - 06/01/99 01:51:15
Your favorite part of my site: the latest moving entry

Hey, I like reading about your moving trials and tribulations. Poor Zac and Nike!

bettycunningham - 05/30/99 11:20:34
Your favorite part of my site: all that cleaning

You and Rich have worked so hard getting ready for the big move. Hope your beautiful home sells quickly.

Lisa Jugel - 05/20/99 03:07:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ljugel
My Email:ljugel@aol.com
Your favorite part of my site: the cats! :-)

Hi Beth! Just stopping by to say hello and check out your page -- it looks great! Lisa

Howard & Peggy Berg - 05/02/99 01:30:41
My Email:cmci@erols.com
Your favorite part of my site: Family Pictures

The cow should "moo".

rachel gomez - 04/24/99 20:52:22
My Email:racg@aol.com
Your favorite part of my site: the picture of me! Just joking!

Hey, I really liked your homepage. It was great. It was much better than "Cats". Rachel

mom - 04/22/99 18:05:35

Loved your house picture. The giant bush looks good!! Keep up the good work!! You and Rich can do it. ( Somehow this sounds like a pep talk!)

Teresa Robeson - 04/22/99 02:56:44
My Email:trobeson@wildmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: where you mention my site! LOL!

Good job, Beth! Can you do mine?

Anonymous - 04/19/99 03:18:23

Umm, I would like to object to the placement of the Beanie Baby "Scorch" with the bird collection. Clearly he is a dragon, not a bird. REMOVE HIM IMMEDIATELY, or else... FINALLY I think it is sweet of your husband to include you in his interests. Not all wives are so lucky...

dad - 04/15/99 19:57:53
Your favorite part of my site: your moving frenzy!


betty/mom - 04/15/99 19:53:06
Your favorite part of my site: everything

I'm going to read everything right now!!

Betty Cunningham - 03/25/99 19:46:54
My Email:bettycunningham@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: I love everything!!

We are just thrilled that you and Rich are going to be so much closer to PA. It will be so great to see you more often. We are so happy for you both. Love, Mom

- 03/25/99 06:28:27

what a great page!

Gerry Cunningham - 03/24/99 01:42:27
My Email:gerrycunningham@hotmail.com
Your favorite part of my site: The pictures of your family

An excellent web site. I can tell by the quality of your work that you spent a considerable amount of time working on this project and you are getting so much better at adding things.

jean - 03/23/99 21:31:10
My Email:jeanyu@stargate.net


Sherie - 03/23/99 14:39:31
My Email:mains@intrepid.net
Your favorite part of my site: coming home!!

Hello Beth, I absolutly love your website, tho I couldn't pull up your Christmas picture. I'm too excited about you coming home, you should've been here when I pulled up the site!! Take care! Sherie

Aunt Lynne - 03/23/99 13:45:38

Will write later. On our way out the door to Northern Virginia. Love.

Rich - 03/20/99 17:36:35
My URL:http://www.educ.ttu.edu/faculty/lanthier/
My Email:r.lanthier@ttu.edu
Your favorite part of my site: Definately the cats :)!

Without a doubt, this is one of the most creative, energetic, and fascinating set of pages I have seen!

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