Broken Vessels

All Of Me

A Lost Lamb Comes Home

Jesus' Hugs

The Gift

The Mask

I Will Not Be Moved

Come To Jesus

Life's Choices

A Hand In The Darkness

Only You



To Cry Alone

Can You See God's Love


Many Times In My Life


Poems wrote when i was being abused

some of these may be too harsh for children to view.
Please use caution when allowing kids to view these poems.

Lost Wanderer

When you die and your standing before God
in judgment He will ask a question "When you were on earth
what did you do with my Son Jesus?"
Your answer should be I loved your Son Jesus
with all of my heart,all of my soul,
all of my mind,and all of my strength
If you can't say that then you need Jesus as your Savior
because without being able to say that
God will say depart from me I never knew you"
God Bless ya tons