Through His Eyes
See Jesus' death through His eyes,very touching
The Ragman
A beautiful story
Letter to Mommy
Abortion from a baby's perspective..very moving
The Three Trees
A very good story
You're Worth It
the title says it all, a good poem
Do you love Me?
A story about the Lord asking how much you love Him
A letter from satan to you
be a fool for Christ instead of satan
Just Checking In
checking in with God on your lunch break..great story
God's Grace
a story of points and getting to heaven only by God's grace
It Takes Courage To Say "Jesus"
would you have this kind of faith?
Drunk Driving
a sad but true story
Forever Friend
a great poem for those of you who have forever friends :)
Art Auction
Whoever takes the Son gets it all!
God Said No
God gives us what's better
His Blood
a song by "Carmen" very good