Hello family and friends !
Welcome to the  Strother - Downey web site. We hope to use this web site to keep you abreast of family news, reunion information, and general information that you may be interested in. If you have any information or suggestions that you would like to see posted on this web site. Please contact Tina Totten at tottencha@aol.com or (757) 838-4282, or you may contact Terri Marquez at jmarquez@cox.net
Strother-Downey Family Website
HI FOLKS.  Just wanted to share some family news.  Terry Howard  will be spending lots of time next year in Japan with his company Texas Instruments.  He is the adviser for the Inclusive Environment and Diversity Steering Committee.  The organization was established to emphasize an inclusive environment throughout the corporation.  Job well done as always Terry.  I have started a family BLOG for you to post your comments or start a discussion about anything.  Click on the link above to get started.  Have you heard of the movie The Forty Year Old Virgin?  Well I was the Forty Year Old Non-Driver, but not anymore.  I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE.  STAY OUTTA MY WAY!  How is everyone?  I am well.  Of course last month was Halloween and it was Zach's favorite time of the year. I was busy making his costume and carving pumpkins and all of that good stuff.  Zachary, Gabriel and Allegra entered a costume contest.  Gabriel won 1st place in his age group and Zachary won 2nd place in his age group.  Congratulations guys.  Check out the Halloween photos on the PHOTOS PAGE.  We adopted a Schnauzer puppy from Patsy.  Her name is Trixie and she is so spoiled.  Her photo is posted as well.  It is almost Turkey time.  Everyone have a fun, safe Thanksgiving.  What are you thankful for.  Send me an email listing some things you are thankful for and I can post it on the website.  IT'S OFFICIAL!  The 2008 Strother-Downey Family Reunion will be held right here in Hampton.  Click on the Reunion page for more details.  Check out the Family Member of the Month section below.  This is an interesting way to learn facts about the great members of our family.  If you get a family survey please take the time to fill it out.  Make sure to read the JOKE OF THE MONTH for a quick laugh. Sign the guestbook below please.  Please send me current events, recent news, new pics, correct email addresses, jokes, links to other webpages and any other info you have.  Check out the slide show on the family photos page.  Happy Birthday to Tiny Simmons, Stacy Todd, Zachary Chavers, Eddie Richardson, and Jimmy Lee Strother.  Happy Anniversary Vincent and Lydia Scott.
[Ask Earl]
Click here to visit THE GEORGIA BRIDGEMEN
Charles Todds High School Band Website
I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich.
Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.
Email me Tottencha@aol.com
VISIT MY MYSPACE PAGE www.myspace.com/tinagrownandsexy
My favorite movie: The Little Mermaid, it’s a classic and the first movie I ever saw.  I can, still to this day, recite almost every word in that movie and sing every song.
The last book I read was: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
My favorite restaurant is: Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, they have the best chicken cheese thing ever.
Five guests at my fantasy dinner party: My younger self, Adam (you know, Adam & Eve from the Bible and he can bring Eve too), God, Mommy, and Daddy.  Sorry Victoria , I can’t add you because I have a bone to pick with these people, and lessons to teach myself. 
Most people don't know that I: I am an artist and that I used to play the violin.  Well, my family knows about the violin, but no one else.
My hobbies are: Shoes.  Well its more like an addiction that I refuse to go to therapy for.  I shop online 24/7 and feel as though no one can own too many shoes.  Ok, that’s not really a hobby, so…My REAL hobbies are shopping online, drawing, and reading.
My favorite game is: Football, I'm a huge fan.  GO CHARGERS!!...ooh, and I like Life and Monopoly.
My favorite performer is: Uhhhh…well, I saw Destiny’s Child in their farewell concert, they were good…but I can’t say they are my favorite.  I really don’t have one.
I wish I knew how to: Have patience.
Favorite junk food: Don’t really have one.   Not a big junk food person.  I can do with out it.  Well, I like push pops and giant blow pops.
I'm happiest when: I have money to buy what I want to buy, when I want to buy it, when I’m out with my girls laughing and having silly fun, and when I’m just chillin with my family.
The electrical device I couldn't live without: Ummm…that’s a toughie.  I guess I would have to say the internet.  I would not be able to communicate without it.  It gives me the opportunity to talk to people without actually having to talk to them.  Do you get it?
Heroes: ME…lol…just playing.  I guess I would have to say Mommy, Daddy, Libby Butler (my high school math teacher & past boss), and many, many more.  Mommy is my hero because she has taught me everything that I know.  She has been patient with me and guided me when I needed guidance.  Daddy is the only father that I know that still hangs out with his children, and enjoys it.  He always plans vacations for us to take together, and he even does things on vacation that we want to do, even if he doesn’t want to do it.  Together my parents are my heroes because they, not only have been married for 35 plus years, but they are still very much in love with each other.  In today’s society, that is a rare thing to find.  Most of my friends’ parents are divorced, or never were married.  I inspire to have a marriage just like theirs or better one day.  Now, Libby Butler is the best math teacher and mentor that I have ever had.  Because of her, I realized how much I love, love, love MATH.  I know, I know, most people hate math, but I love it because there is only ONE answer to any problem, no matter how many times you do it, the answer will never change.  How you can not love that.  Libby showed me my math potential and how gifted, talented, and lazy I was.  I realized that I like math’s consistency and that I was good at it.  That changed everything for me and helped me to pick the major that I have today, Architecture.
Favorite author: Ann Rinaldi and J.K. Rowling
My favorite expression: “Wait…what?!”
I would never: Disobey my parents.  Oops, wait; I’ve done that already, my bad.  Hahaha.  I would never…let a friend or relative change my style.  I’m an individual and I know what I like.  Influence me, maybe, I’m always open to suggestions.
Last meal I would choose is: Anything that I can eat with sour cream…mmm…delicious.
My all-time favorite television show is: Ooh…that’s a hard one.  I would have to sat Grey’s Anatomy
My teenage idol was: beats me.
My ideal vacation is: A cruise on the Mediterranean Sea in my own yacht.  So that I could stop at every country that I wanted to see and have the opportunity to stay as long as I wanted.
I wish I could sing like: Whitney Houston…BEFORE her crack days.
My all-time favorite personality is: MINE (wink)
Community activities: I have volunteered at my church during Christmas time.  We host a free fair and hand out toys to those underprivileged children.
Favorite cartoon character: Tinkerbell…she is one hot mama!!...
Family Member of the Month
Meet Brittany Scott
The Joke of the Month

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won.
The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered in another race and it won again.
The local paper read:
The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in any more races.
The next day the local paper headline read:
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.
The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.
The local paper, hearing of the news, Posted the following headline:
The Bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey so she sold it to a farmer for $10.
The next day the headlines read:
This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the high plains where it could run free. The next day the headlines read:
Alas The Bishop was buried the next day.
Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery and even shorten your life.
So, be yourself and enjoy life.
Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and you'll live longer.
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