FoxCreek Farm

Hi, My name is Meghan, welcome to my farm. My Mom and Dad own a small family farm here in Mi, USA. I am 7 years old and I like to help out on the farm. There is alot to do and always things to learn. Hope you will enjoy learning about our rare breeds of livestock, pets and our Heirloom Seeds.

Here is what you will find on my pages

 a link to my Instant Message pager so we can chat


 photos of our 'FoxCreek FarmCollies' (including newborn pups)

More FarmCollie photos on this page


 a link to my Mom's page about rare breeds of livestock (under construction)


 'My Favorite Links' page with links to games, learning and fun things

Can you believe it! I am only 7 years old, but I am an Aunt already (I don't like being called Aunt, though), maybe when I get older. Here is a picture of me holding my Nephew, Connor.