Welcome to our web page! Explore around. We have neat stuff here--some of our favorite things!! You'll find below some of the really neat things we like.
These are our beautiful cats. They are very cuddly at night--but sometimes they get a little feisty!!! Their names are Nala and Tiger. They are 1 1/2 years old (in people years).
Games--We like to use our computer to play games. We have lots of fun places you can go to on the internet to play good, safe games. Our very favorite is Dr. Brain. We have the CD and play it at home, too. Cranium also has good games, and so does KidsCom. Bonus is also one of our very favorite places to play. MainXchange is a tough stock market game where we practice investing the big Bux!!! Gazillionaire is also a cool place to see!! (We REALLY like games!!)
Football!!! We really like football. We practice in the summer mostly every day. Andrew likes the Jaguars and the Jaguars for Kids website. Mom likes the Steelers. Alex likes the Panthers (even though they traded Kerry Collins to the Saints). We check the NFL schedule on the internet alot. We watch games almost every Sunday, but we really like Monday Night Football and the Super Bowl!!! The NFL for Kids and Sports Illustrated for Kids also have cool websites.