Via Reunions

Past Reunion Notices

Virginia 2003

There will be a annual "Via Reunion"on Mothers Day 05/11/03 @ Mint Spring Park, Crozet, VA. This is the location of where William A & Susie Via homeplace and graves are. Also where Dewey,Claud and there offspring were born and raised. The park is was donated by Dolly Via Seale. This Via family has had their reunion there for over 20 years. There is a historian David Via who attends each year. His occupation is to identify and restoration of old graves in Albermarle Co.
To view your map, click on this link or cut and paste this link into your browser's location bar.

Maupin Reunion - 2004

Past Reunion Notices

Ohio Via Reunion Jun 2002

Indiana Via Reunion Jul 2002

Virginia Via family Reunion Oct 2002