
Hanover Co. VA
St Peter's Parish Boundaries, 1620, showing Matedaquin Creek
St. Peter's Parish Boundaries, 1690

St. Paul's Parish Boundaries, 1720
St. Paul's Parish Boundaries, 1720
--From the Journal of Gentry Genealogy

The following map markups thanks to Janelle Via McKown

--The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War by Major George B. Davis, et. al., The National Historical Society, Gettysburg, PA, 1891-5
1.  Carter Via (died 1856) who married Louisiana Via lived here.  This is the original land of Robert Via.

--Current road map of Hanover Co. from the Virginia Department of Transportation
1.  Amer Via's land along Matadequin Creek, probably near intersection with 693.
2.  Prospect Meeting House (Methodist)
3.  Location of original Robert Via land from whence Carter Via and Louisiana Via, his wife, inherited their respective land (see Civil War map, above)
4.  Black Creek Baptist Church, established 1777
Eastview - home of Margaret Via (dau. of Gilson Via) and Thomas G. Turner.
Immanuel Episcopal - location of upper church, St. Peter's, New Kent