The analysis pages provide a forum for examining multiple original sources, providing commentary on them, and understanding their implications.  Eventually, evidence uncovered from the analysis pages should provide source material for proven families as shown in our family chart section.  Do you have an early Via individual or family analysis to share?  Contact me!

Who were Amer's children?

Gideon Via's parentage

John & Gideon Via of Amherst and Buckingham Counties

How many Williams were there?

How many Micajahs were there?

Was Robert Via who married Frances Parker the son of Robert Via and ____ Lane?

Analysis of parentage of Pleasant B. Via

Analysis of the parentage of Robert Via who married ___ Lane

Thoughts on why the Amer/William I/William II/William III descent is in question

The Robert Vias of Hanover

Who were the parents of William Via of North Carolina?

Who were Amer's children?
This is not complete but is a start on the children of Amer...Any additions, corrections, suggestions are needed and welcomed.


Nohome Via d. 26 March 1688 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va
Robert Via b. ca 1694 New Kent Co., Va d. 1759-1763
William Via b. ca 1696 New Kent Co., Va d. 1782-83 Albemarle Co., Va
Judith Via baptized 11 April 1699 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va married Henry Wade
Margaret Via baptized 3 Aug 1701 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va married Daniel Maupin
Mary Via baptized 27 Feb 1703/04 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., Va (Possibly Jane who married Robert Thompson)

Robert was probably the eldest son as he shows up first in the land processioning in Hanover Co., Saint Paul's Parish.  He seems to disappear from the land processioning records between Nov 19, 1759 when he is listed in the same precinct as his sons Robert, Gideon and Josias.  On 30 Nov 1763 only his son Robert is listed, leading to the assumption that Robert Via I had died.

William shows up for the first time in these records 29 Oct 1731.  And it appears as though he was living on the land of his father Amer Via.  Some of the neighbors in his precinct were the same as listed for Amer. (Talley, Anthony, Peace, Blackwell).  Apparently Margaret died between 1716 and 1731.  In Sept 1734 in Hanover Co, William witnessed the will of Thos Glass Jr (another neighbor).  William's land in Hanover Co is in the processing records through Sept 18, 1743 at which time he apparently left for Albemarle Co.

At this point these are the only children I have listed for Amer.  But the possibility exists that he had other children.
--thanks to Judy Pons

Gideon Via's parentage
--by Judy Pons
The Gideon who went to Ohio (again in my humble opinion) was the son of David Via and Frances Stringer.

1.  From Gideon's pension application - "doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.  That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated, that is to say; That in or about the month of September A.D. 1777 being a resident of Augusta County Va "
Notice this says that he was a resident of Augusta County.  I don't believe we have anything showing John or his sons as living in Augusta County.

2.  Also from his pension record "That in the fall of the year 1780 at Rockingham Co Va where he then lived he was again drafted for a term of three months"
Same situation.  I don't believe we've documented John or his sons as having lived in Rockingham Co.  Although this is after John's death and his sons could have moved anywhere I still don't see them as having lived in Augusta County and then Rockingham County.

3.  The biggest reason I believe this Gideon was the son of David Via and Frances Stringer (Frances married John Eddy after David's death) is because of the following deed of John & Francis Edde to Gideon Viah, Francis Edde being Gideon's mother.  Gideon held this land until 1818 when he sold it to Clemintious

By 1820 Gideon was in census records for Gallia Co., Ohio

I cannot say positively but I believe David Laird had something to do with the 10th Va Regiment...may have commanded it at times.  And Gideon, son of David and Frances was bound out when a youngster to David Laird.

John & Gideon Via of Amherst and Buckingham Counties
As we know there were two early Via's in Amherst and Buckingham county, Virginia.  John Via and Gideon Via.

I'd like to see if we can sort these lines out but I definitely need help from everyone else.  Jewell and I have been working on census records trying to complete them as much as possible.

I believe (although have no documentation to prove it) that John and Gideon were brothers.  I also believe John was born later than the 1710 that is usually given for his birth.  There are several reasons I believe his birth year was more likely in the 1720's.  One of them being when he wrote his will in 1781 he referred to his daughters as Susannah Via and Mary Ann Via.  If John was born in 1710 he most likely started having children by mid 1730's.  Even if he had the girls in 1740 they would have been about 40 years old in 1781 and not married.  Just a minor point but I do think he was born later than 1710.  Gideon from a deposition in Buckingham stated he was born in 1730.

We know that John Via (we'll call him Sr. so as not to confuse the John's) had 6 children living when he wrote his will; John, David, Susannah, Mary Ann, Gideon, and William Via.

Let's try to pool our resources and see how much of this family we can put together.  John's will was proven in court 6 March 1786 so he was deceased by then.  However he is not in the 1785 census for Amherst so may have died by 1785.

Here's the records I have that may pertain to this John Via Sr.

1 December 1751...James Johnson and John Branch complain of John Via that on 1 Dec. 1751 he became in debt to them for goods, etc.  Order to sheriff of Bedford County arrest Via in above suit, dated 16 Feb.  A non suit granted at June Court  1756 (2 items).  (This record is in Albemarle County - so I've often wondered by the above mentions order to sheriff of Bedford County to arrest Via?  Was John living in Bedford and shopping in Albemarle?)  This record may or may not relate to this John Via Sr but I believe it does.

On 15 February 1755 John Via had surveyed 125 acres on the north side of Rocky Run of Appomattox River in Albemarle County, Virginia.  John Staples surveyor.  This area apparently later became Buckingham County.  (Again we do not know positively that this pertains to John Via Sr. but most likely does as the Via line was in Buckingham and Appomattox).

 John Via
290 acres

Thomas Jefferson Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye That in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of Thirty Shillings Sterling paid by John Via unto the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said John Via a Certain tract or pacell or parcel of Land Containing by Survey made the Eighth day of November one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty eight Two hundred and ninety acres lying and being in the County of Amherst and is bounded as followeth to witt: Beginning at a white oak Saplin and
running thence new Lines north Thirty Eight degrees west Thirty four poles to a pine North forty eight degrees west sixty two poles to a Hickory at a Branch North three degrees west one hundred and one pole to pointers north forty degrees west thirty nine poles to a pine North Sixty Eight degrees east at fourteen poles a branch forty four poles to a Spanish oak South eighty one degrees east one hundred and fifty four poles to a pine, South Thirty degrees east one hundred and Twenty one poles to a pine South Twenty two degrees west Ninety two poles to a white oak South forty five degrees west one hundred poles to pointers and South seventy Seven degrees west at fourteen poles a Branch Twenty two poles the first station  This tract of Land lyes on the north branches of fishing creek with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said John Via and his heirs for ever.  In witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and Caused the lesser seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty and of the Commonwealth the fifth.
                                                       Tho Jefferson

(Amherst Co Patents Book E, p. 897)
(This we know is John Via Sr. and this is the land he left to his 4 sons)


In the name of god Amen.  I John Via of the County of Amhurst being Very Sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God, Calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul unto the hand of all mighty God that gave and my Body I Recommend to the Earth nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall Receive the same again, and as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bles me in this life, I give Demiss and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form  First, I give and bequeath to my four Sons my Lands and Tenements and Also I give to well belove Daughter Susanah Via and Mary Ann Via _ all my movible Estates to be posessed and enjoyed By them for Ever and I do hereby utterly Disannul all wills and Ratifying and Confirming this my Last will and Testament in witness whereof I set my hand and Seal this Seventeenth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty one.

Signed Sealed and Acknowledged                               John Via   LS
by the said John Via as his Last
will Testament in presents
Daniel Perrow
Milley Perrow
Elis  X  Evens

At a court held for Amhurst County the Sixth Day of March 1786 This Last will & Testament of John Via Dec'd was presented in Court And proved by the Oath of Daniel Perrow & Elizabeth Evans Witness thereto And Ordered to be Recorded.
                    Test. Wm Loving Clk

[Amherst Co., Va.  WB 3:4]
[John Via Sr's will - Elis Evens was a Horsley.  Milley Perrow may have been a Via.]

20 Jul 1795.  Jno. Christian & wife Judith, AC, to Chas. Christian, AC, for 20 lbs, 300 acres surveyed for both of them, 3 May 1780, and pat. to them, 10 Apr 1781.  Branches of Creek. Lines: Geo Hylton, Wm. Horsley dec'd, Eliz. Evans, JNO. VIA dec'd, Jno Swanson (formerly Reuben Tyre), Jno. Olds.  Wit: Jacob G. Pearce, Henry Stoneham, Jas. Turner. Del. to Walter Christian, Jr.

15 Dec 1798.  (This only shows John as being deceased and that his neighbors included Wm Horsley, Eliz Evans who's maiden name was Horsley.)

I do not have any documents that show John's wife's name.  She was apparently deceased prior to 1781 when he wrote his will.  I know her name has been reported as Mary Powhatan but I have not seen any documentation that even gives her first name.

Does anyone have any other records that may pertain to this John Via?  John does not appear to be in the Personal Property tax lists for Amherst or Buckingham county that started about 1782.  Maybe he was exempt from paying taxes.  Or maybe he died in 1781 after writing his will and it wasn't proven it court until later.  That was not uncommon.

I have the Personal property tax lists for Buckingham, Amherst and Nelson counties from 1782 (later for Nelson since it wasn't established that early) until about 1840.  Can anyone think of any other records that might help us with John Via Sr???  I will order the microfilm for Amherst County Land records and see if that will shed anymore light on him for us.

One other observation when John went to Amherst county in 1768 for the most part it seems like he stayed there as did his children for awhile while Gideon stayed in Buckingham and seems like again for the most part those in Buckingham came from the Gideon line.

Any comments, additions, corrections???


Thoughts on why the Amer/William I/William II/William III descent is in question
Recent research has proven that what most of us thought originally about William Via I, William Via II, and William Via III is partially incorrect.

We now know that the sons of William Via II were not Micajah Via who married Mary Mills and William Via III who married Mary Craig.  Since we now know that is incorrect it really messes up the using of the designations of William I, II & III.

I now believe we are missing an early generation in the William line and that the son of Amer was born nearer 1684, and is not the William that we have generally referred to as William Via I.  We can guess an approximate birth year for William that died about 1779/1782.  Based on when his children were born this William was probably born about 1738.  I will try to refer to William's now as William b. ca 1738, etc. to clarify which William I am referring to.

I am also beginning to believe that the first William b. ca 1684 was most likely the father of William b. ca 1704, John b. 1710, Robert and possibly a Francis Via.

In addition to the above information we know that a William, Robert & Francis Via were in either Louisa or Albemarle Co.  Robert & William in Fredericksville Parish.  And John Via in Albemarle Co.

I know sometimes new ideas are hard to accept especially since we've all seemed to believe in past research.   But, we have now proven past research was incorrect regarding the sons of William Via b. 1738.  I think it's really important for us to keep looking, and to keep an open mind to new research developments.

It is also starting to look like Micajah Via Sr. b. ca 1740 was the ancestor of all Albemarle Co. Via's.

Like most ofther I too thought the William Via (son of the immigrant), hi son William and William Via who married Mary Craig fit and it seemed to make sense.  Although it has always bothered me greatly that Amer was in America by 1677.  The first record of a child was the death of Nohome (or No name) in 1688.  There were most likely children born between 1677 and who were they?  Then we have from 1688 until 1699 when Judith was baptized.  Another 11 year period.  Again it is most likely there were children born during this time frame.  The William theory (the son of Amer dying much earliner than we thought and born much earlier than we thought) just makes sense to me.  That would account for the parentage of several Via's we have not been previously able to place such as David Via who married Frances Stringer and John Via who married Mary Powhatan.  I think a careful examination of the land records for St. Paul's Parish and hopefuylly land records in Louisa Co. may shed further light on this theory.

When William and Micajah, the sons of William Via b. ca 1738 and grandsons of William Via are placed correctly (Halifax Co.) that only leaves Micajah Via as the possible parent of the Albemarle Co. Via's.  If anyone has any other information to place someone old enough to have been the ancestor of the Albemarle group, please let us know.
-- Judy

The Robert Vias of Hanover
I believe that you once asked me if I knew the name of Gilson Via's father.  It was Robert.  Lots of help, huh? 
There were so many Robert Via's in Hanover, it is difficult to separate them.  What brought this to memory was your posting the bit about Edmund's repairs to Dumases.  Gilson Via bought and lived at "Dumases Old Plantation."  I believe the purchase was after 1805.  Edmund and William Via lived in the same vicinity. 
James inherited the land of his uncle, William, brother of Edmund.

Do you remember our postings tossing around the idea [probably accurate] that Fanny Anne Via was the second wife of Robert Via, he of the deed of gift to
his son, Robert Via III?  I don't think I replied to you that I descend from this Robert Via's first wife through their son, Robert III who had son, John. 
John lived on Robert's original land and eventually inherited some of it.  His daughter was Louisiana Via [my ancestor] who married Carter Via who was son of
Josiah [not Josias] Via, son of Littleberry Via, brother of the second Robert Via whose second wife was Fanny Ann, all descendants of the first Robert Via.  The third Robert Via in the direct line of Roberts fell off the tax lists for a decade or so and then reappeared with a wife, Elizabeth.  That is unless, this is a different Robert Via.  My Louisiana would have been his granddaughter, but I find little or no connection between the two [she did inherit her father, John's, land.  However, Gilson seems to have been somehow connected to this Robert, probably younger son, because he inherited some of more recently purchased land by Robert in the location of Dumases old plantation.  Edmund and his brother, William, lived in the same general area that was near old Bethesda Church [since burned] and Studley.  The land tax records establish location and their proximity to each other.  I know that Nancy Via [married John Gibson] was this Robert's daughter; Gilson was her guardian as she was underage when their father died.


Who were the parents of William Via of North Carolina?
I am wondering if William Via of North Carolina was the son of David Via  and Frances Stringer.  A couple of things lead me to look at this  relationship. 
First William would be about the right age to have been  their son.  We don't know for sure which line David Via is through.   If William's pension application is correct when it says he was born in King and Queen County that would give us a place to look at for David's parentage.
The second thing that makes me look at David and Frances as the parents of  William of North Carolina is that in William's pension application it makes reference to William's brother David.  David Via and Frances Stringer also had a son David who was of an age to have been able to serve in the Revolutionary War.
I'd sure like to be able to prove or disprove this theory.  Anybody  have any suggestions or comments?
-- Judy