Early Via Family

Research and Analysis Reposistory for Vias born before 1800

This page is a resource for Via genealogists that have traced their families back to the colonial era. The principal focus of these pages is as a repository of original source records and research. We also provide analysis pages where we'll discuss what the various original records indicate or prove. As the body of source material grows, we hope to add even more family charts for early Via families.
- Do you have some original source material that's not on these pages? Send it in!
- Have you figured out some early Via families? We'll be glad to publish your findings.
- Can't find your early Via ancestor on these pages? Click here to find out what to do.

Other Stuff
Primary Sources
Family Charts
How To Help These Pages Grow
Early Via Name Index
The Search for Amer--help us!
Family Traditions
Overseas Vias (No sure connections yet!)

What's New?

We highly recommend the Early Via Name Index, which is organized by individual, not just by name, but if you can't find what you're looking for, try searching here:

This page maintained by:
Earl Marshall