The Horace
Seborn and Lala Delilah (Shelby) Calahan Family
picture taken about 1925 in Floyd County, TX
top row: Horace Seborn (father), Lala Delilah (wife), Doris Carrie (Casey), Myriam Esther (McLeod), Oma Ometa (Cummings), Van Buren (Jack), Carlton (Carl) Talmadge
row: John Shelby, Helen Faye (Karr), Nina Mae (Upton), Ora Bell (Brown), Mary
Nell (Brown)
picture taken about 1928
front row: Carlton (Carl) Talmadge, Van Buren (Jack), , John Shelby, mother, Lala Delilah (Shelby), H. S. (Jr.) and father Horace Seborn Calahan
second row: Helen Faye (Karr), Doris Carrie (Casey), Ora Bell (Brown), Mary Nell (Brown), Oma Ometa (Cummings), Myriam Esther (McLeod), Nina Mae (Upton)
taken at the Meriwether Place 6 miles NE of Lockney, TX about 1944
ABOVE Left to Right (the H. S. Calahan family in birth order youngest to oldest):
Horace Seborn (Jr.), John Shelby, Helen Faye (Karr), Nina Mae (Upton), Ora Bell
(Brown), Mary Nell (Brown), Doris Carrie (Casey), Van Buren (Jack), Myriam Esther
(McLeod), Oma Ometa (Cummings), Carlton (Carl) Talmadge, mother, Lala Delilah
(Shelby) and father Horace Seborn Calahan
Horace Seborn Calahan, Helen Faye (Karr), wife Lala Delilah (Shelby), Oma Ometa
(Cummings), Doris Carrie (Casey), Mary Nell (Brown), Van Buren (Jack), Myriam, Carlton
(Carl) Talmadge, Nina
taken about 1941 most likely near Sterly, Tx. at Hilburn and Doris (Calahan) Casey's.
Lala Delilah (Shelby), Mary Nell (Brown), Myriam Esther (McLeod), Oma Ometa
(Cummings), Doris Carrie (Casey), H. S. (Jr.), Ora Bell (Brown), John Shelby,
Helen Faye (Karr), Nina Mae (Upton), and father Horace Seborn Calahan
not pictured:
Van Buren (Jack) was farming near Merit along the Collin and Hunt County line
at this time and, Carlton (Carl) Talmadge was running a grocery store in Merrit,
Hunt County