Hi, My name is Zach Cummings
I hope my site will be of interest to my family and extended family. I also request family members to e-mail me about any information that they may have to make my information more complete and accurate. I can not guarantee complete documentation of most of my tree, however most of the information I have obtained is from family members who knew the members listed or what I feel are very reliable sources from family members who can document much of what I have. I do have much more information on places of events which I will share if you want to e-mail me. I am making it available to family members for their knowledge and enjoyment as they seek their heritage. I owe a special thanks to many family members who have contributed to this information by their Genealogy work and to those who took time for an interview or took time to send me information. |
E-MAIL ME at zccummings2@amaonline.com