I Remember, Do You?

(To Grandpa)

I remember, the times when we had great fun.
I remember do you?
I remember, the time when I used to run to you
and your arms were wide ready for a hug.
I remember do you?
I remember, riding in your black truck
looking up at you thinking that's my Grandpa,
since I was tiny.
I remember do you?
I remember, you were afraid I would break if you held me.
I remember do you?
I remember, Mark sprayed the air hose in my ear
and you checked continuosly with me to make sure I was okay.
I remember do you?
I remember, we use to go to the garbage dump
and we would get ice cream either on the way or the way back,
I got chocolate or twist you got vanilla.
I remember do you?
I remember, we would put engines together,
I helped get you the parts and watched you put them in.
I remember do you?
I remember, grandma would be at a craft sale
and we would have great fun going to movies and once to the sale.
I remember do you?
I remember, we would go on great vacations
and you got me a sylvester cat you won for me,
I held it for dear life.
I remember do you?
I remember, driving up to Boone for Asthma camp,
you always laughed and we had great fun the whole trip.
I remember do you?
I remember, you took us on the Duck Ride
and to Wisconson Dells.
I remember do you?
I remember, you took me minature golfing
and I made my first hole in one, with your help
. I remember do you?
I remember, every birthday
you always let me pick where I wanted to eat for my birthday.
I remember do you?
I remember, you never stopped loving me.
I remember do you?
There are more things, but it would take a lifetime to list them all.
By Thrista

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