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The Special Woman in my life!

My Mom,

You changed my diapers,

taught me right from wrong,

Were always there for me,

One look from  you,

I knew I was in Trouble,

Loved me "No Matter What"

The Best Mom

in the World!!

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You always did so much with us kids as we were growing.  I remember the slumber Parties I would have and you would take my friends and I RollerSkating and even skated with us. My friends always said "Your Mom is fun when she does things with us".    You may have slapped me everytime you turned around, but I knew I had it coming.  Well ok maybe didnt think so at the time but I do now! You put the "Mother's Curse" on me!  Thank you very much!! I got not only 1 child just like me but 4!! I always tried to make sure the house was clean just the way you wanted it and helped cook the meals when you were working so that you wouldnt have to come home and work even more.  I might be a Daddy's Girl but hope to be Mom's Girl too!!   Words will never express the love I have for you! You have been a super mom and have done a super job raising 5 children!! Thanks for being My Mom!

your daughter


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