Our Children!!!

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This is the most recent family picture we have.

Cathy, Sharon, Lori, Dave, Roy, Theresa

Mark, Thrista (Theresa's daughter) and Richard

LeRoy "David"

Dave is 38 years old Married with 2 kids, Cody (13) and Eve (9). He has been married 14 years to Lori. Dave and his family are living in Britt, Iowa about 65 miles west of us. Dave is currently working at Keifer's in Kanawha.

Theresa Katherine

Theresa is 37 years old with 3 kids, Thrista (15), Harlon (13) and Maryls (5). She is currently living with Marvin in Clear Lake, Iowa about 35 miles southwest of us. Theresa is currently working at Only Deals in Mason City.

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Cathleen Marie

Cathy is 35 years old Married with 4 children Joshua (13), Matthew (10), Rachel (9) and Nathaniel (6). and 2 Step Children Nikkol (23) and David (18). She married her new husband, Dave in April 1998. And is living presently in Upstate New York. Cathy previously lived 14 years in Britt, Iowa in a previous marriage. She is currently a Domestic Engineer and does Crafts from her home!

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Richard Frederick

Rick is 33 years old Single with 1 son Nicholas (9). He is currently Driving Truck for Swift so doesnt have a specific town he lives in besides keeping things at our house! He was previously residing in Mason City.

Mark Edward

Mark is 31 years old Married with 2 children Mark Edward Jr (3), and Tina Marie (2) also one Step Son Justin (15). Married to Jodee who is currently living in Clear Lake, Iowa also 35 miles southwest of us.

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