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The special man in my life!!

My Dad,

You watched me Grow,

were there when I needed you,

You always said to me,

"I love you, unless I tell you different"

so far you havent said different :)

the man I look up to,

wanna be just like,

I have always tried to make you proud,

At age 35 I still worry what you think,

You are the Best Dad in the whole world!!!

I will love you always!


If I were a boy I would follow in your footsteps,  I would be there right next to you building engines.   Course I dont wanna get my hands dirty! You have meant alot to me when I was a little girl following you around, and even now, course I wont follow you ok? I have always been proud that you were my Dad! I remember going after school to Erdman's where you worked and standing and watching you work on the cars.  I thought you could do anything! I will never forget the day that you accepted Jesus in your heart and you asked me to go up to the front of the church with you.  I felt so special going with my Dad! You took us on vacations, even if it was to Canada fishing!  The time you finally talked me into going out on the lake with you in your boat with Rick and Dave.   You Promised me you would go slow, got out in the middle and floored it!! You scared the living daylights out of me but I trusted you :)  And enjoyed fishing with you even though Rick put the worms on my hook and took the fish off.  You let me use your car anytime I had to go somewhere whether it be babysitting or just going bowling with my friends.  I lived to make you proud!  I always thought in my head and still do somewhat today "what would dad think" Words will never express the love I have for you! Thanks for being my Dad and Father!! You have done one super job!!!!!!!!

your daughter


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