Ken Kirkpatrick Software

Hello fellow surfers, my name is Scottie, Welcome to ScottiesPuterCrafts Home page. I hope that you will enjoy your visit. If you like what you see here you may want to join my e-mail list. If so, CLICK HERE.

Warning this list can be very active at times. As a group we have fun sharing ideas and computer generated projects. We also have swaps that you can join in on.

I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just  a little bit more about us and our interests. After all, these days, acquaintances that begin in cyberspace are often the most real, vivid, and long lasting - and maybe that will be true of us.

 What does ScottiesPuterCrafts list have to offer you?

*   The ability to communication with others who have the same interest as you

*   Sharing tips and ideas

*   Learn how to use your programs to their full potential

*   Take part in Swaps and learn how others on the list embellish their creations

*   Making new friends and seeing old ones

*   Use your creations to "Make a Child Smile", a monthly project where we try to bring some joy to the families of terminally ill children.

*   Sharing your projects with other members

*   Swapping Holiday gift ideas

*   And so much more

*   It's a great place to meet and create

Sit back and enjoy yourself as you travel through  Our Studio.

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