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Descendants of Jan Dewitt

Generation No. 1

1. Jan1 Dewitt was born Abt. 1600 in Netherland. He married Catherine (Dewitt).

Child of Jan Dewitt and Catherine (Dewitt) is:
2. i. PIETER JANSEN2 DEWIT, b. Abt. 1624, Leiden, Netherland, Utrecht; d. Bef. May 1705, Bushwick, Long Island, New York.

Generation No. 2

2. Pieter Jansen2 Dewit (Jan1 Dewitt) was born Abt. 1624 in Leiden, Netherland, Utrecht, and died Bef. May 1705 in Bushwick, Long Island, New York. He married Dorothea Volckers Bef. 1650 in Netherland, daughter of Jans Volkerts and Dorothea Jansen. She was born Abt. 1630 in Netherland, and died 1658 in Long Island, New York.

Notes for Pieter Jansen Dewit:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]
"My grandfather Artie Franklin DeWitt was the family historian of his generation. Grandpa Artie selected me to be the one he would tell the family history to. He started telling me the family stories, spending at least 1 to 2 hours a day, four or five days a week, when I was about 4 months old. Grandpa would combine American history and bible stories with the DeWitt history, singing jingles and telling silly ditties to help me remember by word clues.

Grandpa said, "You may never be accepted into the Colonial Dames, but you must remember that you may be more eligable than some of their members." The first DeWitt to land on American soil was Jans the Witt (deWitt), who was with Eric The Red. The de Witt family came from Norway, to the Netherland. Leaving Norway at the onset of the Black Plague (Black Death). The name de Witt was given to them because of their snow white hair. The next known deWitt to come was Nicholas de Witt, who sailed at age 10 with Henderick Hudson on the Ship "Half Moon" in 1609. The first of our line came to the Long Island area in the mid 1600's. He was very educated and could speak several languages -- Norwegian, Dutch, French, German and English. The ability to speak several languages was helpful. Later a group of Frenchmen needed help in talking with the Dutch officers. They appointed this deWitt to be their leader. Because they were having problems with the Indians, the early settlers were ordered to move and locate in a different area. This deWitt and these French settlers started a town later called Bushwick. This DeWitt was supposed to have a brother John who was "in trade", who married in Long Island . There were maybe three other brothers. One settled in Quebec where they first landed before sailing down to the New York area. Some of the names and places connected with our early line are: Bush Wick, Miss Pat, Nordin, Miss Patches, Van Dyke, Lot, Courtell (Cortelyou), Collier (Calyer). Until August of 1998 when I was given a copy of Helen Perry's collection, I had never seen records that could prove Grandpa Artie's family stories. Helen Perry spent her life collecting DeWitt records from every state within the United States. Grandpa told about the Indian raid on Long Island, where several were killed and houses were burned. How the English took over Long Island and the settlers had to leave Long Island and how the Dutch came and took it back and they got to live there for a few more years.

I found no records that would confirm Grandpa Artie's stories until August of 1998 when I was given copies of about 2,000 page of the research that Helen Perry had done on the DeWitt family. Helen Perry's collection of records covered all DeWitts in every state, within the United States. She spent her lifetime collecting these records."

Biography Of And Descent From Peter Jans De Wit, Organizer Of The Settlement Of Bushwick Patient & Able Leader In Its Successful Establishment
Composed by Andrew J. Provost Jr., Dabien, Connecticut, November 1952. (Helen Perry's Collection [HPC], page 12)

-- HPC, pg 12: Pieter Jans DeWit born in Holland about 1625, and came to New Amsterdam shortly before 1652. Baptized son: 26 Dec 1652 in Dutch Church, New Amsterdam.

-- HPC, pg 14: relates the same story my grandfather, Artie told me of the decision to establish and design towns, that could be defended from the Indian raids. That our DeWitt was assigned to a group of Frenchmen and they established the town of Bushwick. He drew a diagram of this town in 1947, while I was visiting in his home. The wicks or wicker (houses) were designed in the same fashion as the houses of the Long Island Indians.

-- HPC, pg 15,: 14 Mar 1661, The Lord General came and named town, Boswick. Signed Oath of Allegiance in 1687, stating he had been here for 35 years confirming date of his arrival in the New Netherland. Pieter Jans DeWitt, died in Bushwick, Long Island between 1701 an d 1705, full of years.

-- HPC, pgs., 12 & 13: He married first, Dorothea Volckers, who died in 1658, as reported by him 12 Apr. 1660, to The Orphan's Court in New Amsterdam, expressing his intentions to remarry, and asked for the appointment of guardians for his four (4) children. The resulting proceedings, as given in "Original Records of Burgomasters and Orphan Masters," page 132 , are preserved as follows:

"On the 15th, of April 1660, appeared before me Joannes Nevius, secretary of the Orphans Chamber of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland, Pieter Jansen Witt, who in the presents of Henderick Willemsen, the baker, and Jan Jansen van Breeste produced a petition presented to the Director General and Council of New Netherland, August 25, 1658, wherein he reports the death of his wife who left him four children, and his intent on to marry again, as well following the customs and manners of the country; the property, after his wife's death, amounting to 3,200 fl. the florin at 20 stuyvers, of which is said children's share or half is 1,600 fl. He declares his conscience that there is no more and that no more would be found by impartial men; and administrators to take care of the property, so that said children may not be harmed in their interest, Hendrick Willemsen, the baker, and Jan Jansen van Breeste , binding for the afore said children's share of 1,600 fl.... . This was approved... A marginal note on petition dated 12 April 1660.. Gives wife's name Dorothy Volckers... that he promises to secure this money here at the Manhattans .....that the above mentioned be elected guardians of his four children, further to bring up the children, until they are of age or marry, to board and clothe them and do all for them that an honest father is bound to do."

-- Pieter's second wife had died before 1698 and he may have married a third wife.

-- Name of father and mother: Pieter Jans DeWitt seldom wrote his name with out adding the Jans or Jansen so this would indicate his father was named Jan DeWitt. His mother was probably named Catherine, because he named second born daughter Catherine. By this we can then assume that his wife's mother was named Maria because he named his first born daughter Maria.

-- HP pg 20: "His many years of service for the Bushwick people, Pieter Jans deWit was able to mold the group, diversified as it was as to ages, culture, possessions and nationalistic origins, into a band of loyal and efficient followers. His dealings with the occasional scandals and infractions that are found on record, his was always the pacifying and restoring influence. An example of his fine judgement in such matters is preserved in the town record of 12 Feb 1663, relating to a serious quarrel that erupted in two of the families, (one Scandinavian and the other Dutch or French) which threatened to develop into a community scandal. Pieter at once summoned the heads of these families before him and some chosen associates where, in camera, after hearing the evidence, a decree was drawn up and presented that "the occurrence was null and void, without being recalled again at this nor at any time, under the penalty, for who shall first make mention or touches thereon of paying 25 guilders to the poor of Boswyck." Pieter 's philanthropic impulses are reflected in the record of 30 March 1662 which cites him as a contributor for the ransom of one Jacob Cray, who was held captive by the Turks.

-- 19 Aug 1675 - Boswyck Census: Pieter Janse Witt had 3 Polls

-- 23 Sep 1676 - Boswyck Census: Capt. Pieter Jansen Witt had 3 Polls

-- 8 Sep 1683 - Bushwyck Census: Pieter Jansen Wit had 2 Polls

-- Census 1695, Boswick, NEW YORK - Men 1; Women 0; Children 1; Slaves 5 (Should be Men 1; Women 1; Slaves 5)

-- Sept, 1687 - Under English Rule the people had to take an Oath of Allegiance. In Boswick were: Peter Janse DeWitt resided for 35 years Volkert DeWitt native.

Child of Pieter Dewit and Dorothea Volckers is:
3. i. PIETER3 DEWITT, b. Abt. 1650, Leiden, Netherland; d. 1721, Boswyck, Long Island, New York.

Generation No. 3

3. Pieter3 Dewitt (Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born Abt. 1650 in Leiden, Netherland, and died 1721 in Boswyck, Long Island, New York. He married Sarah Alberts Abt. 1670, daughter of Albert Albert and (Alberts). She was born Abt. 1650 in of Moersen, Holland.

Notes for Pieter Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Ref HPC., pg 69 - age of Peter: Peter (2) DeWitt, not found of Bapt. records or place of birth is realistically identified as an infant immigrant with his father Pieter Janson in 1652.

-- HPC PG 330: P. 240 - Whereas Peter DeWit died interstate, letters of administration are granted to his wife Sarah Albertsen, Nov. 7, 1721. Her Ref: Voll. II. P. 240; Liber 9, pg. 264 of NEW YORK Hist Soc year 1892.

-- Tythables of New Castle (both sides of Delaware River) 1676: Peter d'Witt - 1; Humphrey Nicollis - 1; Jan Barentse - 1; Henrick Franssen - 1; Sybrant Janes -1; ect. ect. -- (HPC, pg. 526 - Vol 13 of Gen. Mag. of NJ)

-- Notes from HPC, pg 70: ....Peter DeWitt is visualized as living on Manhattan Island until 1661, when at about ten years of age, he removed with father to the village of Boswyck on Long Island, then under construction. Lived within the stockade, and helped work the exterior farm lands until about 1672, by which time he had married and his daughter Maria had been born. He was not found on records in Bushwick again until 1705. It seems Peter DeWitt removed with Kin & friends from Long Island to the Delaware River area which is now New Castle.

-- Look up - East India Company - (Dutch Trading Company) - Also it is thought that one of this Dewitt family ran a trading post in East Indies.

-- A Tax list of 1676 records Peter DeWitt as a property owner at Appoquemia on Christiana Creek. Living near Engelbert Lott and Barnet Gerritsen of Long Island, Gerrison was co-worker with Peter Jansen DeWitt at Boswyck and married daughter of Direk Volckertsn. The Lotts were related also. HPC, pg 70.

-- HPC., 64 ADDENDA her Ref: Gen. Soc. of PA. Vol I. p. 31: This area, located on both sides of the South River and containing Fort Amstel and outlying Dutch farms, was established by the West India Company before 1623. Taken over by the English in 1664, it was soon recaptured by the Dutch to continue as a part of New Netherland until 1675 when, under treaty of peace made by Holland and England, it was ceded to England and renamed New Castle. In 1682, the area was added to William Penn's grant and became Newcastle County of the province of PA. Later was transferred to the provinces of Delaware and New Jersey. Grandpa Artie told me this history and about William Penn. He talked of a trading Post that someone in the family owned. He talked about the Lott family and a family whose name made me think of a dentist. (Onderdonck?).

Notes for Sarah Alberts:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Ref - HPC., pg 31: Sarah Alberts Adm. of all and Singular the Goods and Chattells of Peter DeWitt of Bushwick in Kings Co. deceased Chargeth herself as Accomptant for the said Goods and Chattels of the said Peter DeWitt deceased specified in an inventory thereof made & established into the Registry of the Prerogative Court & the Province of NEW YORK. Amounting to L 158. 18s, 9d.

Child of Pieter Dewitt and Sarah Alberts is:
4. i. BARNET4 DEWITT, b. New Castle on, Delaware River; d. Aft. 1747, Rariton River, Somerset Co., NJ.

Generation No. 4

4. Barnet4 Dewitt (Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born in New Castle on, Delaware River, and died Aft. 1747 in Rariton River, Somerset Co., NJ. He married Sarah van Tassel 1694 in Tarrytown, W, New York, daughter of Jan van Tassel and Annatje Alberts. She was born 1670 in Midwont, Flatbush, NEW YORK, and died in Rariton, NJ.

Notes for Barnet Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Barnet: Earlier had been assigned as the son of Jacob Barnetson DeW itt, this has been proven to be wrong.

-- DeWitt Family Historian: Artie F DeWitt, told the DeWitt Family History in detail to his grand daughter Kathryn DeWitt:

"Barnet DeWitt married Sara Van Tassel. She was the grand daughter of Catherine a Indian Princes who was the daughter of one of the best Indian Sachems. Wyandance the Chief Sachem of his tribe became the Chief Sachem of the 12 tribes of Long Island."

-- Grandpa Artie stated that Grandpa Barnet was born and raised in the New Netherland (Colonies). I had never located any records that would prove this until I was given copies of the 2,000 sheets of Helen Perry's Collection [HPC] pages 34, 35, 36, & 63 and other records helped me prove the DeWitt stories that Grandpa Artie told. Grandpa told stories and sang about the White Cliffs of Dover and he told about a trading post on the Delaware River.

-- HPC, pg. 64 states: Peter DeWitt (father of Barnet) went to the area on the west side of South (Delaware) River 35 miles below Philadelphia, three miles west of Fort Amstel, where Pieter was taxed in 1676 as a property owner Appoquesia on Christiana Creek. He was back in Bushwick by 1704 as heir of the land of Pieter Jansen DeWi tt.

-- HPC, pg 99?Records documenting Grampa's history: Record of the Sleep Hollow Dutch Reform Church at Tarrytown. This church was also refereed to as the Phillipsburgh Church, Phillipsburgh being named for Frederick Phillips, who owned the land upon which the town was built.

-- HPC, pg 99?Disposition of Barnet DeWitt, dated 14 Aug 1689: "I declare also that at Weskeskek upon the land of Mr. Frederik Phillips where I live several canows with strangers, being French, came from.. ect" New York papers B 11, 26B

-- Notes; HPC? Barnet & Sarah lived in upper part of the manor Phillipsburgh - The territory is now divided into the towns of Greenburgh, Mount Pleasant and Gashing,(Westchester County, New York ).

-- TAX Collector: Barnet was a tax collector of the district in which he lived in 1693 and 1694 and six (6) of receipts given him for money collected and paid in to Chidley Brooke, the treasurer, in Libre B . of Deeds, p. 232, Westchester Co., Regiment's office. In these he is first called Barnes White, then Barnet Witt, and finally Barnet De Witt. The first three (3) designate the place as Weekersqueek and the other three (3) as Phillipsburgh. - HP's Ref: The descendants of Jan Cornellisen Van Texal by Daniel Van Tassel. pub. 1941.

-- The Dutch Ref. Church established a church at 6 Mile Run on the Raritan, on 15 Nov. 1710 and Adrien Bennet as Sr. Elder & Charles Fonteyn as Jr. Elder and Barnet DeWitt as Sr. Deacon and Abraham Bennet as Jr. Deacon were elected. In 1711 Adrien Bennet, because of age retired and Barnet was elected as Senior Elder. - (HPC pg 516 & 101) Her ref: Pub. o f Gen. Soc. of PA, 1912; pp. 36, 31, 36; pp. 175-177.

-- Baptism Records: First Recorded Book Of The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, organized 1697, Tarrytown, Westchester, New York. ALSO Helen Perry's File pg. 361.

-- 21 Apr 1697 - Paulas & Petrus de Witt sons of Barnet & wife Sara Wit: Abraham De Revier Jr. & Elizabeth Heyert.

34. - 24 Apr 1699 - Catherine de Witt daughter of Barnet & wife Sara Wit: Jan Hermanzen & Aeltje his wife. 126. - 25 Mar 1706 - Barnet de Witt son of Barnet & Sara his wife.Wit: Peter Carteljouw & Dievertje his wife.

-- Barnet & Sara de Witt were witnesses to four (4) baptisms -

#53 1702 - Antje child of Cornelius Van Texal & Antje his wife

#83 10 Mar 1704 - Annatje child of Jacob Van Texal & Aeltje his wife

#111 25 Mar 1706 - David son of Jan Fausee & Evatje his wife

#153 30 Mar 1708 - Machtel son of Cornelius Michgielze & Elizabeth his wife.

-- Sara de Witt, Cornelius Van Texal, Sybout Herrikze, & Maritje Syboutze were Witnesses to baptism of Marritje & Jan Van Texal children of Willem & Weyntje Van Texal.

-- Ref, HPC., pg 241: Gives information on Van Texal Family - States Sarah was daughter of Cornelius Van Texal and Annetje Alberts.

-- for Ref: Baptism of Eliezabeth daughter of Aryje Dewit & Zara his wife, Wit. were William Smot & Maria (DeWitt) his wife.

-- Found on extra sheet, not Brooklyn Church: 15 Nov 1694 - Neeltje child of Pieter Cardeljouw & Diewertje de Witt, Wit. by Dirk Volkerse & Marie Cardeljouw

-- In 1711 The Court made choice of Constables for Somerset Co., N J - they were: Abraham Bennet, Barnet DeWitt and Tunis Middles wart. (HPC., pg 546; Middlesex, NJ. Minutes - Vol. 1.)

-- First settlers of Piscataway and Woodbridge, NJ - in 1710, pg 9 4 - (HPC, pg N9): Paulus DeWitt, Barnet Devit, Johan DeWitt and Thomas Farmer.

-- pg 765: List of Militia: Reg. under Col. Farmer in the year 1715 - Barnet Devit (dewitt) (HP C pg. 526). Barnet, son of Barnet & Sarah was baptized in 1706, therefore the above must be Barnet Senior.

Ref: Dutch settlers in New Jersey paper by Tunis Bergen - Vol 14, J an 1967 in New Jersey Genesis; (HPC., pg 551) -

"Barrent DeWitt and Lucas DeWitt of Six Mile Run in 1723, were probably descendants of Peter Janse DeWitt, who settled Bushwick at an early period & emigrated in 1652."

-- Note: This is probably the Uncle Lukas, GP Artie talked about, if so then Cousin Luke could be his son.

-- Ref. Grandpa Artie told that Barnet was one of the leaders of the riots of New Jersey. They had been living in New Jersey since 1710 and a rich land proprietor bought land from the Indians and told the early settlers he now owned the land they were living on. Relative named Lott and Collier had bought land in early 1700's.

-- Ref to the above, HPC. pg. 518-523 - NJ Arch., 1st Ser., Vol VI, pgs. 455-458.: In 1747 Barnet was one of thirty men from Middlesex Co. NJ, that was arrested and tried for High Treason against England for the damage they had done to the town.

-- Ref - HPC, pg. 546 - Middlesex Co., NEW YORK, minutes - Vol. I, pg. 261 : The Court made choice of Constables for Somerset Co. 1711 (? ): Abraham Bennett, Barn Duwett, and Tunis Middleswart.

More About Barnet Dewitt:
Baptism (LDS): June 16, 1989, SEATT

Endowment (LDS): October 12, 1989, SEATT

Sealed to parents (LDS): CLEARED; Temple: ARIZO

Notes for Sarah van Tassel:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

--Ref: 4th generation DeWitt Family Historian Artie Franklin DeWitt told that Barnet DeWitt's wife - Sara Van Tassel - was the grand daughter of Indian Princess Catherine a Sachem, but these records seem to say she is a great grand-daughter.

More About Sarah van Tassel:

Christening: of Phillipsburg, Westchester, New York

Endowment (LDS): SUBMITTED

Sealed to parents (LDS): SUBMITTED

Child of Barnet Dewitt and Sarah van Tassel is:
5. i. PAULUS5 DEWITT, b. April 21, 1697; d. Bef. April 1774, Sunbury, Northumberland, Pa.

Generation No. 5

5. Paulus5 Dewitt (Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born April 21, 1697, and died Bef. April 1774 in Sunbury, Northumberland, Pa. He married Catherine Johnson. She was born Abt. 1697, and died Aft. April 1774 in Northumberland, Pa.

Notes for Paulus Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Baptism: Sleepy Hollow Church in Phillipsburg, Westchester, PA, record found in 4th book of the Christian Church of Phillipsburg. Sponsors for Peter and Paul were: Abraham De Revier Jr. and Elizabeth Heyert.

-- HPC., pg 526: First settler of Piscataway, NJ, - Paulus DeWitt.

-- HPC, pg 528 & 529: Paul & his uncle Titus were both listed on the account books of Jacob Janaway, 1745/1744, Paul was listed as living in Amwell.

-- Census, 1741 Hunterdon Co. Freeholders, Lebanon Twp.; Paulus DeWitt living near were Cornelius Jansen, Barnet Cole, .

-- HPC pg, residence: in 1729, foot of Cushetunk (Pickel's) mountain near the Paulingkill River.

-- Paul moved his family across the Susquehanna River near "Big Island ", which was then Indian Lands.

-- Resident with 200 acres. He may have lived in Huntington Co; 1784 Bedford Co., PA. lists Peter with 9 Whites in his household & in Huntingdon Co 1786 there were James and William listed as single freemen. 1790 Huntingdon census lists a Sarah DeWitt.

More About Paulus Dewitt:
Baptism (LDS): November 07, 1987, OGDEN

Burial: Great Island Cem, Lock Haven, Northumberland, Pa

Christening: April 21, 1697, Sleepy Hollow Church, Westchester, New York

Endowment (LDS): November 19, 1987, OGDEN

Sealed to parents (LDS): December 04, 1987, OGDEN

Notes for Catherine Johnson:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

--Catherine survived her husband and as his widow, and with son Abrabham administered her deceased husband's will as recorded in "Wills & Administrations of Northumberland Co, PA" dated 5 Apr 1772.

More About Catherine Johnson:
Burial: Great Island Cem, Lock Haven, Northumberland, Pa

Child of Paulus Dewitt and Catherine Johnson is:
6. i. PAULUS6 DEWITT, d. W. Va.

Generation No. 6

6. Paulus6 Dewitt (Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) died in W. Va. He married Catherine Depuy December 10, 1749 in Smithfield Reformed Church, Shawnee, Monroe, Pa, daughter of Johannas Depuy or Dupuy and Sarah van Steenbergen. She was born 1725 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NEW YORK.

Notes for Paulus Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Ref - Grandpa Artie F. DeWitt (1878-1956) stated Paul had 10 or 12 children and they were the first DeWitt family to move into lower PA and West VA area, others came later.

-- Records: Records from files of HPC, PG 576:Marriage Reformed Dutch Church performed by J.C. Fryenmuth, 10 Dec 1749: Pouwel DeWitt, young man, born in Raretan to Catherine DuPuy, young woman, born in Esopus, both dwelling in Palingskill. (Warren Co., N.J. h.h.p.)

-- Source - N.Y. record, Vol. 57 - #25, Smithfield, PA Church records; HPC, pgs. 291 & 576. Witness baptism: 1 May 1750, Paul & Catherine DeWitt witness baptism of Elizabeth Devore, daughter of Daniel Leed Jr. & wife Molly.

More About Paulus Dewitt:
Baptism (LDS): CLEARED; Temple: ARIZO

Christening: March 24, 1726/27, Readington Dutch, Flemington, Hunterdon Co, NJ

Endowment (LDS): CLEARED; Temple: ARIZO

Sealed to parents (LDS): CLEARED; Temple: ARIZO

Notes for Catherine Depuy:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- The spelling of Depuy is correct. Letter of H. P. to sister states Catherine DePuy was the daughter of Johannas DePuy. ((H. P. F. pg. 509)

-- Records of Reformed Church at Machackenneck - Minisink, located in Port Jarvis, N.Y.: Where Paul & Catherine DePuy Dewitt baptized their infant daughter, Sara (7 May 1751) witnesses were Johannes DePuy and Rachel Devoer, his wife.

Child of Paulus Dewitt and Catherine Depuy is:
7. i. PETER7 DEWITT, b. July 08, 1753, Sussex Co., NJ; d. October 18, 1843, Clark Co., Ky.

Generation No. 7

7. Peter7 Dewitt (Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 08, 1753 in Sussex Co., NJ, and died October 18, 1843 in Clark Co., Ky. He married Jane Bray July 09, 1774 in Hampshire Co., West Virginia, daughter of Henry Bray and Catherine. She was born Abt. 1755 in Frederick, MD, and died September 19, 1843 in Fayette, OH.

Notes for Peter Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- My Grandpa Artie Franklin DeWitt selected me to receive the oral De Witt Family History that had been passed down through each generation on the family since Barnett DeWitt born 1666. Grandpa stressed that I knew the oral history, but in my life time I would be able to find the needed records that would prove the Family Stories. Grandpa Artie gave me all the related surnames that the DeWitts married into. He did this so that I would know they were the right family group, he also told of the "Family" birth-mark (extra nipple - varying in size). This extra teat has been found on some Family members which has been carried down, even to the younger generations - those born in the 1970s. Grandpa said that Henry & Peter's father was Paul DeWitt and that his wife was Catherine Depuy. He stressed that the Depuys were French, thus a lot of people will believe that the DeWitt Family came from France. They came from the Netherlands and from Norway before that. Paul and Catherine Depuy DeWitt were the only DeWitt family that settled in what is now West VA, settling in Hampshire County, VA.

-- Records I have found that proves that this Peter DeWitt was a brother of Henry DeWitt of Nelson then Hardin Co, KY. are listed below:

-- The First Census (1782) of Hampshire County Virginia" Microfiche # F-1417 Amer. Gen. Lend. Lib.: Peter Dewitt was the 9th entry on pg 20, William Vance's Tax Roll - listing 5 people in his household.

-- LDS Microfilm Catalogue # XEIB 7 - 100 (?11))44 - REVOLUTIONARY RE CORDS of MARYLAND by Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh and Margaret Marcus Hodges - Baltimore - Gen. Pub. Co 1967. "PATRIOTS' OATH OF FIDELITY AND SUPPORT": Lists: #7. Martin DeWitt; #49. Barney DeWitt; #63. PETER DEWITT; #84. HENRY DEWITT;

#98. James Dewitt also #159 a Isaac DeWare. (Grandpa Artie told of the signing of this Oath of FIDELITY. I Also found several related names on this list. This Oath was Dated 1778 The Worshipful Samuel Barrit's Returns. On list was Henry Bray, father of Peter's wife Jane Bray. (I have copy of Henry Bray's Will).

-- I have film from American Genealogy Lending Library film # M860 - 15: REV . WAR, General Index Cards of National Archives Deloney - Dougg and Film #M804-805 Rev. War, Pension and Bounty Land. These File cards show that Peter and Henry DeWitt both served in the 12 VA Reg; 4,5,12 and 8 VA Regiments.

-- A copy of App for Membership #632528 Carol Ann Custer of the DAR?Virginia Militia Pensoned on application executed in Clark Co KY, certificate No 25,380, dated 2 Jan 1834; Reference Order Book No 10, pg 219, Clark Co. Clerk office of Winchester, KY; Received his pension 18 Oct 1833, then a resident of Clark Co KY.

-- REF: Helen Perry's Collection, pg 677?Church - Lulbegrud Baptist Church, Clark Co. KY 1793-1804 & N. Dist . Assoc. 1802-1805:

-- 1 Jun 1793 - Sister Polly Griffin & Sister Elizabeth Treadway received by letter.

-- 1 Jul 1793 - Sister Hannah Allen, Caty Summers rec. by letter.

-- 3 Nov 1793 - Brother John Summers & wife Philadelphia rec. by letter; Peter Dewitt by experience & baptism.

-- 3 Dec 1795 - Jane Dewitt, Caty Allen, Sally Allen received by experience & baptism.

-- 3 Mar 1794 - Chose Elders: John Summers Sr. & John Allen; Chose Deacons: Martin Dewitt and Edward Williams.

-- 16 Sep 1794 - Peter Dewitt is excluded for openly professing deism or denying the Scriptures.

-- 27 Sep 1800 - Brother John Treadway appointed to visit sister Sarah DeW itt & make report to church at Nov meeting (Martin's wife).

-- 17 Jan 1801 - Agreed to send a letter to sister Sarah Dewitt requiring her to give satisfaction to the church.

-- 20 Jun 1801 - Charges against Mary Dewitt for hard & improper speeches against the church & denying charges proven against her for which she was excluded.

-- 15 Aug 1801 - Agreed that the allegations against sister Sarah DeWitt is groundless & that she have a letter of dismission.

-- 18 Mar 1804 - Rec. as members: brother Peter Dewitt & sister Mercy Dewitt his wife by letter.

-- 21 Jul 1804 - Voted that Peter Dewitt & sister Mercy Dewitt his wife have letters of dismission.

-- Other names of interest are: Chilton Rice, Winfrey Treadway, Sabra Brunch, Polly Treadway, Adedamiah Treadway and Nancy Treadway.

-- PETITIONS: film #1,425,691, 6th item from Salt Lake, PETITIONS OF THE EARLY INHABITANTS OF KENTUCKY: petitions # 23, 43, 52.

-- Film #482,735 pg. 391 Nelson Co, KY Deeds, 14 Aug 1798: Peter DeWitt sells 66 acres of land on Wilson Creek to Samuel Parsons and his wife Mary.

-- Pension application states: "Born 8th July 1753 in the state of New Jersey in Sussex Co.and there he states he lived until about 12 years old (1765). He then moved with his father to VA, Hampshire Co, and from this county on 15 Jun 1775, he volunteered in Capt. Crersey's to told to go to the courthouse, a distance of 12 - 14 miles but is known by the people in his neighborhood to have been a soldier in the Revolution.

-- Military Warrants 1782 - 1793 Warrent # 3555 - Peter DeWitt, 3 year Soldier VA. dated 12-6-1784; # 2826 Henry DeWitt, 3 year Soldier VA dated 3-26-1784 both for 100 acres - issued by VA for their service for VA.

-- Gives Consent of marriage for daughter Caty DeWitt & Moses Treadway 9 July 1794 Clark Co.

-- Gives Surety for marriage Sally DeWitt & Thomas Berry Jr. 10 Jul 1 819 Clark Co KY - Doyle's "Clark Co KY Marriage Bonds 1793 -185 0" FHL #167,2520

-- LDS Film # 1,425,691, 6th item (Filson Club Publications No 27) "PETITIONS OF THE EARLY INHABITANTS OF KENTUCKY" to the General Assembly of VA1769-1792: - Peter Dewitt pet. No 23, 43, & 52. All KY Tax & Census Records of Peter DeWitt.

-- Correspondence 1995: Kim A. Davis - 2203 Hamilton St - North Bend , OR 974559 - a descendent of Henry Bray's daughter Christina Bray and husband Edward Roberts; and 1997 - Nancy Quisenberry - 8208 Cant Dr. - Carbondale, IL 62901 a descendent of Peter's daughter Caty married Moses Treadway.

More About Peter Dewitt:
Baptism (LDS): April 09, 1973, SLAKE

Christening: November 03, 1793, Lulbegrud Bapt., Clark, KY

Endowment (LDS): April 09, 1973, SLAKE

Sealed to parents (LDS): CLEARED; Temple: ARIZO

Notes for Jane Bray:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Revolutionary War Petition for Margaret Bray Ball, dated 9 Sep 1836, at Clark Co, KY. Jane DeWitt, wife of Peter DeWitt, declares, she has lived in Clark Co for many years and that she is 81 years old. That she is the sister of Margaret Bray Now Ball, She states that she and Peter DeWitt were married July of 1774 in Hampshire Co., VA. Also HPC., pg. 704 her Ref: Fayette CO RW P. App .#8336 Correspondence with Dr. Jon & Kim Davis, 2203 Hamilton St, North Bend, OR, phone 503-756-6168

-- Will- Nelson Co, KY - Wills Vol A. pg. 373 Dated 2 Mar 1798, will of Henry Bray, to my wife Catherine, my plantation...To my children John Bray, Phillip Bray, Frederick Bray, Peter Bray, William Bray, Abraham Bray, Petty Ball, Jane DeWitt, Mary Dair and Christine Roberts...." Will proved 9 Jul 1799; Exc. Aaron Atherson; Wit. John B. Hill & Zachariah Masterson. Bk. A. pg. 373. Also HPC., pg 695, 696, & 697 - her REF: KY. Gen., Nelson C o Will, Vol A. p. 373; & Vol. V. p. 132.

--HPC pg. 1443; DAR film 901,218: DeWitt Cemetery, on farm of Mrs. Retta Kearney, off Hwy 35 south east, beyond the Bogues Road, in the edge of Wayne, Fayette, OH, Jane DeWitt is buried here.

More About Jane Bray:
Burial: Wayne, Faye, OH

Child of Peter Dewitt and Jane Bray is:

8. i. PETER8 DEWITT, b. Abt. 1777, West Virginia; d. Unknown.
Generation No. 8

8. Peter8 Dewitt (Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born Abt. 1777 in West Virginia, and died Unknown. He married Mercy (Dewitt) Unknown. She was born Unknown, and died Unknown.

Notes for Peter Dewitt:
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- Church: Lulbegrud Church: In 1794 a Hard Shell Baptist Church was built three miles west of Mt. Sterling, KY. It stood until the early 1900s when it burned, it was call the Lulbegrud Church, March 18, 1804, Peter DeWitt Jr. and his wife Mercy were received as members, by letter. 21 July 1804 voted that Peter Dewitt & sister Mercy Dewitt his wife have letters of dismission - They apparently they left the area soon afterwards, (going to Ohio).

Notes for Mercy (Dewitt):
[IsaacDeWitt.FTW (Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway,]

-- hpf 628 Mercy daughter of Rachel bapt. Patterson CK by Rev. Dod. Rachel listed as a widow. Bapt date 10 May 1778.

Child of Peter Dewitt and Mercy (Dewitt) is:

9. i. ISAAC9 DEWITT, b. Abt. 1793, Montgomery, KY; d. Aft. 1873.
Generation No. 9

9. Isaac9 DeWitt (Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born Abt. 1793 in Montgomery, KY, and died Aft. 1873. He married Rebecca Curmett. She was born Abt. 1794 in Virginia, and died Bef. 1870.

Child of Isaac DeWitt and Rebecca Curmett is:

10. i. LORENZO10 DEWITT, b. 1822, Kentucky; d. 1864, Wells Co., IN.
Generation No. 10

10. Lorenzo10 DeWitt (Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born 1822 in Kentucky, and died 1864 in Wells Co., IN. He married Hannah Ogle August 14, 1841 in Delaware County, IN, daughter of David Ogle and Sarah Jennings. She was born September 10, 1824 in VA, and died May 21, 1900 in Huntington County, IN.

Children of Lorenzo DeWitt and Hannah Ogle are:

i. ALFRED11 DEWITT, b. Abt. 1841, IN; d. Unknown, \; m. MARGARET ?, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

ii. DAVID DEWITT, b. Abt. 1843.

iii. NANCY JANE DEWITT, b. Abt. 1847, IN; d. Unknown; m. JOHN CALL, 1868; b. Unknown, Huntington County, IN; d. Unknown.

iv. MARGARET DEWITT, b. Abt. 1848.

v. CANANN DEWITT, b. Abt. 1849.

11. vi. ISAAC ARNOLD DEWITT, b. April 26, 1852, Allen, IN; d. Unknown.

vii. SARAH C. DEWITT, b. Abt. 1860.

viii. EMMA DEWITT, b. Abt. 1864.

ix. ELIJAH DEWITT, b. Unknown.

Generation No. 11

11. Isaac Arnold11 DeWitt (Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born April 26, 1852 in Allen, IN, and died Unknown. He married Sarah Elizabeth Preston August 24, 1871 in Deleware County, IN, daughter of John Preston and Mary Keisling. She was born May 24, 1852 in Deleware, IN, and died November 23, 1936 in Camden, Nebraska.

Children of Isaac DeWitt and Sarah Preston are:

12. i. DAVID OLIVER12 DEWITT, b. September 06, 1874, Huntington County, Indiana; d. March 21, 1951, Allen County, IN.

ii. BERTHA DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. ? DRULY, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

iii. OLIVE DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. ? MCGREGOR, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

Generation No. 12

12. David Oliver12 DeWitt (Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 06, 1874 in Huntington County, Indiana, and died March 21, 1951 in Allen County, IN. He married Cerena Ardesa Cormany December 16, 1894, daughter of William Cormany and Mariah Dinius. She was born April 11, 1876 in Huntington County, Indiana, and died July 23, 1949 in Allen County, IN.

More About David Oliver DeWitt:
Occupation: Farmer

Children of David DeWitt and Cerena Cormany are:

i. CLIFFORD MONROE13 DEWITT, b. 1899; d. 1918; m. ?, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

13. ii. EVELYN MARGUERITE DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

iii. HARVEY ELDON DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. April 23, 1978; m. DELVIA, April 10, 1948; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

iv. LAWRENCE DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. MARY SMITH, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

14. v. MYRTLE LUCILLE DEWITT, b. 1905; d. 1950.

15. vi. VELMA NAOMI DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

vii. VENONA DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. LAWRENCE SNYDER, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

16. viii. RAYMOND FLOYD DEWITT, b. December 06, 1895, South Whitley, Indiana; d. December 07, 1963, Huntington Co., Indiana.


x. SARAH JANE OLIVE DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. (1) UNKNOWN LOE; m. (2) ELZIE LOWE; m. (3) HARLEY MARTZ, Unknown; b. February 11, 1904; d. Unknown.


17. xii. HAZEL ELEANOR DEWITT, b. May 01, 1897, Whitley Co In; d. October 03, 1981, Huntington County, Indiana.

xiii. CLARENCE HERBERT DEWITT, b. August 11, 1910; d. July 07, 1984; m. BERNIECE BUTTERBAUGH, November 14, 1933; b. December 27, 1914; d. July 13, 1983.

Generation No. 13

13. Evelyn Marguerite13 DeWitt (David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born Unknown, and died Unknown. She married Wilbur Etchyson Unknown. He was born Unknown, and died Unknown.

Children of Evelyn DeWitt and Wilbur Etchyson are:



14. Myrtle Lucille13 DeWitt (David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born 1905, and died 1950. She married Herbert Fairchild Unknown. He was born Unknown, and died Unknown.

Child of Myrtle DeWitt and Herbert Fairchild is:

i. DONALD DENE14 FAIRCHILD, b. January 12, 1939; d. April 20, 1939. 15. Velma Naomi13 DeWitt (David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born Unknown, and died Unknown. She married Raymond Webster Unknown. He was born Unknown, and died Unknown.

Child of Velma DeWitt and Raymond Webster is:

i. DOROTHY14 WEBSTER. 16. Raymond Floyd13 DeWitt (David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born December 06, 1895 in South Whitley, Indiana, and died December 07, 1963 in Huntington Co., Indiana. He married Euda Idell Martz December 16, 1916 in Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of John Martz and Augusta Gist. She was born June 01, 1898 in Whitley, Indiana, and died February 05, 1987.

Notes for Raymond Floyd DeWitt:
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 3, Social Security Records: U.S., SS Death Benefit Records, Surnames Beginning with D, Date of Import: April 27, 1996, Internal Ref. #]

Individual: Dewitt, Raymond

Birth date: Dec 6, 1895

Death date: Dec 1963

Social Security #: 315-12-9992

Last residence: IN

State of issue: IN

More About Raymond Floyd DeWitt:
Burial: 1963, IOOF Cemetery Roanoke, Indiana

Fact 1: Last residence: IN

Fact 2: State of issue: IN

Fact 4: Social Security #: 315-12-9992

More About Euda Idell Martz:

Burial: 1987, Buried in IOOF Cemetery Roanoke, Indiana

Children of Raymond DeWitt and Euda Martz are:

18. i. ALICE ELAINE14 DEWITT, b. September 19, 1929 m. Walter Lee McCray

19. ii. EDISON EARL DEWITT, b. March 01, 1923, Roanoke, Indiana; d. March 23, 1996, Roanoke, Indiana.
20. iii. MEREDITH PAUL DEWITT, b. June 15, 1927.

21. iv. EDWIN OLIVER DEWITT, b. October 03, 1919.

22. v. FLOYD ORVILLE DEWITT, b. September 28, 1917.

17. Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt (David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born May 01, 1897 in Whitley Co In, and died October 03, 1981 in Huntington County, Indiana. She married Charles Edward Pressler October 24, 1918 in Whitley Co In. He was born September 23, 1894 in Whitley Co In, and died November 09, 1979 in Huntington County, Indiana.

Notes for Hazel Eleanor DeWitt:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Hazel loved to crochet and sew. She made many quilts over the years and pieced quilt tops for each of her children. She always had a big garden and preserved her own vegetables and fruits. She had a strong Christian faith and attended the Church of God in Huntington, Indiana.

More About Hazel Eleanor DeWitt:
Occupation: Housewife

More About Charles Edward Pressler:

Cause of Death: Stroke

Medical Information: Had throat cancer in 1956, and had his larnyx removed.

Occupation: Worked for the Erie Railroad in Huntigton, Indiana as a crane operator in the yards.

Children of Hazel DeWitt and Charles Pressler are:

23. i. CARRIE VIOLA14 PRESSLER, b. November 08, 1919, Huntington Co In.

24. ii. DON EDWARD PRESSLER, b. January 20, 1921, Huntington Co In.

25. iii. HOMER CLAYTON PRESSLER, b. June 17, 1922, Huntington County, Indiana; d. November 07, 1981, Grant County, Indiana.

26. iv. RICHARD ERVIN PRESSLER, b. July 25, 1925; d. 1998, Huntington Co In.

27. v. PATRICIA JOANN PRESSLER, b. November 06, 1936.

Generation No. 14

18. Alice Elaine14 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 19, 1929. She married Walter McCray Unknown. He was born Unknown.

Children of Alice DeWitt and Walter McCray are:

i. DAVID WILLIAM15 MCCRAY, b. November 02, 1953.

28. ii. DAWN MARIE MCCRAY, b. April 01, 1956.

iii. KELLY DEE MCCRAY, b. January 29, 1960.

iv. KEVIN LEE MCCRAY, b. January 29, 1960.

v. PATRICK GORDON MCCRAY, b. November 13, 1965.

19. Edison Earl14 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born March 01, 1923 in Roanoke, Indiana, and died March 23, 1996 in Roanoke, Indiana. He married Marcelline Jane Meyer October 11, 1942 in Goblesville, Indiana. She was born June 13, 1924 in Huntington Co., Indiana.

Notes for Edison Earl DeWitt:
[Sharon Vanden Bossche,]
More About Edison Earl DeWitt:

Fact 1: Social Security #: 304-20-3711

Fact 2: SS# issued in: Indiana

Fact 4: Last residence ZIP: 46783

Children of Edison DeWitt and Marcelline Meyer are:

29. i. RONALD EARL15 DEWITT, b. January 29, 1944.

30. ii. LINDA ROSE DEWITT, b. October 20, 1945.

31. iii. BRENT ALLISON DEWITT, b. March 18, 1948.

32. iv. GARY WAYNE DEWITT, b. August 30, 1949.

33. v. MICHAEL LEE DEWITT, b. September 01, 1951.

20. Meredith Paul14 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born June 15, 1927. He married Faunia Creamer Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Meredith DeWitt and Faunia Creamer are:

34. i. MARK RANDALL15 DEWITT, b. August 27, 1954.

35. ii. KENT ALLEN DEWITT, b. June 13, 1956.

21. Edwin Oliver14 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 03, 1919. He married Ruth Evelyn Shultz January 25, 1941, daughter of Charles Shultz and Erma Hoover. She was born August 27, 1923 in Lancaster, IN, and died December 22, 1993 in Marion, Indiana (burried in Lancaster, IN).

Children of Edwin DeWitt and Ruth Shultz are:

36. i. PAUL EDWIN15 DEWITT, b. August 21, 1941.

37. ii. LYNN ALLEN DEWITT, b. December 08, 1943, Ohio.

38. iii. JOHN ELDON DEWITT, b. February 17, 1945.

39. iv. SHARON ELAINE DEWITT, b. October 07, 1946.

40. v. KATHY JEANNETTE DEWITT, b. July 15, 1953.

41. vi. STEVEN JOE DEWITT, b. June 10, 1955.

22. Floyd Orville14 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 28, 1917. He married Lucy Grottenthaller Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Floyd DeWitt and Lucy Grottenthaller are:

42. i. FLOYD ORVILLE15 DEWITT, JR., b. December 29, 1944.

43. ii. JOHN STEVEN DEWITT, b. August 24, 1946.

44. iii. LAWRENCE ALLEN DEWITT, b. October 13, 1950.

23. Carrie Viola14 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born November 08, 1919 in Huntington Co In. She married Gilbert Bigler April 16, 1943 in Allen Co In. He was born October 29, 1921.

Children of Carrie Pressler and Gilbert Bigler are:

45. i. KATHLEEN15 BIGLER, b. June 14, 1944.

46. ii. CHARLENE BIGLER, b. April 28, 1947, Huntington Co In.

47. iii. LAWRENCE BIGLER, b. August 13, 1949, Huntington Co In.

24. Don Edward14 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born January 20, 1921 in Huntington Co In. He married Eleanor Fredricks March 21, 1943 in Huntington County, Indiana. She was born June 06, 1925.

Children of Don Pressler and Eleanor Fredricks are:

48. i. RONALD15 PRESSLER, b. October 18, 1943, Huntington Co In.

49. ii. THOMAS PRESSLER, b. March 31, 1946, Huntington Co In.

50. iii. LINDA PRESSLER, b. August 21, 1947, Huntington Co In.

51. iv. CHARLES PRESSLER, b. July 25, 1949, Huntington Co In.

52. v. GREG PRESSLER, b. April 03, 1951, Huntington Co In.

vi. DONNETTE PRESSLER, b. June 16, 1952.

53. vii. DEBBIE PRESSLER, b. October 09, 1953, Huntington Co In.

54. viii. KIM PRESSLER, b. March 29, 1955, Huntington Co In.

55. ix. RANDY PRESSLER, b. October 11, 1958, Huntington Co In.

25. Homer Clayton14 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born June 17, 1922 in Huntington County, Indiana, and died November 07, 1981 in Grant County, Indiana. He married Patricia Jean Ball March 14, 1942 in Huntington County, Indiana. She was born June 26, 1925 in Wabash County, Indiana.

More About Homer Clayton Pressler:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Cause of Death: cancer, kidney and lung.

Military service: Bet. 1942 - 1945, Served in the US Navy. Served in the South Pacific on LST 243

Occupation: Meat cutter

Children of Homer Pressler and Patricia Ball are:

56. i. JOHN CLAYTON15 PRESSLER, b. October 24, 1946, Huntington County, Indiana.

57. ii. PAULA JEAN PRESSLER, b. January 27, 1952, Huntington County, Indiana.

58. iii. DAVID EDWARD PRESSLER, b. July 16, 1957, Huntington County, Indiana.

59. iv. BARBARA ANN PRESSLER, b. November 01, 1961, Wabash County, Indiana.

v. PATRICIA JOAN PRESSLER, b. July 31, 1964, Grant County, Indiana; m. TIMOTHY FIELD, Grant County, Indiana; b. December 24, 1964, Grant County, Indiana.

26. Richard Ervin14 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 25, 1925, and died 1998 in Huntington Co In. He married Bonnie Musselman 1949.

Children of Richard Pressler and Bonnie Musselman are:

60. i. BRUCE15 PRESSLER, b. September 04, 1949, Huntington Co In.

61. ii. BRECK PRESSLER, b. October 29, 1953, Huntington Co In.

27. Patricia Joann14 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born November 06, 1936. She married (1) Don Will May 01, 1954 in Huntington County, Indiana. He was born in Whitley Co Indiana. She married (2) Ned Grodrian November 15, 1969 in Huntington County, Indiana.

Notes for Patricia Joann Pressler:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]

Retired from Square D Company, a manufacturer of electrical parts, Huntington, Indiana in 1996 after 21 years of service.

Children of Patricia Pressler and Don Will are:

i. JAMES15 WILL, b. November 06, 1956, Huntington Co In; d. January 03, 1957, Huntington Co In.

ii. DANNY WILL, b. November 22, 1959, Huntington Co In.

iii. ANISA WILL, b. September 10, 1968, Huntington Co In.

Generation No. 15

28. Dawn Marie15 McCray (Alice Elaine14 DeWitt, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born April 01, 1956. She married Pascual Ybarra Unknown. He was born Unknown.

More About Dawn Marie McCray:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Divorced: Aft. 1980

Children of Dawn McCray and Pascual Ybarra are:

i. COURTNEY ALLISON16 YBARRA, b. November 16, 1978.

ii. CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH YBARRA, b. October 21, 1980.

29. Ronald Earl15 DeWitt (Edison Earl14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born January 29, 1944. He married Janet Overholtz Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Ronald DeWitt and Janet Overholtz are:

i. MICHELLE RENEE16 DEWITT, b. January 28, 1968.

ii. MATTHEW RAY DEWITT, b. December 04, 1971.

iii. BETH ANNE DEWITT, b. May 13, 1975.

30. Linda Rose15 DeWitt (Edison Earl14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 20, 1945. She married Joseph Weaver Unknown. He was born Unknown.

More About Linda Rose DeWitt:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Divorced: Aft. 1969

Child of Linda DeWitt and Joseph Weaver is:

i. BRIAN JOSEPH16 WEAVER, b. August 07, 1969. 31. Brent Allison15 DeWitt (Edison Earl14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born March 18, 1948. He married Kathy Johnston Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Brent DeWitt and Kathy Johnston are:

i. JEREMY LYN16 DEWITT, b. June 30, 1974.

ii. WESLEY ALAN DEWITT, b. August 30, 1977.

32. Gary Wayne15 DeWitt (Edison Earl14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 30, 1949. He married Pamela Hamilton Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Gary DeWitt and Pamela Hamilton are:

i. AMY LYN16 DEWITT, b. April 01, 1971.

ii. VICTORIA LEIGH DEWITT, b. August 01, 1975.

33. Michael Lee15 DeWitt (Edison Earl14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 01, 1951. He married Brenda Eckert Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Michael DeWitt and Brenda Eckert are:

i. CHRISTINE ANGELA16 DEWITT, b. December 08, 1971.

ii. COURTNEY ANN DEWITT, b. April 03, 1976.

iii. CANDACE NICOLE DEWITT, b. October 23, 1980.

34. Mark Randall15 DeWitt (Meredith Paul14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 27, 1954. He married Charlene Hulit Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Mark DeWitt and Charlene Hulit are:

i. NICOLE LYNN16 DEWITT, b. June 03, 1976.

ii. BRANDI MARIE DEWITT, b. July 20, 1977.

iii. AARON MATTHEW DEWITT, b. September 20, 1980.

35. Kent Allen15 DeWitt (Meredith Paul14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born June 13, 1956. He married Joan Bartels Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Kent DeWitt and Joan Bartels are:

i. WILLIAM PAUL16 DEWITT, b. June 25, 1978.

ii. TONYA JO DEWITT, b. August 24, 1981.

36. Paul Edwin15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 21, 1941. He married Janet Helen Wall Unknown in Indiana. She was born Unknown.

Children of Paul DeWitt and Janet Wall are:

i. JULIE ANN16 DEWITT, b. August 08, 1967.

62. ii. STEVEN PAUL DEWITT, b. July 13, 1971.

37. Lynn Allen15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born December 08, 1943 in Ohio. He married (1) Faith Pauline Myers December 18, 1964 in Grant County, IN, daughter of Charlie Myers and Betty Lawson. She was born September 20, 1947 in Miami County, Indiana. He married (2) Ann Marie Lalchen May 20, 1991 in Cook County, IL. She was born December 10, 1960 in Port of Spian, Trinidad and Tabago.

Children of Lynn DeWitt and Faith Myers are:

i. JAMES STANLEY16 DEWITT, b. May 23, 1966, Marion, Indiana.

63. ii. THOMAS RAY DEWITT, b. May 10, 1968, Marion, Indiana.

64. iii. TIMOTHY PAUL DEWITT, b. February 28, 1973, Miami County, IN.

Child of Lynn DeWitt and Ann Lalchen is: iv. MICHAEL LYNN16 DEWITT, b. February 25, 1992, Cook County, IL. 38. John Eldon15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born February 17, 1945. He married Rebecca Jeab Riley Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of John DeWitt and Rebecca Riley are:

65. i. TRISHA JEAN16 DEWITT, b. May 03, 1966.

ii. TOBY JOHN DEWITT, b. August 12, 1971; m. TONYA MCMULLIN, Unknown; b. Unknown.

39. Sharon Elaine15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 07, 1946. She married Marvin Dean Brown Unknown. He was born Unknown.

Children of Sharon DeWitt and Marvin Brown are:

i. LISA RENE16 BROWN, b. October 06, 1966; m. JON HUDSON, Unknown; b. Unknown.

ii. DIANA KAY BROWN, b. January 13, 1971.

iii. DEBORAH ELAINE BROWN, b. January 02, 1975.

40. Kathy Jeannette15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 15, 1953. She married Richard Allen Street Unknown. He was born Unknown.

Children of Kathy DeWitt and Richard Street are:

i. AARON JEFFREY16 STREET, b. March 06, 1975.

ii. BRIAN RICHARD STREET, b. March 06, 1975.

iii. DAVID ALLEN STREET, b. June 07, 1977.

iv. LORI CATHERINE STREET, b. September 17, 1979.

41. Steven Joe15 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born June 10, 1955. He married (1) Robin Truman Watters Aft. 1986. She was born Unknown. He married (2) Pamela Gail Walls Unknown. She was born Unknown.

More About Steven Joe DeWitt:
Divorced: Aft. 1986, Indiana

Children of Steven DeWitt and Pamela Walls are:

i. KYLE STEVEN16 DEWITT, b. May 24, 1979.

ii. BRADLEY JOEL DEWITT, b. September 08, 1982.

42. Floyd Orville15 DeWitt, Jr. (Floyd Orville14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born December 29, 1944. He married Cherie Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Floyd DeWitt and Cherie are:

i. COREY EDWARD16 DEWITT, b. August 21, 1976.

ii. CURTIS NOEL DEWITT, b. May 21, 1979.

43. John Steven15 DeWitt (Floyd Orville14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 24, 1946. He married Marsha Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of John DeWitt and Marsha are:

i. ERIN ELIZABETH16 DEWITT, b. June 24, 1976.

ii. STEPHANIE DEWITT, b. September 29, 1978.

iii. CATHRYN JO NELL DEWITT, b. September 29, 1978.

44. Lawrence Allen15 DeWitt (Floyd Orville14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 13, 1950. He married Robin Gable Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Children of Lawrence DeWitt and Robin Gable are:

i. HANNAH BESS16 DEWITT, b. September 14, 1976.

ii. MOLLY ELLEN DEWITT, b. January 14, 1979.

45. Kathleen15 Bigler (Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born June 14, 1944. She married (1) Larry Steele October 10, 1959. She married (2) Johnny Lines August 1976.

Children of Kathleen Bigler and Larry Steele are:

66. i. KRISTIE16 STEELE, b. November 16, 1960.

67. ii. PENNY STEELE, b. May 11, 1962.

68. iii. HAROLD STEELE, b. March 01, 1964.

Child of Kathleen Bigler and Johnny Lines is: iv. SAMANTHA16 LINES, b. November 13, 1977. 46. Charlene15 Bigler (Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born April 28, 1947 in Huntington Co In. She met (1) Unknown. She married (2) Mance Bolding May 27, 1967 in Divorced before 1990.

Child of Charlene Bigler and Unknown is:

i. DREW16 BOLDING, b. April 25, 1983. Child of Charlene Bigler and Mance Bolding is: ii. TODD16 BOLDING, b. June 11, 1968, Huntington Co In. 47. Lawrence15 Bigler (Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 13, 1949 in Huntington Co In. He married Carol Circle July 13, 1968. She was born July 05, 1950 in Huntington Co In.

Children of Lawrence Bigler and Carol Circle are:

i. CAMMY JO16 BIGLER, b. December 30, 1970.

69. ii. TANYA LYNN BIGLER, b. January 16, 1974, Huntington Co In.

iii. JOEL BIGLER, b. May 22, 1987.

48. Ronald15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 18, 1943 in Huntington Co In. He married Nina Wilson.

Children of Ronald Pressler and Nina Wilson are:

i. DOUG16 PRESSLER, b. December 09, 1965, Huntington Co In.

ii. HEATH PRESSLER, b. December 22, 1966, Huntington Co In.

iii. ANGIE PRESSLER, b. October 11, 1971, Huntington Co In.

iv. NICOLE PRESSLER, b. July 08, 1975, Huntington Co In.

49. Thomas15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born March 31, 1946 in Huntington Co In. He married Sue Crago.

Child of Thomas Pressler and Sue Crago is:

i. JEFFREY16 PRESSLER, b. October 29, 1971, Huntington Co In. 50. Linda15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 21, 1947 in Huntington Co In. She married Jerry Harris.

Children of Linda Pressler and Jerry Harris are:

i. TROY16 HARRIS, b. January 19, 1967, Huntington Co In; d. January 31, 1984.

ii. TODD HARRIS, b. August 19, 1969, Huntington Co In; d. January 14, 1976.

iii. CARRIE HARRIS, b. December 17, 1976, Huntington Co In; d. December 17, 1976.

51. Charles15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 25, 1949 in Huntington Co In. He married Gail Shenefield.

Children of Charles Pressler and Gail Shenefield are:

i. MANDA16 PRESSLER, b. January 1974, Huntington Co In.

ii. CHAD PRESSLER, b. January 11, 1979, Huntington Co In.

52. Greg15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born April 03, 1951 in Huntington Co In. He married Rochelle Weinley.

Children of Greg Pressler and Rochelle Weinley are:

i. ADAM16 PRESSLER, b. September 29, 1972, Huntington Co In.

ii. MIKE PRESSLER, b. May 05, 1978, Huntington Co In; d. April 05, 1993.

iii. RACHEL PRESSLER, b. August 17, 1982.

iv. STAR PRESSLER, b. December 24, 1985.

53. Debbie15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 09, 1953 in Huntington Co In. She married Jan Shenefield.

Children of Debbie Pressler and Jan Shenefield are:

i. TOBY16 SHENEFIELD, b. April 28, 1971, Huntington Co In.

ii. BILLIE JO SHENEFIELD, b. September 23, 1974, Huntington Co In.

54. Kim15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born March 29, 1955 in Huntington Co In. He married Lois Johnson.

Children of Kim Pressler and Lois Johnson are:

i. AMY16 PRESSLER, b. March 07, 1974, Huntington Co In.

ii. CORY PRESSLER, b. May 24, 1975, Huntington Co In.

55. Randy15 Pressler (Don Edward14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 11, 1958 in Huntington Co In. He married Theresa Unknown.

Children of Randy Pressler and Theresa Unknown are:

i. TRAVIS16 PRESSLER, b. December 17, 1981, Huntington Co In.

ii. CODY LEE PRESSLER, b. May 31, 1987, Huntington Co In.

iii. GARRET GUNNER PRESSLER, b. March 20, 1991, Huntington Co In.

56. John Clayton15 Pressler (Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 24, 1946 in Huntington County, Indiana. He married (1) Fabiola Villarraga December 10, 1967 in Panama Canal Zone. She was born July 09, 1952 in Buga Valley Columbia S. America. He met (2) Tina Caldwell Abt. 1986.

Notes for John Clayton Pressler:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]

John is interested in conservation, and nature studies. His hobby is photography, and has taken many wonderful pictures of birds and plants. He loves country music, especially blue grass, and has collected many of the old recording stars.

More About John Clayton Pressler:
Military service: Served in US Navy from 1966 to 1972, US Coast Gaurd from 1972 to 1978.

Children of John Pressler and Fabiola Villarraga are:

i. CAROL JACQUELINE16 PRESSLER, b. October 07, 1968; d. January 13, 1978, Virginia. More About CAROL JACQUELINE PRESSLER:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]

Burial: 1978, Carol is buried in Florida. When her mother moved to Florida she had Carols body moved also.

Cause of Death: Luekemia

70. ii. ELVIRA PRESSLER, b. February 12, 1971, Maryland.

71. iii. CYNTHIA PRESSLER, b. August 11, 1973, Virginia.

72. iv. JOHN CLAYTON PRESSLER, b. October 21, 1974, Virginia.

Child of John Pressler and Tina Caldwell is: v. MARIAH HAWKE16 CALDWELL, b. November 12, 1988, Tennessee. 57. Paula Jean15 Pressler (Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born January 27, 1952 in Huntington County, Indiana. She married Harley Mitchell Hamilton November 21, 1970 in Grant County, Indiana. He was born December 07, 1949 in Grant Co, Indiana.

Notes for Paula Jean Pressler:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]

Paula was a military wife for more than twenty years. Her hobbies have been working on family genealogy and needlework. After her husbands retirement from the military, they opened a flea market in Gas City, Indiana, and she found she had a talent for business management. She started a gift shop within the market and it is doing very well.

Notes for Harley Mitchell Hamilton:

Enlisted in the Navy Aug 8 1968, boot camp at San Diego, California. Served in California, Florida, Mississippi, Virginia, Great Lakes, Ill, Guam and Diego Garcia. Served on the U.S.S. Wake and the U.S.S. America. Retired in 1991 with the rank of Chief Petty Officer.

More About Harley Mitchell Hamilton:
Military service: Bet. 1968 - 1991, US Navy.

Children of Paula Pressler and Harley Hamilton are:

73. i. ADAM MITCHELL16 HAMILTON, b. September 20, 1971, Grant Co Indiana.

74. ii. MARK CLAYTON HAMILTON, b. July 16, 1973, Pensacola Florida.

58. David Edward15 Pressler (Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 16, 1957 in Huntington County, Indiana. He married (1) Susan L. Kalamanski December 31, 1977 in Las Vegas, Nevada. She was born May 05, 1957 in Hennepin County, Minnesota. He married (2) Kristin Marie Clarke October 10, 1998 in Hennepin County, Minnesota. She was born October 06, 1952 in St. Louis County, Minnesota.

Child of David Pressler and Susan Kalamanski is:

i. BENJAMIN CLAYTON16 PRESSLER, b. July 07, 1983, Anoka County, Minnesota. 59. Barbara Ann15 Pressler (Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born November 01, 1961 in Wabash County, Indiana. She married Michael Lynn Scott November 07, 1981 in Grant County, Indiana. He was born May 28, 1963 in Grant County, Indiana.

Child of Barbara Pressler and Michael Scott is:

i. SHAUN MICHAEL16 SCOTT, b. May 12, 1982, Grant County, Indiana. 60. Bruce15 Pressler (Richard Ervin14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 04, 1949 in Huntington Co In. He married Sandy Barnett December 23, 1967 in Huntington County, Indiana.

Children of Bruce Pressler and Sandy Barnett are:

i. KIMBERLY16 PRESSLER, b. May 17, 1968, Huntington Co In.

ii. WENDIE PRESSLER, b. September 10, 1971, Huntington Co In.

iii. TAMMY PRESSLER, b. September 02, 1974, Huntington Co In.

61. Breck15 Pressler (Richard Ervin14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 29, 1953 in Huntington Co In. He married Barbie Sutton.

Child of Breck Pressler and Barbie Sutton is:

i. KEALY16 PRESSLER, b. July 21, 1985, Huntington Co In.
Generation No. 16

62. Steven Paul16 DeWitt (Paul Edwin15, Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 13, 1971. He married Teresa K. Lane Unknown. She was born Unknown.

Child of Steven DeWitt and Teresa Lane is:

i. MALINDA KAY17 DEWITT, b. September 18, 1988. 63. Thomas Ray16 DeWitt (Lynn Allen15, Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born May 10, 1968 in Marion, Indiana. He married (1) Elizabeth Lea Montgomery 1988 in Polk County, FL. She was born December 31, 1969 in Welsley, MA. He met (2) Candace Isenberg May 26, 1997 in Apopka, FL, daughter of Albert Isenberg and Linda Mojica. She was born August 19, 1980 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Children of Thomas DeWitt and Elizabeth Montgomery are:

i. KEVIN ANDREW17 DEWITT, b. July 23, 1989.

ii. MATTHEW ALLEN DEWITT, b. August 15, 1991.

Child of Thomas DeWitt and Candace Isenberg is: iii. NADIA BELLE17 DEWITT, b. August 23, 1998. 64. Timothy Paul16 DeWitt (Lynn Allen15, Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born February 28, 1973 in Miami County, IN. He married (1) Betty Ann Rosario Vega August 21, 1992 in Cook County, IL, daughter of Esdras Rosario and Rebecca Seaton. She was born September 20, 1973. He married (2) Susan Elisabeth Matthews August 11, 1996 in Cook County, IL, daughter of Michael Mapes and Cynthia Pinnow. She was born August 06, 1969 in Cook County, IL.

More About Timothy Paul DeWitt:
Military service: October 01, 1992, U.S. Army

More About Susan Elisabeth Matthews:
Adoption: September 1969, adopted as infant by Edward & Anita Matthews, Jr.

Child of Timothy DeWitt and Betty Vega is:

i. JONATHAN ANDREW17 DEWITT, b. April 16, 1993, Cumberland County, (Fort Bragg), NC. Child of Timothy DeWitt and Susan Matthews is: ii. ARTHUR EDWARD17 DEWITT, b. March 10, 1999, Orange County, FL. 65. Trisha Jean16 DeWitt (John Eldon15, Edwin Oliver14, Raymond Floyd13, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born May 03, 1966. She married William Young Unknown. He was born Unknown.

Children of Trisha DeWitt and William Young are:

i. ALYSSA17 YOUNG, b. Unknown.

ii. CALEB YOUNG, b. February 18, 1991.

iii. JON YOUNG, b. April 17, 1993.

66. Kristie16 Steele (Kathleen15 Bigler, Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born November 16, 1960. She married Larry Yeakle.

Children of Kristie Steele and Larry Yeakle are:

i. SHANNA17 YEAKLE, b. August 05, 1980.

ii. LUCY YEAKLE, b. October 08, 1981.

iii. MATHEW YEAKLE, b. June 19, 1984.

iv. JASPER YEAKLE, b. May 02, 1997.

67. Penny16 Steele (Kathleen15 Bigler, Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born May 11, 1962. She married Dale Lambert.

Children of Penny York Steele and Dale Lambert are:

i. MELISSA17 LAMBERT, b. February 05, 1982.

ii. ANDREA LAMBERT, b. October 25, 1983.

iii. SABRINA LAMBERT, b. May 15, 1989.

iv. RHIANNON LAMBERT, b. April 22, 1997.

68. Harold16 Steele (Kathleen15 Bigler, Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born March 01, 1964. He married Barbara Unknown.

Child of Harold Steele and Barbara Unknown is:

i. JENNIFER17 STEELE, b. April 03, 1994. 69. Tanya Lynn16 Bigler (Lawrence15, Carrie Viola14 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born January 16, 1974 in Huntington Co In. She married Fred Lange.

Children of Tanya Bigler and Fred Lange are:

i. CASSANDRA17 LANGE, b. May 16, 1996.

ii. AUSTIN LANGE, b. May 27, 1997.

70. Elvira16 Pressler (John Clayton15, Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born February 12, 1971 in Maryland. She married David Jackson December 25, 1988. He was born February 21, 1967 in Pennelis County, Florida.

Children of Elvira Pressler and David Jackson are:

i. ANGELINA CAROL17 JACKSON, b. April 02, 1993, Florida.

ii. ALEXANDRIA JACKSON, b. June 02, 1995, Florida.

71. Cynthia16 Pressler (John Clayton15, Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born August 11, 1973 in Virginia. She met (1) Christopher Paul Abbott.

Child of Cynthia Pressler and Christopher Abbott is:

i. SELINA MARIE17 PRESSLER, b. June 29, 1999, Georgia. Child of Cynthia Pressler is: ii. MADELINE FABIOLA17 PRESSLER, b. October 20, 1991, Florida. 72. John Clayton16 Pressler (John Clayton15, Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born October 21, 1974 in Virginia. He met Jacqueline.

Child of John Pressler and Jacqueline is:

i. BRITTANY17 PRESSLER, b. 1998, Florida. 73. Adam Mitchell16 Hamilton (Paula Jean15 Pressler, Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born September 20, 1971 in Grant Co Indiana. He met (1) Dorothy Battson. She was born January 26, 1972 in Indiana. He married (2) Melissa Joann Cloud February 14, 1994 in Grant County, Indiana. She was born February 06, 1970 in Grant Co Indiana.

More About Adam Mitchell Hamilton:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Education: Graduate of Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana.

Occupation: Accountant

Child of Adam Hamilton and Dorothy Battson is:

i. STEVEN MITCHELL17 HAMILTON, b. February 03, 1992, Grant Co In. Child of Adam Hamilton and Melissa Cloud is: ii. KOURTNEE17 HAMILTON, b. October 16, 1994, Madison Co In. 74. Mark Clayton16 Hamilton (Paula Jean15 Pressler, Homer Clayton14, Hazel Eleanor13 DeWitt, David Oliver12, Isaac Arnold11, Lorenzo10, Isaac9, Peter8, Peter7, Paulus6, Paulus5, Barnet4, Pieter3, Pieter Jansen2 Dewit, Jan1 Dewitt) was born July 16, 1973 in Pensacola Florida. He married Billie Jo Coolman April 23, 1993 in Waukegon Ill. She was born September 09, 1974.

More About Mark Clayton Hamilton:
[DODeWitt.FTW (Pat Pressler,]
Military service: 1994, US Navy.

Children of Mark Hamilton and Billie Coolman are:

i. KAYLA MARIE17 HAMILTON, b. December 18, 1994, Virginia.

ii. KYLE HAMILTON, b. December 04, 1996, Virginia.

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