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Descendants of George Craster

Generation No. 1

1. George1 Craster was born Abt. 1515 in Craster Tower, Northumberland, Eng., and died March 16, 1545/46 in Embledon, Northumberland, End. He married Eleanor Forster. She was born Abt. 1520 in Alderstone, Northumberland, Eng, and died Unknown.

Child of George Craster and Eleanor Forster is:

2. i. EDMUND2 CRASTER, b. 1542, Craster, Northumberland, Eng; d. November 07, 1594, Embleton, Northumberland, Eng..
Generation No. 2

2. Edmund2 Craster (George1) was born 1542 in Craster, Northumberland, Eng, and died November 07, 1594 in Embleton, Northumberland, Eng.. He married Alice Mitford, daughter of Christopher Mitford and Jane. She was born Abt. 1546 in New Castle, Northumberland, Eng, and died September 23, 1597 in England.

Child of Edmund Craster and Alice Mitford is:

3. i. ISABELLE3 CRASTER, b. Abt. 1581, Dustonburgh, Eng; d. Unknown.
Generation No. 3

3. Isabelle3 Craster (Edmund2, George1) was born Abt. 1581 in Dustonburgh, Eng, and died Unknown. She married Luke Ogle 1599 in New Castle Northumberland, Eng, son of Luke Ogle and Unknown. He was born Abt. 1580 in Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng, and died October 29, 1604 in New Castle Northumberland, Eng.

Child of Isabelle Craster and Luke Ogle is:

4. i. HENRY4 OGELL, b. January 1599/00, Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng; d. 1669, Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng.
Generation No. 4

4. Henry4 Ogell (Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born January 1599/00 in Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng, and died 1669 in Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng. He married Jane Forster Abt. 1620 in Morpeth, Northumberland, Eng, daughter of Nicholas Forster. She was born 1601 in Whitehouse, Eng., and died Unknown in England.

Child of Henry Ogell and Jane Forster is:

5. i. JOHN5 OGELL, b. November 25, 1621, Morpeth, Northumberland, Eng; d. 1686, Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng.
Generation No. 5

5. John5 Ogell (Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born November 25, 1621 in Morpeth, Northumberland, Eng, and died 1686 in Eglingham, Northumberland, Eng. He married Eleanor Pringle Abt. 1643 in Berick Upon Tweed, Northumberland, Eng, daughter of Robert Pringle and Unknown. She was born Abt. 1625 in Stitchell, Scotland, and died 1736 in Northumberland, Eng.

Child of John Ogell and Eleanor Pringle is:

6. i. JOHN6 OGELL, b. September 30, 1644, Berick Upon Tweed, Northu. Eng; d. March 18, 1685/86, Wilmington, New Castle Delaware.
Generation No. 6

6. John6 Ogell (John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born September 30, 1644 in Berick Upon Tweed, Northu. Eng, and died March 18, 1685/86 in Wilmington, New Castle Delaware. He married Elizabeth Wollaston 1667 in New Castle Co Delaware. She was born Abt. 1651 in Northumberland, Eng, and died 1713.

More About John Ogell:
Christening: September 30, 1649, Berick Upon Tweed, Northu. Eng

Child of John Ogell and Elizabeth Wollaston is:

7. i. JOHN7 OGLE, b. Abt. 1674, New Castle Co Delaware; d. Abt. 1720, Ogletown, New Castle Delaware.
Generation No. 7

7. John7 Ogle (John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Abt. 1674 in New Castle Co Delaware, and died Abt. 1720 in Ogletown, New Castle Delaware. He married Elizabeth Graham Harris Abt. 1691 in New Castle Co Delaware. She was born Abt. 1670 in Ogletown New Castle Co Delaware, and died Unknown.

Child of John Ogle and Elizabeth Harris is:

8. i. JOHN8 OGLE, b. Abt. 1690, New Castle Co Delaware; d. 1741, Lancaster Co Pa.
Generation No. 8

8. John8 Ogle (John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Abt. 1690 in New Castle Co Delaware, and died 1741 in Lancaster Co Pa. He married Mary Elizabeth Robinson 1718 in New Castle Co Delaware. She was born Abt. 1700 in Lancaster Co Pa, and died 1743.

Child of John Ogle and Mary Robinson is:

9. i. THOMAS9 OGLE, b. July 25, 1721, New Castle Co Delaware; d. Abt. 1802, Carroll Co Va.
Generation No. 9

9. Thomas9 Ogle (John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born July 25, 1721 in New Castle Co Delaware, and died Abt. 1802 in Carroll Co Va. He married Elizabeth Robeson Abt. 1740 in Lancaster Co Pa. She was born Abt. 1725 in New Castle Co Delaware, and died Unknown in Lancaster Co Pa.

Child of Thomas Ogle and Elizabeth Robeson is:

10. i. JAMES10 OGLE, b. October 11, 1755, Va; d. Abt. 1850, Carroll Co Va.
Generation No. 10

10. James10 Ogle (Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born October 11, 1755 in Va, and died Abt. 1850 in Carroll Co Va. He married Hannah Sara Brown. She was born Abt. 1770 in Carroll Co Va, and died Bef. 1823.

Child of James Ogle and Hannah Brown is:

11. i. DAVID11 OGLE, b. December 18, 1799, Carroll Co Va; d. February 28, 1879, Delaware Co In.
Generation No. 11

11. David11 Ogle (James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born December 18, 1799 in Carroll Co Va, and died February 28, 1879 in Delaware Co In. He married Sarah Jennings November 06, 1823 in Grayston Co Va. She was born Abt. 1800, and died 1835 in Delaware Co In.

Child of David Ogle and Sarah Jennings is:

12. i. HANNAH12 OGLE, b. September 10, 1824, VA; d. May 21, 1900, Huntington County, IN.
Generation No. 12

12. Hannah12 Ogle (David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born September 10, 1824 in VA, and died May 21, 1900 in Huntington County, IN. She married Lorenzo DeWitt August 14, 1841 in Deleware County, IN, son of Isaac DeWitt and Rebecca Curmett. He was born 1822 in Kentucky, and died 1864 in Wells Co In.

Children of Hannah Ogle and Lorenzo DeWitt are:

i. ALFRED13 DEWITT, b. Abt. 1841, IN; d. Unknown, \; m. MARGARET ?, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

ii. DAVID DEWITT, b. Abt. 1843; d. Unknown.

iii. NANCY JANE DEWITT, b. Abt. 1847, IN; d. Unknown; m. JOHN CALL, 1868; b. Unknown, Huntington County, IN; d. Unknown.

iv. MARGARET DEWITT, b. Abt. 1848; d. Unknown.

v. CANANN DEWITT, b. Abt. 1849; d. Unknown.

13. vi. ISAAC ARNOLD DEWITT, b. April 26, 1852, IN; d. Unknown.

vii. SARAH C. DEWITT, b. Abt. 1860; d. Unknown.

viii. EMMA DEWITT, b. Abt. 1864; d. Unknown.

ix. ELIJAH DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

Generation No. 13

13. Isaac Arnold13 DeWitt (Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born April 26, 1852 in IN, and died Unknown. He married Sarah Eliza Preston August 24, 1871 in Deleware County, IN, daughter of John Preston and Mary Keisling. She was born May 24, 1852 in IN, and died November 23, 1936 in Camden, Nebraska.

Children of Isaac DeWitt and Sarah Preston are:

14. i. DAVID OLIVER14 DEWITT, b. September 06, 1874, Huntington County, IN; d. March 21, 1951, Allen County, IN.

ii. BERTHA DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. ? DRULY, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

iii. OLIVE DEWITT DEWITT, b. Unknown; d. Unknown; m. ? MCGREGOR, Unknown; b. Unknown; d. Unknown.

Generation No. 14

14. David Oliver14 DeWitt (Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born September 06, 1874 in Huntington County, IN, and died March 21, 1951 in Allen County, IN. He married Cerena Ardesa Cormany December 16, 1894, daughter of William Cormany and Mariah Dinius. She was born April 11, 1876 in Huntington County, IN, and died July 23, 1949 in Allen County, IN.

More About David Oliver DeWitt:
Occupation: Farmer

Children of David DeWitt and Cerena Cormany are:

i. CLIFFORD MONROE15 DEWITT, b. Private; m. ?, Private; b. Private.


iii. HARVEY ELDON DEWITT, b. Private; m. DELVIA, Private; b. Private.

iv. LAWRENCE DEWITT, b. Private; m. MARY SMITH, Private; b. Private.

16. v. MYRTLE LUCILLE DEWITT, b. Private.

17. vi. VELMA NAOMI DEWITT, b. Private.

vii. VENONA DEWITT, b. Private; m. LAWRENCE SNYDER, Private; b. Private.

18. viii. RAYMOND FLOYD DEWITT, b. December 06, 1895, South Whitley, Indiana; d. December 07, 1963, Huntington Co In.

ix. LAWRENCE ELSWORTH DEWITT, d. March 21, 1978; m. MARY UNKNOWN, Private; b. Private.

x. SARAH JANE OLIVE DEWITT, b. Private; m. (1) UNKNOWN LOE, Private; b. Private; m. (2) ELZIE LOWE, Private; b. Private; m. (3) HARLEY MARTZ, Private; b. Private.

xi. BERTHA VENONA DEWITT, b. Private; m. PETE SNIDER, Private; b. Private.

19. xii. HAZEL ELEANOR DEWITT, b. May 01, 1897, Whitley Co In; d. October 03, 1981, Huntington County, Indiana.

xiii. CLARENCE HERBERT DEWITT, b. August 11, 1910; d. July 07, 1984; m. BERNIECE BUTTERBAUGH, November 14, 1933; b. December 27, 1914; d. July 13, 1983.

Generation No. 15

15. Evelyn Marguerite15 DeWitt (David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Wilbur Etchyson Private. He was born Private.

Children of Evelyn DeWitt and Wilbur Etchyson are:

i. DORIS16 ETCHYSON, b. Private.

ii. MARILYN ETCHYSON, b. Private.

16. Myrtle Lucille15 DeWitt (David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Herbert Fairchild Private. He was born Private.

Child of Myrtle DeWitt and Herbert Fairchild is:

i. DONALD DENE16 FAIRCHILD, b. January 12, 1939; d. April 20, 1939. 17. Velma Naomi15 DeWitt (David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Raymond Webster Private. He was born Private.

Child of Velma DeWitt and Raymond Webster is:

i. DOROTHY16 WEBSTER, b. Private. 18. Raymond Floyd15 DeWitt (David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born December 06, 1895 in South Whitley, Indiana, and died December 07, 1963 in Huntington Co In. He married Euda Idell Martz December 16, 1916 in Whitley County, IN, daughter of John Martz and Augusta Gist. She was born June 01, 1898, and died February 05, 1987 in Buried in IOOF Cemetery Roanoke, Indiana.

Notes for Raymond Floyd DeWitt:
[Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 3, Social Security Records: U.S., SS Death Benefit Records, Surnames Beginning with D, Date of Import: April 27, 1996, Internal Ref. #]
Individual: Dewitt, Raymond
Birth date: Dec 6, 1895
Death date: Dec 1963
Social Security #: 315-12-9992
Last residence: IN
State of issue: IN

More About Raymond Floyd DeWitt:
Fact 1: Last residence: IN
Fact 2: State of issue: IN
Fact 4: Social Security #: 315-12-9992

Children of Raymond DeWitt and Euda Martz are:

20. i. ALICE ELAINE16 DEWITT, b. Private.

21. ii. EDISON EARL DEWITT, b. March 01, 1923, Roanoke, Indiana; d. March 23, 1996, Roanoke, Indiana.

22. iii. MEREDITH PAUL DEWITT, b. Private.

23. iv. EDWIN OLIVER DEWITT, b. Private.

24. v. FLOYD ORVILLE DEWITT, b. Private.

vi. ELAINE DEWITT, b. Private; m. UNKNOWN MCCREARY, Private; b. Private.

vii. PAUL DEWITT, b. Private.

19. Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt (David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born May 01, 1897 in Whitley Co In, and died October 03, 1981 in Huntington County, Indiana. She married (1) Charles Edward Pressler October 24, 1918 in Whitley Co In. He was born September 23, 1894 in Whitley Co In, and died November 09, 1979 in Huntington County, Indiana. She married (2) Charles Pressler Unknown. He was born Unknown, and died Unknown.

Notes for Hazel Eleanor DeWitt:
Hazel loved to crochet and sew. She made many quilts over the years and pieced quilt tops for each of her children. She always had a big garden and preserved her own vegetables and fruits. She had a strong Christian faith and attended the Church of God in Huntington, Indiana.

More About Hazel Eleanor DeWitt:
Occupation: Housewife
More About Charles Edward Pressler:
Cause of Death: Stroke
Medical Information: Had throat cancer in 1956, and had his larnyx removed.
Occupation: Worked for the Erie Railroad in Huntigton, Indiana as a crane operator in the yards.

Children of Hazel DeWitt and Charles Pressler are:

25. i. CARRIE VIOLA16 PRESSLER, b. Private.

26. ii. DON EDWARD PRESSLER, b. Private.

27. iii. HOMER CLAYTON PRESSLER, b. June 17, 1922, Huntington County, Indiana; d. November 07, 1981, Grant County, Indiana.

28. iv. RICHARD ERVIN PRESSLER, b. July 25, 1925; d. 1998, Huntington Co In.


Generation No. 16

20. Alice Elaine16 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Walter McCray Private. He was born Private.

Children of Alice DeWitt and Walter McCray are:

i. DAVID WILLIAM17 MCCRAY, b. Private.

30. ii. DAWN MARIE MCCRAY, b. Private.

iii. KELLY DEE MCCRAY, b. Private.

iv. KEVIN LEE MCCRAY, b. Private.


21. Edison Earl16 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born March 01, 1923 in Roanoke, Indiana, and died March 23, 1996 in Roanoke, Indiana. He met Marcelline Jane Meyer Private. She was born Private.

Notes for Edison Earl DeWitt:
More About Edison Earl DeWitt:
Fact 1: Social Security #: 304-20-3711
Fact 2: SS# issued in: Indiana
Fact 4: Last residence ZIP: 46783

Children of Edison DeWitt and Marcelline Meyer are:

31. i. RONALD EARL17 DEWITT, b. Private.

32. ii. LINDA ROSE DEWITT, b. Private.

33. iii. BRENT ALLISON DEWITT, b. Private.

34. iv. GARY WAYNE DEWITT, b. Private.

35. v. MICHAEL LEE DEWITT, b. Private.

22. Meredith Paul16 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Faunia Creamer Private. She was born Private.

Children of Meredith DeWitt and Faunia Creamer are:

36. i. MARK RANDALL17 DEWITT, b. Private.

37. ii. KENT ALLEN DEWITT, b. Private.

23. Edwin Oliver16 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Ruth Evelyn Shultz Private, daughter of Charles Shultz and Erma Hoover. She was born August 27, 1923 in Lancaster, IN, and died December 22, 1993 in Marion, Indiana (burried in Lancaster, IN).

Children of Edwin DeWitt and Ruth Shultz are:

38. i. PAUL EDWIN17 DEWITT, b. Private.

39. ii. LYNN ALLEN DEWITT, b. Private.

40. iii. JOHN ELDON DEWITT, b. Private.

41. iv. SHARON ELAINE DEWITT, b. Private.

42. v. KATHY JEANNETTE DEWITT, b. Private.

43. vi. STEVEN JOE DEWITT, b. Private.

24. Floyd Orville16 DeWitt (Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Lucy Grottenthaller Private. She was born Private.

Children of Floyd DeWitt and Lucy Grottenthaller are:

44. i. FLOYD ORVILLE17 DEWITT, JR., b. Private.

45. ii. JOHN STEVEN DEWITT, b. Private.

46. iii. LAWRENCE ALLEN DEWITT, b. Private.

25. Carrie Viola16 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Gilbert Bigler Private. He was born Private.

Children of Carrie Pressler and Gilbert Bigler are:

47. i. KATHLEEN17 BIGLER, b. Private.

48. ii. CHARLENE BIGLER, b. Private.

49. iii. LAWRENCE BIGLER, b. Private.

26. Don Edward16 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Eleanor Fredricks Private. She was born Private.

Children of Don Pressler and Eleanor Fredricks are:

50. i. RONALD17 PRESSLER, b. Private.

51. ii. THOMAS PRESSLER, b. Private.

52. iii. LINDA PRESSLER, b. Private.

53. iv. CHARLES PRESSLER, b. Private.

54. v. GREG PRESSLER, b. Private.

vi. DONNETTE PRESSLER, b. Private.

55. vii. DEBBIE PRESSLER, b. Private.

56. viii. KIM PRESSLER, b. Private.

57. ix. RANDY PRESSLER, b. Private.

27. Homer Clayton16 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born June 17, 1922 in Huntington County, Indiana, and died November 07, 1981 in Grant County, Indiana. He met Patricia Jean Ball Private. She was born Private.

More About Homer Clayton Pressler:
Cause of Death: cancer, kidney and lung.
Military service: Bet. 1942 - 1945, Served in the US Navy. Served in the South Pacific on LST 243
Occupation: Meat cutter

Children of Homer Pressler and Patricia Ball are:

58. i. JOHN CLAYTON17 PRESSLER, b. Private.

59. ii. PAULA JEAN PRESSLER, b. Private.

60. iii. DAVID EDWARD PRESSLER, b. Private.

61. iv. BARBARA ANN PRESSLER, b. Private.

v. PATRICIA JOAN PRESSLER, b. Private; m. TIMOTHY FIELD, Private; b. Private.

28. Richard Ervin16 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born July 25, 1925, and died 1998 in Huntington Co In. He met Bonnie Musselman Private. She was born Private.

Children of Richard Pressler and Bonnie Musselman are:

62. i. BRUCE17 PRESSLER, b. Private.

63. ii. BRECK PRESSLER, b. Private.

29. Patricia Joann16 Pressler (Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met (1) Don Will Private. He was born Private. She met (2) Ned Grodrian Private. He was born Private.

Children of Patricia Pressler and Don Will are:

i. JAMES17 WILL, b. November 06, 1956, Huntington Co In; d. January 03, 1957, Huntington Co In.

ii. DANNY WILL, b. Private.

iii. ANISA WILL, b. Private.

Generation No. 17

30. Dawn Marie17 McCray (Alice Elaine16 DeWitt, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Pascual Ybarra Private. He was born Private.

Children of Dawn McCray and Pascual Ybarra are:



31. Ronald Earl17 DeWitt (Edison Earl16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Janet Overholtz Private. She was born Private.

Children of Ronald DeWitt and Janet Overholtz are:


ii. MATTHEW RAY DEWITT, b. Private.

iii. BETH ANNE DEWITT, b. Private.

32. Linda Rose17 DeWitt (Edison Earl16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Joseph Weaver Private. He was born Private.

Child of Linda DeWitt and Joseph Weaver is:

i. BRIAN JOSEPH18 WEAVER, b. Private. 33. Brent Allison17 DeWitt (Edison Earl16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Kathy Johnston Private. She was born Private.

Children of Brent DeWitt and Kathy Johnston are:

i. JEREMY LYN18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. WESLEY ALAN DEWITT, b. Private.

34. Gary Wayne17 DeWitt (Edison Earl16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Pamela Hamilton Private. She was born Private.

Children of Gary DeWitt and Pamela Hamilton are:

i. AMY LYN18 DEWITT, b. Private.


35. Michael Lee17 DeWitt (Edison Earl16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Brenda Eckert Private. She was born Private.

Children of Michael DeWitt and Brenda Eckert are:


ii. COURTNEY ANN DEWITT, b. Private.


36. Mark Randall17 DeWitt (Meredith Paul16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Charlene Hulit Private. She was born Private.

Children of Mark DeWitt and Charlene Hulit are:

i. NICOLE LYNN18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. BRANDI MARIE DEWITT, b. Private.

iii. AARON MATTHEW DEWITT, b. Private.

37. Kent Allen17 DeWitt (Meredith Paul16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Joan Bartels Private. She was born Private.

Children of Kent DeWitt and Joan Bartels are:

i. WILLIAM PAUL18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. TONYA JO DEWITT, b. Private.

38. Paul Edwin17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Janet Helen Wall Private. She was born Private.

Children of Paul DeWitt and Janet Wall are:

i. JULIE ANN18 DEWITT, b. Private.

64. ii. STEVEN PAUL DEWITT, b. Private.

39. Lynn Allen17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Faith Pauline Myers Private, daughter of Charlie Myers and Betty Lawson. She was born Private. He met (2) Ann Marie Lalchen Private. She was born Private.

Children of Lynn DeWitt and Faith Myers are:

i. JAMES STANLEY18 DEWITT, b. Private.

65. ii. THOMAS RAY DEWITT, b. Private.

66. iii. TIMOTHY PAUL DEWITT, b. Private.

Child of Lynn DeWitt and Ann Lalchen is: iv. MICHAEL LYNN18 DEWITT, b. Private. 40. John Eldon17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Rebecca Jeab Riley Private. She was born Private.

Children of John DeWitt and Rebecca Riley are:

67. i. TRISHA JEAN18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. TOBY JOHN DEWITT, b. Private; m. TONYA MCMULLIN, Private; b. Private.

41. Sharon Elaine17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Marvin Dean Brown Private. He was born Private.

Children of Sharon DeWitt and Marvin Brown are:

i. LISA RENE18 BROWN, b. Private; m. JON HUDSON, Private; b. Private.

ii. DIANA KAY BROWN, b. Private.

iii. DEBORAH ELAINE BROWN, b. Private.

42. Kathy Jeannette17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Richard Allen Street Private. He was born Private.

Children of Kathy DeWitt and Richard Street are:

i. AARON JEFFREY18 STREET, b. Private.


iii. DAVID ALLEN STREET, b. Private.


43. Steven Joe17 DeWitt (Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Robin Truman Watters Private. She was born Private. He met (2) Pamela Gail Walls Private. She was born Private.

Children of Steven DeWitt and Pamela Walls are:

i. KYLE STEVEN18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. BRADLEY JOEL DEWITT, b. Private.

44. Floyd Orville17 DeWitt, Jr. (Floyd Orville16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Cherie Private. She was born Private.

Children of Floyd DeWitt and Cherie are:

i. COREY EDWARD18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. CURTIS NOEL DEWITT, b. Private.

45. John Steven17 DeWitt (Floyd Orville16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Marsha Private. She was born Private.

Children of John DeWitt and Marsha are:


ii. STEPHANIE DEWITT, b. Private.

iii. CATHRYN JO NELL DEWITT, b. Private.

46. Lawrence Allen17 DeWitt (Floyd Orville16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Robin Gable Private. She was born Private.

Children of Lawrence DeWitt and Robin Gable are:

i. HANNAH BESS18 DEWITT, b. Private.

ii. MOLLY ELLEN DEWITT, b. Private.

47. Kathleen17 Bigler (Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met (1) Larry Steele Private. He was born Private. She met (2) Johnny Lines Private. He was born Private.

Children of Kathleen Bigler and Larry Steele are:

68. i. KRISTIE18 STEELE, b. Private.

69. ii. PENNY STEELE, b. Private.

70. iii. HAROLD STEELE, b. Private.

Child of Kathleen Bigler and Johnny Lines is: iv. SAMANTHA18 LINES, b. Private. 48. Charlene17 Bigler (Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met (1) Unknown Private. He was born Private. She met (2) Mance Bolding Private. He was born Private.

Child of Charlene Bigler and Unknown is:

i. DREW18 BOLDING, b. Private. Child of Charlene Bigler and Mance Bolding is: ii. TODD18 BOLDING, b. Private. 49. Lawrence17 Bigler (Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Carol Circle Private. She was born Private.

Children of Lawrence Bigler and Carol Circle are:

i. CAMMY JO18 BIGLER, b. Private.

71. ii. TANYA LYNN BIGLER, b. Private.

iii. JOEL BIGLER, b. Private.

50. Ronald17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Nina Wilson Private. She was born Private.

Children of Ronald Pressler and Nina Wilson are:

i. DOUG18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. HEATH PRESSLER, b. Private.

iii. ANGIE PRESSLER, b. Private.

iv. NICOLE PRESSLER, b. Private.

51. Thomas17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Sue Crago Private. She was born Private.

Child of Thomas Pressler and Sue Crago is:

i. JEFFREY18 PRESSLER, b. Private. 52. Linda17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Jerry Harris Private. He was born Private.

Children of Linda Pressler and Jerry Harris are:

i. TROY18 HARRIS, b. January 19, 1967, Huntington Co In; d. January 31, 1984.

ii. TODD HARRIS, b. August 19, 1969, Huntington Co In; d. January 14, 1976.

iii. CARRIE HARRIS, b. December 17, 1976, Huntington Co In; d. December 17, 1976.

53. Charles17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Gail Shenefield Private. She was born Private.

Children of Charles Pressler and Gail Shenefield are:

i. MANDA18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. CHAD PRESSLER, b. Private.

54. Greg17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Rochelle Weinley Private. She was born Private.

Children of Greg Pressler and Rochelle Weinley are:

i. ADAM18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. MIKE PRESSLER, b. May 05, 1978, Huntington Co In; d. April 05, 1993.

iii. RACHEL PRESSLER, b. Private.

iv. STAR PRESSLER, b. Private.

55. Debbie17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Jan Shenefield Private. He was born Private.

Children of Debbie Pressler and Jan Shenefield are:

i. TOBY18 SHENEFIELD, b. Private.


56. Kim17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Lois Johnson Private. She was born Private.

Children of Kim Pressler and Lois Johnson are:

i. AMY18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. CORY PRESSLER, b. Private.

57. Randy17 Pressler (Don Edward16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Theresa Unknown Private. She was born Private.

Children of Randy Pressler and Theresa Unknown are:

i. TRAVIS18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. CODY LEE PRESSLER, b. Private.


58. John Clayton17 Pressler (Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Fabiola Villarraga Private. She was born Private. He met (2) Tina Caldwell Private. She was born Private.

Children of John Pressler and Fabiola Villarraga are:

i. CAROL JACQUELINE18 PRESSLER, b. October 07, 1968; d. January 13, 1978, Virginia. More About CAROL JACQUELINE PRESSLER:
Burial: 1978, Carol is buried in Florida. When her mother moved to Florida she had Carols body moved also.
Cause of Death: Luekemia 72. ii. ELVIRA PRESSLER, b. Private.

73. iii. CYNTHIA PRESSLER, b. Private.

74. iv. JOHN CLAYTON PRESSLER, b. Private.

Child of John Pressler and Tina Caldwell is: v. MARIAH HAWKE18 CALDWELL, b. Private. 59. Paula Jean17 Pressler (Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Harley Mitchell Hamilton Private. He was born Private.

Children of Paula Pressler and Harley Hamilton are:

75. i. ADAM MITCHELL18 HAMILTON, b. Private.

76. ii. MARK CLAYTON HAMILTON, b. Private.

60. David Edward17 Pressler (Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Susan L. Kalamanski Private. She was born Private. He met (2) Kristin Marie Clarke Private. She was born Private.

Child of David Pressler and Susan Kalamanski is:

i. BENJAMIN CLAYTON18 PRESSLER, b. Private. 61. Barbara Ann17 Pressler (Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Michael Lynn Scott Private. He was born Private.

Child of Barbara Pressler and Michael Scott is:

i. SHAUN MICHAEL18 SCOTT, b. Private. 62. Bruce17 Pressler (Richard Ervin16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Sandy Barnett Private. She was born Private.

Children of Bruce Pressler and Sandy Barnett are:

i. KIMBERLY18 PRESSLER, b. Private.

ii. WENDIE PRESSLER, b. Private.

iii. TAMMY PRESSLER, b. Private.

63. Breck17 Pressler (Richard Ervin16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Barbie Sutton Private. She was born Private.

Child of Breck Pressler and Barbie Sutton is:

i. KEALY18 PRESSLER, b. Private.
Generation No. 18

64. Steven Paul18 DeWitt (Paul Edwin17, Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Teresa K. Lane Private. She was born Private.

Child of Steven DeWitt and Teresa Lane is:

i. MALINDA KAY19 DEWITT, b. Private. 65. Thomas Ray18 DeWitt (Lynn Allen17, Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Elizabeth Lea Montgomery Private. She was born Private. He met (2) Candace Isenberg Private, daughter of Albert Isenberg and Linda Mojica. She was born Private.

Children of Thomas DeWitt and Elizabeth Montgomery are:

i. KEVIN ANDREW19 DEWITT, b. Private.


Child of Thomas DeWitt and Candace Isenberg is: iii. NADIA BELLE19 DEWITT, b. Private. 66. Timothy Paul18 DeWitt (Lynn Allen17, Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Betty Ann Rosario Vega Private, daughter of Esdras Rosario and Rebecca Seaton. She was born Private. He met (2) Susan Elisabeth Matthews Private, daughter of Michael Mapes and Cynthia Pinnow. She was born Private.

Child of Timothy DeWitt and Betty Vega is:

i. JONATHAN ANDREW19 DEWITT, b. Private. Child of Timothy DeWitt and Susan Matthews is: ii. ARTHUR EDWARD19 DEWITT, b. Private. 67. Trisha Jean18 DeWitt (John Eldon17, Edwin Oliver16, Raymond Floyd15, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met William Young Private. He was born Private.

Children of Trisha DeWitt and William Young are:

i. ALYSSA19 YOUNG, b. Private.

ii. CALEB YOUNG, b. Private.

iii. JON YOUNG, b. Private.

68. Kristie18 Steele (Kathleen17 Bigler, Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Larry Yeakle Private. He was born Private.

Children of Kristie Steele and Larry Yeakle are:

i. SHANNA19 YEAKLE, b. Private.

ii. LUCY YEAKLE, b. Private.

iii. MATHEW YEAKLE, b. Private.

iv. JASPER YEAKLE, b. Private.

69. Penny18 Steele (Kathleen17 Bigler, Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Dale Lambert Private. He was born Private.

Children of Penny Steele and Dale Lambert are:

i. MELISSA19 LAMBERT, b. Private.

ii. ANDREA LAMBERT, b. Private.

iii. SABRINA LAMBERT, b. Private.

iv. RHIANNON LAMBERT, b. Private.

70. Harold18 Steele (Kathleen17 Bigler, Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Barbara Unknown Private. She was born Private.

Child of Harold Steele and Barbara Unknown is:

i. JENNIFER19 STEELE, b. Private. 71. Tanya Lynn18 Bigler (Lawrence17, Carrie Viola16 Pressler, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met Fred Lange Private. He was born Private.

Children of Tanya Bigler and Fred Lange are:

i. CASSANDRA19 LANGE, b. Private.

ii. AUSTIN LANGE, b. Private.

72. Elvira18 Pressler (John Clayton17, Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met David Jackson Private. He was born Private.

Children of Elvira Pressler and David Jackson are:



73. Cynthia18 Pressler (John Clayton17, Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. She met (1) Christopher Paul Abbott Private. He was born Private.

Child of Cynthia Pressler and Christopher Abbott is:

i. SELINA MARIE19 PRESSLER, b. Private. Child of Cynthia Pressler is: ii. MADELINE FABIOLA19 PRESSLER, b. Private. 74. John Clayton18 Pressler (John Clayton17, Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Jacqueline Private. She was born Private.

Child of John Pressler and Jacqueline is:

i. BRITTANY19 PRESSLER, b. Private. 75. Adam Mitchell18 Hamilton (Paula Jean17 Pressler, Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met (1) Dorothy Battson Private. She was born Private. He met (2) Melissa Joann Cloud Private. She was born Private.

Child of Adam Hamilton and Dorothy Battson is:

i. STEVEN MITCHELL19 HAMILTON, b. Private. Child of Adam Hamilton and Melissa Cloud is: ii. KOURTNEE19 HAMILTON, b. Private. 76. Mark Clayton18 Hamilton (Paula Jean17 Pressler, Homer Clayton16, Hazel Eleanor15 DeWitt, David Oliver14, Isaac Arnold13, Hannah12 Ogle, David11, James10, Thomas9, John8, John7, John6 Ogell, John5, Henry4, Isabelle3 Craster, Edmund2, George1) was born Private. He met Billie Jo Coolman Private. She was born Private.

Children of Mark Hamilton and Billie Coolman are:

i. KAYLA MARIE19 HAMILTON, b. Private.

ii. KYLE HAMILTON, b. Private.

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