I take no responsibility for the accuracy, or lack there of, of any information on these pages. The majority of the information I have on my web site I have obtained from others via the Internet. I always question the validity of the information I've obtained from others; and whenever possible, I ensure that solid sources are provided for each fact. When I first created this web site, I neglected to include source information as end notes for each family report. I hope to update ALL of the pages I have with new information and added sources by the end of May 2002. I have a great deal of new information on my Myers line as well as Lawson and Metzler. I plan to begin my web site updates with these pages as soon as possible. Should you find any errors on my pages, or have any questions or related information to pass along, PLEASE e-mail me at the link provided on the bottom of this and all of my pages.
I would like to offer special thanks to some of the major contributors to my genealogy project: Kathryn DeWitt Gazaway (deceased 2001), Sharon Vanden Bossche, Kriss Roplogle, Pat Pressler, Dixie Able, and Francis Butcher. Without help from these wonderful people, I'd still be trying to find out who my g-g-grandparents are. I soon hope to get a links page up with links to the pages of these people and others who share my ancestral lines.
The following surnames are in my direct ancestry and can
be found in the GEDCOM file listed below them:
Achayrer | Byers | Goodmiller | Huber | Kenreich | Muller | Richert | Weierman |
Bare | Clapper | Guth | Hubere | Kissling | Myers | Scherer | Werner |
Barnett | Cormany | Heaston | Ingold | Kreig | Ogle | Schneeberger | Winkler |
Barth | Crull | Heistand | Jacob | Kreutzer | Osmere | Schneider | Zerbe |
Beaver | DeWitt | Hensel | Jenzer | Lawson | Paul | Shank | Zimmer |
Boogher | Dinius | Herter | Kegley | Martz | Paulus | Shultz | |
Booher | Dohm | Hoffman | Keisling | Metzger | Preston | Snowberger | |
Brumbach | Geist | Hoover | Keller | Metzler | Pretz | Urben | |
Brumbaugh | Goodlander | Houser | Kemper | Miller | Rhodes | Wathkin |
Dewitt.GED File
(1.09 megabytes)
Below is a link to my own ancestry report. This report includes every
known ancestor in my lineage.
Tim DeWitt's Ancestry Report
Using Family Tree Maker 8.0 , I so far have created 18 surname Ancestry Reports. The links to each surname page are below.
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especially those with an interest in genealogy. I am often on-line
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How I Became Addicted To Genealogy
My father reformatted "Grandma D's" information and gave copies to myself and my two brothers. I took it, looked through it, thought it was cool that "Grandma" had documented our ancestry back to the 1700s, and stored the stuff away and forgot about it.
About a year ago, I made an Internet friend who was very much interested in genealogy. She introduced me to Family Tree Maker for Windows 6.0 and I promptly fell in love with the program for its ease of use and wide array of capabilities. It's been about a month since I began using FTW and since then have not only made great strides toward filling in missing information, but I have developed an addiction to the hunt for information.
Below, I've included a few narrative paragraphs that my father wrote about "Grandma DeWitt" (his mother) and her discovery of at least one verifiable ancestor (Nicholas Beaver) who participated in the War for American Independence.
Ruth Evelyn Shultz
(b. 8/27/23 Huntington, Indiana) m. Edwin Oliver DeWitt (b. 10/3/19
Whitley Co, Indiana)
Ruth, the "Grandma" of this cookbook, and Edwin were married on January 25, 1941 in Marion, Indiana. During World War II they resided in Warren, Ohio (Trumbull County) where their oldest children were born. Following the war, they returned to Indiana (Lancaster Township, Huntington County) where their other children were born. In 1960, they moved to Grant County, Indiana.
After this time Ruth became interested in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), finding that at least one verifiable ancestor participated in the war for American Independence, (Nicholas Beaver also "Beiber" or "Beiver") reference being made in DAR Patriot Index, page 48. Ruth became a member of the General Francis Marian chapter of the DAR, later becoming regent (president) of same.
"Grandma" began this genealogy with reference to her great - grandfather, William Beaver Shultz. His mother, Mary Beaver (b. July 9, 1798 in Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania d. Sept 28, 1858) was the daughter of Anthony Beaver and Susanna Clapper (b. April 1775 d. Sept 24, 1849). Anthony Beaver (b. Jan 26, 1761 Huntingdon Co, Pennsylvania d. Sept 7, 1839), was the son of Nicholas Beaver (b. March 8, 1739 in Alsace-Lorraine, France d. March 29, 1812 and is buried near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania) and his wife Mary Wathkin ( b. circa 1740 d. circa 1765). They were married Sept 27, 1757.
Nicholas Beaver's service during the Revolutionary War was as a private 7th class, under Captain Samuel Royer, 8th Battalion of Cumberland County (Pennsylvania) Militia. He also is listed as a Private 7th class, Fifth Company, First Battalion of Cumberland County Militia as of August 1, 1780. Nicholas Beaver would have been Grandma's Great -great -great -great grandfather. 0;i>Ruth was diagnosed as having Ameotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), more commonly known as Lou Gherig's disease, in the fall of 1992. She passed away on December 22, 1993 in the Marion General Hospital, Marion, Indiana, at 11:40 AM.
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