Welcome to my Guestbook!

Victoria Harry - 10/21/00 16:02:38
My Email:vharry@trib.com

I just want to tell you that this is a beautiful site. I love comming here. What a wonderful way to tell someone that you care. Thank you.

Terese W. - 09/18/00 01:47:08
My Email:twinston@indiana.edu
Location: Indiana

The poems were very touching and you have a unique way of expressing yourself. God Bless you and good luck in everything you do!

sis - 08/10/00 22:45:54
My Email:jsiemon@dbscorp.net
Location: Kenton

Still watching count down. Don't forget to e mail Great Aunt Joyce, when the big day gets here. Looking forward to your next creation. By the way where is mine?.

tom - 07/05/00 00:45:43
My Email:toobluesky@cs.com


DDMiss Elegance - 06/04/00 02:15:41
My URL:http://digitaldelilahs


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.

bobby - 05/10/00 03:24:42
My Email:whitedove98@yahoo.com
Location: unknown

i hope u like this .u buddy bobby

Linda Zimmerman - 04/22/00 20:45:42
My Email:huntress_62@hotmail.com

I received the 18 ways to make..... and I really enjoyed the graphics as well as the sayings. Thankyou

Dusty - 04/03/00 20:22:32
My Email:dustdevil1213@yahoo.com
Favorite URL: This One!!
Location: Calif

Hello Luv, Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts with us, You're doing a great job on this site....You're a *VERY SPECIAL PERSON*....I know i've become a better person just from knowing you!!....Ypu'll Always Be In My Heart...**Guess Who Loves You Bab **?? *W*.....(((HUGS)))&***KISSES*** ***LYM*** from Calif.

Jeannie Brader - 03/30/00 08:53:00
My Email:dreamydancer1@hotmail.com

Hello...sorry I dont know what a URL is, I'm kind of new to computers. In a word, your poetry and pictures are absolutely "beautiful"! It was my pleasure to spend time with all that beauty...thanks again, Jeannie Brader

dottie - 03/06/00 00:44:03
My Email:dottie@hmcltd.net

wounderful site

- 02/18/00 04:07:21


Darlene - 02/17/00 14:16:09
My Email:Judideee@cs.com
Favorite URL: The Grandma

I loved "The Grandma". How can I send it to a friend?

DOrothy - 02/15/00 08:16:35
My Email:grn-hornet@webtv.net
Location: kentucky

your pages are beautiful how could i send them to my friends

Sheila - 02/15/00 06:02:56
My Email:sjoel@sympatico.ca
Favorite URL: 1635

excellent site.

SHEILA CAMERON - 02/11/00 22:36:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/purplerose69_1970
My Email:purplerose69_1970@yahoo.com


- 02/08/00 04:47:41


- 02/05/00 02:59:27


Jessica Sheehan - 02/04/00 20:00:27
My Email:Buggbabe88@aol.com
Location: New York

These are truely wonderful!!! =)

lisa breaux - 01/27/00 23:24:40
My Email:wwconlynn@webtv.net
Location: iowa la

i loved the poems send me more please .

DEB - 01/24/00 06:16:32


Lillan - 01/17/00 11:46:40
My Email:ship@online.no


cardshark - 01/12/00 17:30:13
Favorite URL: all of yours
Location: Canada

WOW!!! Nice work Cazz not only are you a real card player, funny and bright, quick witted and so sweet, you have a god given talent for writing what your heart feels. Nice to meet this side of you as well. Hope we can stay in touch!

Ria - 01/01/00 15:40:05
My URL:http://www.heartwarmers4u.com/members?ria
My Email:moxleyslawncare@tcia.net
Favorite URL: too many to choose from!
Location: Virginia

Wow! U are super talented! I have your pages bookmarked now! U have a great site! Keep up the fantastic work! Can I take lessons from u?? LOL your friend, Ria

Pat Bickley - 12/30/99 07:41:46
Location: Aiken SC

very nicely done!!!!!!

martha garcia - 12/12/99 14:26:08
My Email:garcia@ih2000.net


Clowe Odom - 12/12/99 00:52:12
My URL:http://geocities.com
My Email:odomctd@chickasaw.com
Favorite URL: all are wonderful
Location: Ada Oklahoma

This was the most wonderful and refreshing time I have spent in a long time it is all so magnificent. Thanks

DeAnna - 12/10/99 14:51:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Mansion/8628/
My Email:deannarb@hotmail.com
Favorite URL: mine. lol
Location: Indiana

Hi, saw that you signed my guestbook and wanted to return the favor. I'm a lover of poems, so I really enjoyed visiting your site. Keep up the good work. God Bless and take care. Happy Holidays. DeAnna and Bud.

Don and Lita Trace - 12/10/99 13:45:32
My URL:/Nashville/1407/
My Email:ltrace@knology.net
Location: Augusta GA USA

New Page 1


We enjoyed your site.


http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1407/lita.jpg (7088 bytes)


Daphne - 12/09/99 19:33:15
My Email:krazys_gal@hotmail.com


Nancy - 12/02/99 04:09:17
My Email:lnml4@aol.com
Location: Pa.

Your site is beautiful. You did a great job! Have a wonderful holiday season. Hope to see more when I return.

gortagain - 12/02/99 02:53:43
My Email:jimmer212@netzero.net
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

Don't know if you do your own poetry, but it's very nice. Also, loved your choice of "Unchanged Melody". Everyone remembers the Righteous Brothers, but few remember that Ricky Nelson wrote and performed the song, first. In fact, if you check, you will find that the Righteous Brothers re-made many Ricky Nelson songs. Great music ears on their part! See ya! Jim

Sandy DeWitt - 12/01/99 17:07:20
My Email:sdewitt@sunlink.net


Pat - 11/29/99 19:52:59
My Email:ltpat228@aol.com
Favorite URL: Ones like this!!!
Location: South Florida

This was very, very beautiful. Will share with many friends. Thankyou...

daniel whelland dowd - 11/27/99 20:51:59
My URL:http://weeklyHOROSCOPE.com
My Email:daniel@tenthhouse.com
Favorite URL: tenthhouse.com
Location: Buffalo NY

Hi... just thought I'd stop by and say hello!

Jenny - 11/27/99 13:50:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/trails/4456/
My Email:jenny_horses@hotmail.com
Location: Australia

Hey :) This site is amazing!! I was mesmorized my it and your mums (??)!! wow!! keep up the brilliant work!!! :) Love Jen

Thelma - 11/19/99 03:14:11
My Email:tprater@thegrid.net
Favorite URL: all of them!
Location: California!

your pages are beautiful! What a gift you have!

Helen - 11/18/99 20:31:06
My Email:gunmakerwife@hotmail.com


Charlotte Spencer - 11/14/99 21:49:38
Location: Kenton

Well written I have enjoyed your work (or play) very much. Thank you for making it possible for me to read your peoms. This is a surprising and interesting side of you. Keep up the good work!!

Johanne Craig - 11/14/99 18:14:31
My URL:http://www.Johanne.net
My Email:johannec@home.com
Location: Mississauga Ont Canada

Hi, excellent pages you have. I really enjoyed my visit.

mike brown - 11/10/99 16:03:54
My Email:mbrown@wtp.net
Location: billings, mt

great site

Adrian Mathews - 11/09/99 09:19:32
My URL:http://www.iwr.com/christian/
My Email:webmaster@iwr.com
Favorite URL: http://wwwiwr.com/
Location: Oregon

Hello, you have a wonderful website do come by and visit us. We would like to extend an invitation to everyone to come and exchange links, so others can share in your website and while your there do sign our guestbook. Plus we have a super nice offer for anyone anywhere a (FREE Book "Walking In New Life"). God Bless...

Idee - 11/09/99 08:06:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/Playroomz/
My Email:IdeeL@yahoo.com
Location: Fla.

Hi ..Thanks for inviting me to Your site ..Such a Warm and Loving soul:) ..You're Poems touched my heart..Thank you For sharing..Hugs Idee

misty - 11/08/99 10:52:17
My URL:/Heartland/Trail/5107
My Email:tigergirl@ozemail.com.au

I just wanted to say thank you for signing my guestbook I do appreciate it. Your site is so uplifting and you have some beautiful backgrounds - keep up the good work.

WIlliam B. Ford - 11/08/99 05:09:32
My URL:http://www.goti.net/members/gr8ful
My Email:gr8ful@goti.net
Favorite URL: http://www.pricewatch.com
Location: Springfield, VA

Great page, keep on keepin' on. The artwork is fantastic.

Daniel - 11/08/99 01:30:34
My URL:http://home.att.net/~danielrudolf/index.html
My Email:danielrudolf@worldnet.att.net
Favorite URL: You want me to pick one!
Location: San Diego, California, USA


You have a very nice site, enjoyed the poetry. Your doing an excellent job!

learn how to make money while web surfing. Go to ePIPO

So glad I stopped by. Visit my site anytime

Wildechild - 01/18/99 16:25:54
Favorite URL: This one

Pretty bad when a mom makes her son sign her guestbook first eh!!!!! LOL. Thanks Joy for starting this. LOL. I just know that the new years resolution for the next three years will be clearing guestbook names, and guess who will get to teach her how to do that?!?!?!? YOU!!! So good luck in your comming lessons. You have the most computer illeterate student in the world. LOL.

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