Sometimes to love one another is a difficult task, It takes time and commitment and many questions to ask. It can't survive on just loving arms Or weakness or tears, or someone's charm.
Love is like a lyric out of a song, It goes much deeper if you want it to last long. You have to listen with your heart, When you're so far apart.
Take the precious moments, make them last, Try not to look back at mistakes from the past. Take time to discuss the worries and the cares, This in turn will open doorways to share!
Try to walk hand in hand, share a part of your life, For hidden messages left unsaid, can cut like a knife!
Look ahead together and try to be strong, Don't worry about the "who was right and who's wrong" Hold close to you that love, felt in your heart And remember that each day brings a fresh new start!
Be willing to face anything, fight against defeat, And with a Love this strong, will surely feel complete!
All My Love To You Always Cazz
The beautiful Rose was hand drawn by a very talented artist. Thank you Dusty.